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Elora & Rob

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Posts posted by Elora & Rob

  1. Hey everyone,

    Been a few months since I came onto the forum. Thought I would give an update on how things are going for us in the US and give a little bit of hope to those of you who are still apart as I know how difficult it can be.


    We moved to Los Angeles from Vegas at the end of March because I got a job out here. I work in software sales and have already made a big deal after 7 weeks with the company. Elora started a new job this week as she had to leave hers when we moved. It uses her English degree which she graduated for in December so she is happy.

    Were both making good money and I have a decent amount of savings left. We get good healthcare through our employers so that saves us allot of money. We have a nice apartment, it’s a small studio but modern and now that were both working we will move into a bigger 2 bedroom at the same complex, the people who live there are nice and it has a great pool. Were in the Culver City area. It’s a fun place to live. Lots of bars & restaurants and a movie theatre we can walk to. Were a 10 minute drive from the beach and a 20 minute drive from the mountains. I have added some photos of us to the post.

    I have joined a football team out here called Dinamo. The standard is OK. Play against allot of Mexicans who love to dive and the referees are really strict. There’s a guy from Leeds who plays for the team who did K1, him and his wife came over for a BBQ on the weekend. I have joined a gym as well. My wife’s cousin lives out here and they are really close, but the hardest thing about moving to LA and moving to the US in general has been making friends. It's difficult in your mid 20's to break into a friendship group. But I guess that will come with time.

    Married life is really amazing. I thank God every day that Elora and I our together. Sometimes we have petty fights like every couple but you just have to keep remembering why you moved 5000miles away in the first place. Were still very much happy and in love and I don't see that ever changing. We have a 2nd wedding in the Catholic Church coming up in September and I am really looking forward to it. About 15 of my family & friends are flying out for it and another 35 of Elora's friends & family will be there.

    I don't really miss much about England/London apart from my family & friends. Sometimes it’s frustrating you have to tape every football match and watch it when you wake up, and I miss William Hills! When some big news is going on in the UK it’s tough to follow as you don't know much about it here. I have started downloading a guardian politics weekly podcast to keep up to date with things back home. But other than that I just love it here and I can't see us ever moving back to the UK. Everything is so much cheaper here from buying a house to a bottle of water, and it’s beautiful and sunny every day. We spent this weekend by the pool and this Saturday we will be at the beach.





    I only really had one issue with my visa. The Doctor ticked the wrong box on my medical certificate so I had to get another medical done before I can get my Greencard. I sent of the new medical certificate today. It cost $250. Once that’s sorted I don't have to worry about all this visa stuff for another 18 months at least.

    Some tips for those moving. For me the biggest thing, especially as a man, was having allot of savings so I was able to contribute and we were able to enjoy our first months together as a married couple not struggling for money. I would recommend to anyone to try and match their partners salary for 6 months with savings. I have a US style CV/Resume for anybody that wants to have a look over it, there very different to a UK one. Try and get yourself a driver’s license & car as soon as possible as that gave me allot of independence. During your time off try and find something in your life to focus on. I got really into working out in my time off and that kept me occupied. You get bored easily when you are not working, but then it’s difficult to adapt to going back to work as you feel like you have no free time anymore!

    Don't get nervous. The K1 process is not there to trick anybody. Keep reading the forums and taking advice from the very knowledgeable posters on here and you will get there. If you are in love as much as I was and still am, it will be worth it. Just keep going.

    Robert (and Elora)

  2. Knightsbridge ticked both "Incomplete" and "May be eligible for blanket waiver". The lady who did my interview explained it to me and she took it to her Senior and they said the same thing.

    All my other shots were tickets as I either got it as a kid or a few weeks prior to the medical.

    I have a copy of the immunizations sheet.

    Knightsbridge made the error.

  3. Hi guys. For those of you about to have your medicals I encountered a promlem down the road. Had my greencard interview last wednesday and it turns out the Dr who did my UK medical in Knightbridge ticked the box saying "Vaccination Record Incomplete" because I did not get my Influenza Jab(Flu Shot)as it was out of season. He should have just ticked the box that said "Unable to recieve as out of season" but he ticked both boxes.

    So although we are approved as a couple, I need to go to a Dr on there list and get him to re-sign my box or get a flu shot. Have 90 days to get it done and then I post the results to UCSIS.

    Not a major issue but things just added expense and a headache to sort out. Hopefully this will stop it happening to a few of you guys.

    Keep going. Been happily married for 4 months and started my new job in the US today :-)


  4. you should have just put unknown due to visa for the wedding date.

    over 150 days is a long time. are there any kids/divorces involved?

    when you send your NOA2 forms back you write a cover letter where you can asked for your interview to be a certain week. it took me about 50 days between NOA2 to Interview. ask for an early start time.

    make sure he brings NOA2 with him when he flys to the US as he may need to show it to immigration, and when they ask him why he is visiting he should tell them he is visiting his fiance. DON'T LIE!

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