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Laraib Mohummad

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Status Updates posted by Laraib Mohummad

  1. AP is like being thrown into a black hole... No updates, no deadlines, no info... Just wait and hope:-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laraib Mohummad

      Laraib Mohummad

      Thanks for the supporting words :)

      Hoping to not stay in it forever :)

    3. meno-is-mine


      AP sucks!!! lol hit our 2 month mark yesterday... i pray for all in AP to come out of it soon with approvals inshalla

    4. Maanf2a


      Sabrina.asad Any update ur case ?

  2. More than a month now, still in AP:-[

    1. Swingman_Tomoyo


      what was the reason why they put you on AP?

    2. Laraib Mohummad

      Laraib Mohummad

      No reason:(

      The interveiw went perfect and only last for about 5-7mins. Then the lady said to keep checking the website. :-(

    3. meno-is-mine


      Swingman_Tomoyo: there aren't specific reasons to be put in AP... most MENA men (and some women) get placed in as part of standard processing... it is expected, but still sucks!!!

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