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Status Updates posted by mz.t

  1. Wish things could be moving faster...I miss my boo so much,,

    1. winnie george

      winnie george

      Hang in there okay..... soon it will be all over :)

    2. mz.t


      Thanks..I'm really trying!.. we havent even started on his visa...so much keep happening..but hopefully we will get everything going soon!

    3. 2HeartsR1


      Being separated from the one you love is very hard...it is the most difficult thing for me....praying things move quickly for you.

  2. Thanks..I think we may just go ahead and get married..now im looking at wedding bands for him, which is making me so excited!! :)...however..I just wish we can have a set date to get married.

  3. Thank you so much for ur advice..i really appreciate it. I'm so ready to bring him here with me! :)

  4. I'm missing him so much!

    1. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      I know just what you mean!

    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      I know just what you mean!



      Set a date, go over and get married, have a blast, come home and start the paperwork..Time will pass and he will be home. Sounds simple, it is but it's taxing on the spirit and the distance is rough. You can make it thru. With God holding you close, prayer for endurance and patience with eachother he will come home.

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