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Posts posted by pereira=delgado

  1. Ok so question I was put on an ARD program back in 2006 for theft which resulted in me paying a fine. The case was later on closed and a letter was given to me indicating that I was not convicted of any crime and was told that when asked if I committed any felony/ crime to indicate no. I have nothing else on my record. And my fiance has never been arrested or charged with anything. Will this be a problem for us. He is full aware of this one mistake.....

    The program was for 6 months.

  2. ok so would it be smart to get the dna done before we go to our appt or after they send us?? I new this would be a red flag but since there's nothing to hide I said the hell with it I am gonna to try any way lol. Thanks I guess I am really gonna need the luck.....wish it wasnt so hard the past cant be fixed or changed ;-(

    And sorry about the baby I would have been devastated I cant imagine!

  3. hey batista....question when you stated that the second reason was for divorce for immigration purposes what does that mean?... I was previously married to my ex husband who came to the states on an educational visa and after getting married we filed for his paperwork so they would not deport him but the marriage didnt last long. I filed for divorce in dec 2010 and it was settled by 4/11 and I then filed for my new fiance whom is also from d.r in october...6 months after my divorce went thru. He lives in D.R will this be a problem? We have a baby together as well.

  4. I hope all turns well, sometimes life works in an unexpected way. I know what you are going through. I married back in 2007 to my ex-husband whom is from dominican republic and after 2 yrs of marriage separated. We however didnt divorce right away because of money issues but then I meet my new fiance whom is also from the same place and fell in love I then decided to file for divorce one way or another however it took a few months to finalize and by the time it did I was already flying out to see my fiance and got pregnant during my trip there. I was warned by my attorney that my prior marriage would be a red flag but considering I know whats in my heart and that our relationship is true I decided it was worth the risk especially with the baby and all. My attorney did mention that situations like these have happened in the past and that I should be positive! I wish you and her the best!

  5. I have looked around in reference to what I would like for our wedding, colors, dresses, location, but have def not picked a date because honestly like most have said anything can happen and considering that we want a church wedding it may not be safe to set a date aside and then if he isnt here then I lose that date. I would reccommend looking at wedding decorations, invitations and etc. Things that will help you to know what you want so that the process in planning is easier but dont set a date til he is here!! ;-) Play it safe.

  6. I hope I get my NOA2 soon.....I am so stressed out!! I think I might be going bald! I originally went to see my attorney on 07/05/10 and at that point gave him all proof needed and paid to have my fiance's application submitted. Well he submitted it on 8/19/10 and tothe wrong place and so they stated they never got anything and everything had to be resubmitted on 10/10. I got my reciept date dated for 10/31/10....I was so mad and upset!! Now its been 72 days and nothing!! It has not been touched or anything. I called and complained about my reciept date thinking that if I submitted the certified letter reciepts and postal confirmation they would change the date and get my app moving along but that didnt happen ;-( I only hope I get lucky and hear something soon! Its been really close like 180 days since I applied!!

  7. I agree with everyone else. If possible do it yourself. Had I known what I know now I would have done it myself too. I hired an attorney thinking it was playing safe when it came to my application because I wanted everything to be perfect turns out he held my apllication and all proof I turned the same day I filed for 7 weeks before mailing it in and at that he mailed it to the WRONG LOCATION/ADDRESS!! He then would not return my calls or messages I felt like a complete paparazzi stalking him down for answers. At that he had to resubmitt my application correctly to USCIS on October.....I came to his office in early July. He wouldnt give me any answers I found out about the application wrongfully being submitted after calling, emailing and even writing a personal letter to USCIS!! It was crazy all this and I paid for a complete back up. I was extremely upset. I think you should take everyone's advice and do it yourself. That was you can assure things get done correctly! ;-)

  8. We are only submitting to the embassy and yes I am submitting everything, if they want to read they are more then welcome. But I know for the fact that they will not like they have nothing else to do (plus I do work for them :))

    LOL guess they'll enjoy reading!! alot! Thats so nice that you work for them so that means they know you which could also be positive for you ;-)

  9. So funny cause my fiance doesnt really use the shower head either he uses a bucket full of water and uses a cup to pour the water lol

    I have also seen him do the pants thing where he measures it around his neck and this is how he determines if it fits!!

    I have to say he isnt picky with food but does like ketchup alot haha and he doesnt consider gas station whom have music and beer to be a hangout spot!! Its not a party if you're in a house with tons of people, music, and drinks....cause you're not at a club is what he says.....

    He doesnt like attention but likes to be noticed!! lol what is that?? any where he goes he is always the joker ;-) he is so weird and funny and I love him so much !!!

  10. Well I have a problem with them too if I may say so!! I filed my I129f for my fiance through my Attorney on 08/19/2011 and recieved my reciept letter on 11/02/11 dated for 10/31/11!! I was like what?? I called the USCIS customer service center and indicated that the application reciept date was wrong and they informed me that I would have to provide proof that they recieved my application by the date I was stating so after waiting for my attorney to forward me the copies of the certified mail sent through the US postal service with confirmation stating that they recieved the application at their site in vermont dated 08/19/11 2;50pm; I forwarded this to them and even wrote a letter to the direct department and asking them to take a look into my case as I feared that the wrong date would push my wait time even further back!

    I spoke with a nice lady up in their office twice over the phone and explained that i had forwarded all proof required by them she told me she would make sure all was in deed forwarded and for me to wait for my response. My response from them was according to the information provided we do not have a repsonse for you as the information recieved was not sufficent!!! What else could i possible send?? I have placed several calls and emails but nothing as of yet.

    I was told that VSC has up to at least 6 months before giving back a response in accordance to their decision which means if they dont change my reciept date to the correct date I could be waiting a total of 10 months before hearing anything back! I wish you LUCK!!

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