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Posts posted by Sidz1990

  1. Hi guys!

    I have a couple questions that I would really appreciate getting an answer to. I've been trying to find them myself but these boards are very extensive to search when you don't know WHERE to begin!

    So first....

    My bf (we don't want a long engagement, waiting for our petition to move to the embassy)filed our K-1 on December 19, 2011. We have yet to recieve an RFE and seemingly to be nearing the final month of the USCIS side of things. Does that mean we won't get one or should we keep a lookout for it?


    I am Canadian. Once we get married, do I lose my canadian citizenship? Or do I have dual? I am completely confused as to what happens there.


    Anyone been through the Montreal Embassy? Is the time elapsed between their reception of the K-1 and waiting for an interview a myth or reality? I've been told that it could be 4+ month wait... Not sure of how reputable that source was but oh well! Also! What is the cash fee for the interview, and how long does the interview typically last?

    Fourth (and lastly)...

    How long do you recommend waiting to get things together for moving into the USA? I am aware they say to wait to make those moves until you have the K-1 in hand but in our case, and I'm sure we aren't the only ones, as soon as we have it we don't want to be apart any longer. I have a to-do list already drawn up in this effect and I'm itching to cross them off but I don't want to do it pre-maturely.

    THANK YOU!!!

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