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Status Updates posted by meorfexman

  1. Is there some place I can go to ask questions like that?

    1. at long last

      at long last

      Hi There , the journey is long. You haven't given us your timeline to better address your questions. Are you already married. What visa process are you pursuing? If not already married talk of divorce timelines sends up red flags. Just give us more details on your situation and there are many very knowledgable people here that could address your questions and concerns.

    2. meorfexman


      Long story short I am in love, and I really believe she is as well. We are just so perfect for each other, and are looking to marry in March. My family and friends keep telling me not to do it because they fear that she is just using me to become a citizen, and will then leave me. They say she can do so immediately after getting citizenship, and then take half of what I own. I want to have facts to argue with. Any help is welcomed and appreciated.

    3. EAbbas


      you need to fill in your timeline and country that your fiance is from... then go to that country portal and ask questions... please whatever you do if you notice anything questionable about your relationship re evaluate it or ask specific questions in that country portal..good luck

  2. I have many questions as my journey is just starting. One question is how long does the marriage have to last before they can divorce you and still be a citizen?

    1. EAbbas


      look at the VAWA posts.... lot of women claim abuse sometimes within a few months of coming others stick it out until two years.. just go to that section and do some reading..or look it up.. VAWA...

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