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Posts posted by yousufwalton

  1. so yeah we got the the states alhumduillah but anyways i have a question.

    Unknown to me at the time of the processing and the processing at the POE in Dallas, My address in the states had been changed due to some rezoning for firedepartments Its the same house and everything but the city goverment gave it a new address, as we only got to the usa last friday what should i do to make sure that her GC will have the correct address??

    thanks guys

  2. Well everything went smoothly. ALHUMDUILLAH!

    The received her case yesterday (Monday) Gave us a 1230 Tuesday Interview. + a Wednesday Visa pickup =D

    Before the interview (well about as soon as we walked in the door)

    They called her to a window and said " we cant use the photo she has because her veil is to low for her visa just go down the street and get a new one made "

    That gave me a good feeling because they said " cant use it for her visa " so then we went and got the two new photos and came back, waiting about 45 min for the interview.

    Seems so that beforehand they had already made up their mind lol. The interview took about 6 mins and she was finished.

    asked , Why will you go , where will you live , how you meet your husband , when your wedding date , how long you been married , have you bought ticket yet. then they said Come Friday to get it. Yanti said she got sad and he saw it and she said " but then i cant travel with my husband and i will have to bring baby alone and it will be hardship to me because i don't know America " So he went out of the room came back in and said OK come back tomorrow to pick up your visa.

    We go to pick up her visa tomorrow.

    We will leave Indonesia Thursday. I am sad to go i love living here. just the situation changed in a lot of different areas. I will miss Indonesia and i know my wife will be sad but I will do anything i can to take care of my family. To make her as happy as i can because i really do love her.

  3. Went great. before the interview they called her to a window and said " we cant use the photo she has because her veil is to low for her visa just go down the street and get a new one made " so that made me feel good about that because they said she couldnt use it for her visa.... so beforehand they had already made up their mind lol. so the interview took about 6 mins and she was finished. we go to pick up her visa tomorrow.

  4. So the Embassy got the papers yesterday, and let us know that my wife comes in at 1230 for an interview today. Alhumduillah, lets pray it all goes well since everything was expedited hopefully we can get visa same day, I know there is a chance of denial as in every case , but all the evidence + our son and the finanical information are all in our favor. so pray for us guys that it all goes smoothly =D thanks everyone.

  5. Have a problem..... rather serious one.....

    NVC says they sent the package to the Embassy last week , told me do not email or contact us anymore contact the embassy.

    ok contacting the embassy , " we have not received your case nor an approved petition from NVC get information from nvc "

    it has literally been over 7 business days and NVC uses DHL and that takes max of 5 days to get anywhere.

    So i am quite literally being given the run around by both ends.... The Senators office is doing all they can but They really cant do more then i can in finding where it is.

    Messed up thing is it was expedited at NVC and the Embassy agreed to expedite the interview too... But NVC says they sent it and Embassy says they never got it.....

  6. im pretty sure there is no US border in europe or the surrounding islands of Brittan.

    Now they do have a "pre-clearance" thing

    From wikipedia


    250px-Shannon1.jpg magnify-clip.png U.S. Customs and Border Protection at Shannon 250px-Shannon2.jpg magnify-clip.png Shannon Airport: "Welcome to the United States. US-VISIT procedures are in effect. All international visitors are required to provide two digital fingerscans and a digital photograph." The U.S. and Ireland entered into a preinspection arrangement in 1986.[9] Shannon Airport initially offered only immigration checks, with customs and agriculture inspections done on arrival in the U.S.—a procedure more properly known as preinspection. In August 2009, Shannon opened an addition to its preclearance facility that provided customs and agriculture inspections as well. The facilities at Dublin Airport, like those at Shannon, initially offered only immigration checks on select flights. In January 2011, a section of the recently opened Terminal 2 dedicated to preclearance opened with full CBP facilities. Both airports now allow U.S.-bound commercial flights that use the preclearance facilities to arrive at domestic terminals instead of international terminals, which in turn allows arriving passengers to leave airports upon landing without further inspection. Since March 2010, the Shannon preclearance facility is also available for use by private aircraft; the Dublin facility is only available for commercial flights. Note: In Dublin, the preclearance immigration facility is only available for U.S.-bound flights departing before 16:00. Passengers on later flights undergo U.S. immigration and customs checks upon arrival in the U.S.

    Now not to sure if this includes Full immigration services you should call the airport and whatnot and check it out.

  7. LOL news flash !!! Hitler didn't kill 6million jews, the Serbs didnt kill the Bosnian. Africans never sold other Africans to Caucasians/Asians/Arabs for slaves , the Spanish never got to central/south America and didn't wipe out countless civilizations . the world is flat and the sun and universe revolve around the earth.

    Really this is about one of the most pointless topics that i have read on here. It is not racism its about scamming / fraud nothing else. If you are given a challenge then take it head on make it work in your favor put the scale on your side. Don't go get married / meet someone then file for whatever and expect a hunky-dory outcome.

    Just look at it this way , how often do people get Emails about money or whatnot else what from Nigeria or Kenya or Ghana they are way to common more common then anywhere else , the BAD PEOPLE from those places ruin the reputation for the GOOD PEOPLE Especially in situations for immigration. there will always be bad people that ruin it for the good ones. point the end...

