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Status Updates posted by amrsoul

  1. WE ARE APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. thank you! I am so nervous I have been sporadically crying for the last hour....3 hrs till the interview.

  3. I called the NVC each day after I sent in the final papers and asked if our case was complete. Once they told me the case was complete they said it would take a month to schedule my interview as they only schedule interviews in the first 2 weeks of each month. But I kept calling each day and they told me my interview date and then I tracked our papers through DHL online.

  4. I am very luck that my husband is wonderful and my best friend, I miss him desperatly and life is just not "life" without sharing it with him. ISA we will be together soon.

  5. I cant ask one of my relatives to sponsor my husband (its a 10 years or until death commitment). I am so happy for you and your husband and wish you both a very happy life together.

  6. my husband & I have been married for 2 years and I lived in Egypt until 5 months ago when I moved to the US to work and be my husbands sponsor. I dont understand why some cases go so fast and others so long. USCIS told me this AM that they are processing june 2011 right now and we will have to wait till all the apps before us are finished :'(. This is the longest we have been apart. ...

  7. congrats! How did your case go through so quickly? did you file it in Egypt or in the states?

  8. congrats on your approval from the USCIS. My husband and I are at 142 days right now in that process.

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