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Posts posted by batista1880

  1. Once the deny u base on married for immigration purposes they automatically add the misrepresentation because they already think it is fraud so every document they have is considered misrep I was denied for the same reasons but when my case was sent to USCIS they only left married for immigration purposes only, and my interview was back in march and my case was reaffirmed and sent back to the NVC but we r now in the process of a divorce, so dont stress urself out take a day at a time consult with ur congressman and just take it from there Best of luck :)

  2. I am going thru the same things as u both r and yesterday i received a letter from the embassy stating my case was sent back the second week of April and my interview was in March DOS confirmed also that case was sent back and now USCIS states that once case is updated in there system it takes 120 days to get a decision so its going to be a long wait both WORTH it and if they think this is over its just the beginning for me... I will also keep u guys updated on any changes best of luck 2 both of u :)

  3. Hi and sorry you are going through this, that section means that they dont believe your relationship is real i am going through the same thing with the embassy in santo domingo, the only thing i would recommend is that the petitioner contact her congressman and get them involved so they can make an inquiry on your case and take it from there. At least afetr they make the inquiry you would know what options you have available and go from there. Wish you the best any questions feel free to ask :)

  4. was denied an immigrant visa under Section 212(a)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, because an investigation disclosed that their marriage was entered into solely for the purpose of immigration.

    In the near future we will return the petition to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of the Department of Homeland Security for possible revocation.

    If we can be of further assistance to you in this or any other matter, please let us know.



    Public Liaison Hub

    Embassy of the United States

    Santo Domingo

    I am confused because when i look up that section is has to do with Labor Certification has anyone else been through a denial like the above mention how long do you think this whole process would take, Congressman already involved just dont understand if we werent able to show our proof how can they just determined this... please anyone need closure :(

  5. Just be well prepared i was also married before and filed a i 130 for my ex husband and remarried with my SO and we were denied because of that the consul told me that i was married for immigration purposes just make sure u guys go prepared because to them that is a red flag and now i have to wait for my case to be sent back to USCIS and appeal but just do ur research and u should be fine...... Wishing u the best of luck:)

  6. Chula ur best option is to contact ur Congressman first and see what they can do to help ur case and if they cannot do anything then u contact a lawyer but start off first by summitting a formal complaint letter to the General Consul and take it from there, this is going to be hard but u can overcome this never give up hope without at least fighting for whats yours.....:)

  7. so sorry chula hope u guys can overturn this denial, I sent a letter of complaint to the General Consul and now when i call VS i am under AP i hope this is good i still have hope if not i would appeal and if that dont work i am just going to move overthere to be with him eventhough i will lose everything here in NY but at least i will be with the love of my life 4 ever :)

  8. I am also going thru the same thing my intervoew was on March 5, 2012 and they told us that we were denied for fraud and for misrepresentation i also sent a letter of complaint to the general consul and when i called VS they told me my case is under AP, so i am hoping that they dont send my case back to uscis and just issue a visa or give us another appointment since the consul was very rude. wishing u the best of luck and keep me posted :)

  9. anytime i am just sick and tired of the embassy in DR trying to keep families apart without no proof and making our lives miserable because they have the upper hand but i hope that Obama does get the immigration law passed to keep families together because this is crazy, even a murderer is able to prove his innocence until proven guilty by the court of law, so we should have the right to prove our reelationship.....and not give up without a fight:)

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