    " If something is to easy then it is usually not worth it, the harder you have to work for something the more valuable it becomes and the more it is cherished."

  8. I'm afraid I have to call BS on this. We know and are told each and every day that the government can't develop anything. All it does is suck money out of my pocket. It has never, nor will it ever contribute anything useful. Period.

    Actually there is lots of ways to kick out gas/petrol stuff, but there is no money in it right now as most of the worlds major powers / influences have their hand in the candy jar that is the petrol industry so they would loose to much to make it "common"

  9. So following the only package to Jakarta with the day that NVC gave us that they sent it out...

    Says that the package was delivered today yay =D

    So i checked NVC website and it said to contact the embassy about interview/information because they have no specific instructions.

    so i sent an email to them with copy of the expedite approval from nvc/embassy ( said the consulate/embassy agrees to expedite this )

    and asked if they could interview us this week. ( i did not do anything wrong did i in sending that email )

    SO pray for us folks because my indonesian visa expires in a week =/

    InshaAllah it will all work out.

    Thanks guys

    Yousuf and Yanti

  10. Wanna share the story and shed some light on how you got expedite so fast? I mean besides getting help from Senator, any particular reasons for an approved expedite?

    I live overseas with my Indonesian wife, i came under financial hardship due to a change in government regulations that made it where i could not get a legal job anymore( my family had to send money to us 2x a month just to get by. , My mother is very ill and in the hospital around 2-3 times a month where my father is working 2 jobs and one part time so we are needed there urgently to help my family with my mothers serious illnesses. and UScis did not put me in the proper que as a citizen living overseas... Then recently i came into some trouble with kidney stones and gallbladder stones and inner ear infection and kidney infection.

    Where Indonesian hospitals will not treat you unless you pay for treatment up front....

  11. OK got it all figured out that package is going to American embassy and has the date of when they said it was finished and shipped off.

    AWB Number: *****************

    Pickup Date: 2012-05-10 14:50:00

    Service: D

    Pieces: 1

    Cust. Ref: EXP 09 MAY 2012A


    Ship to :




    JAKARTA, 10110


    Hurray ... now to fight and wait to get the interview and visa for next week. so i can get my exit permit to leave Indonesia....

    keep us in your prayers guys....

    ( also Mod can you add Case complete to the end of this Topics title. Thank you )

  12. OK so after all the ####### that NVC gave us our senators office called my parents today well yesterday and told them that NVC has sent the things to the embassy yesterday......

    Said he has spoken to "supervisor sue" and that everything had been taken care of. and the files everything sent to Jakarta yesterday.

    OK so they gave us all that ####### and in the mail now in transit to them is the "corrected" ds230 which they said they didnt have but apparently they did and found it and whatnot....

    Today i got an email from NVC asking for my dads birth certificate again after it was over-night-ed to them last week and they got it on Wednesday. lol

    So i am going to ignore that. \

    Senators worker told us we might have to show his Birth-certificate to the embassy at the interview lol .

    Now to my question....

    I cant seem to get the DHL tracking trick to work for some reason i guess im stupid from stress right now.....

    I put in the formula EXP ## MMM 2012a and set the clickers.

    Can anyone tell me if im wrong or what or can they check the tracking and see if something has went to jakarta in the past day or 2 ( and be so kindly to tell me how to as well hahha )

  13. I am fed up with nvc like fu***ng serious every time they ask us for something we give it then they say they need something else then we give it then they said her ds230 is incomplete which it is not i have a scan of it and its not incomplete its fully f***ing filled out correct. they are telling me that i have to send it to them again. well i don't have the time my visa here expires on the 24th if nvc send it this week we can interview on money or Tuesday but no not now i have to get

    60 dollars to internationally express it to them again when i know they have the original. ANy way i can get them to accecpt a scan and then present the orginal to them at the interview or what ????

    i mean they already have her orginal signature on what they say is incomplete. but i dont know what to do i cant even get through to them its busy for the past 2 hours !!!!!! its past midnight here in indonesia and well im out of time im sick literally im havng kidney trouble and gallstones inner ear infection that wont go away and no way to go to a hospital here ( indonesian hospitals make you pay up front )

    Anything i can say or do to make them listen to this or what ?

    what are the chances i can print sign and scan and have family in the states mail it ??? would that work or no ????

  14. ive not read all of this but alot of it.

    Just wondering to all the americans here ( born and raised) have you had the chance to live as an immigrant ( more then just a month or so like long term ) in another country.

    it changes the way you think about alot of things.

    i will have lived in indonesia for 2.5 years when i return to the states soon.

  15. Although you may not be asked for any proof at all about your marital relationship (remember that by the time the beneficiary arrives to the interview, 85% of your visa approval has already been decided prior to it based on all the provided documentation), it is always a good idea to bring stuff. You draw your on line, so don't stress about it and just bring whatever you think may have the heaviest weight (i.e.: Pictures say more than thousand words) :thumbs:

    So then how many words does a living breathing crying baby with a wet diaper in the interview room speak ???

    ( that will be the case with our 15 month old baby ) haha

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