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Posts posted by pam_ellis

  1. Hello Saylin,

    I'm back :P

    Have a doubt, I sent my criminal records to NVC, got my case complete (great), interview scheduled (awesome!)

    But now my criminal records gonna expire at the end of Set., my interview is Set. 5 , I'm taking with me my copies of my criminal records, the same ones I sent to NVC.

    Should I take new criminal records? Or they gonna count the expiration date at the NVC point?

    Thanks a lot

    again, hehe!

  2. hi dear

    Im Edson Fernandes,from Brazil,I need some help.

    Im married with citizen,and i live in Brazil and my wife live in USA,I got two kid,my case is complete and i have interview on 25 september,please i need to know,how is interview,i very nervous,because i dont know nothing abou this interview...Do you know anybody got the interview done and can i to speak them???I hope you can help me!!!

    God bless you and i wish good luck!!!

    Hello Edson, I'm from BRazil too and I have my interview schedule for Set.5 ... I didnt understand your case that much, are you in Brazil yet? CR1 visa interview? Your kids are with her? or from first marriage?

    I have a lot of friends on FB that passed the interview, you can try to talk to them, but I need to know you situation better... Idk if it's the same =/

    Gonna be glad to help you =)

  3. Look,

    I have a Greek father in law, so he is VERY stubborn and not that easy with money.... well, he was my co-sponsor and my AOS was accepted last week.

    What he did to convince himself it was not a big deal was see a lawyer, he took the contract there and asked his risks and doubts. He saw it was not that big deal for him, it's just til your wife becomes a USC, she can do that i guess in 3 yrs and well, it's only if she claims for benefits for the U.S gov. So make sure she wont.

    this contract it's between the U.S gov. and your co-sponsor, so if your wife asks the U.S gov. for help for food and medication, the gov. will say:" ok, gonna get the money from your Co-sponsor and give it to you".

    That's what i understood. Well, ask your Grandpa to see a lawyer and get it explained to him =)

    Good luck!

  4. Yes, this. State you are self-employed and put your occupation, what you do. Leave no gaps. If you were ever unemployed during the last 5 years, then list that on the form and put the dates.

    I left a gap =/

    But it was on my DS230, the next form we need to send.

    Do you guys ever saw a case when a person got RFE for leaving a gap? 4 months, though.

    Im so worried =/


  5. Saylin plz... another doubt =P

    I already sent my DS230 and in the question that asked my last 10 years employments i dont know if I did it right.

    I'm 26 yrs old, so 10 yrs ago I didnt work. I put my first job and so son, but i just started working with 19 yrs old.

    It gives me 7 years. Should I have made a statement saying I didnt work for those 3 yrs before? Im not sure if they gonna infer that i was too young to work ¬¬"

    i saw people getting RFE cos they didnt put the address since 16 years old, so, I'm a little worried.


    any one had the same experience here?

  6. Guys!!!

    I'm prepared for good news but let's check.

    I called yesterday and the OP told me my AOS was reviewed already and they are now just waiting for my Civil Documents.

    Good sign =) when I asked if it was accepted she said it will only be accepted at the interview day, but anyway,

    If it was reviewed it means it was "accepted", right? :DDD

    Another doubt, My IV was already delivered (yesterday), so now when it's accepted I will have the case complete? or takes a

    little longer yet?

    thanks a lot!

    I wouldnt do all this without you guys!!! VJ roxxx!! \o/

  7. You don't ALWAYS receive a false checklist. I never received one. So, yes, the only true way to know if your packages were accepted is by calling.


    when do you think I should call again?? ... it's been 7 business day today =/

    I was so worried about my AOS cos I have a joint sponsor and my husband (USC) lives abroad so we sent a lot of extra proofs

    Hope it gets accepted soon =(

  8. Saylin or anybody else who already had the AOS and IV packet accepted:

    I sent my AOS package and it was delivered 29th June. I was not reviewed yet and I'm kinda tired of calling and dealing with this nice OPs #NOT

    Am im gonna receive a checklist for my IV package when my AOS its approved? Or it is just for some (lucky) cases?

    I wish I received this checklist for the IV package cos It's a way to know that my AOS package was accepted =/

    Other than that, just calling, right?

    BTW my IV package just got delivered today too =) at least that, and I didnt get any checklist for my AOS yet.

    but this silence it's killing me!

    Thank you guys!

  9. Yeah It seems pretty lame.. The thing I don't understand is that we put all of the on our I-130 petition when we filed with the USCIS. Do these people not cross reference stuff?

    Its a bit silly if you ask me.

    best of luck to you


    Hi Guys,

    Im about the send my IV packet this week and I am the beneficiary.

    I Had a J1 visa in 2010, but the 2 yrs rules doesnt apply for me. What type of papers did you send to the NVC to solve this problem with the prior J1 visa?

    So Maybe I can send it right away before they ask.

    Thanks a lot!

    Pam Ellis

  10. Guys,

    I printed my cover sheet bar code when my AOS fee said PAID. but next day I saw the website again, it my fee was REJECTED.

    I needed to pay again, cos the first payment didnt go. My question: Should I print another cover sheet? right?

    Since now it says PAID again.... and it actually when through now.

    My package is with my co-sponsor, but I'm not sure if he needs to print a new cover sheet or not.

    Someone told me that if I dont they will not accept my AOS package and I'll need to send all over again =/

    I dont wanna call NVC cos they may give me wrong info, it happened before ¬¬"


  11. BARCODED sheet will remain same....

    good luck

    Are you sure? Cos I had the same problem with my AOS fee and I was told that I needed a new bar coded sheet.

    In fact I thought that by myself.

    It was PAID one day, then next day it was NOT PAID/REJECTED. and yes, wrong info, I gave my billing info with my married name, but my bank account have my maiden name yet. So the payment didnt go thru, but in some point it was PAID.

    When it showed paid, i printed and sent to my co-sponsor. Next day it was NOT PAID. But now I'm planning to print a NEW bar coded sheet for him to replace. I was told that the package can be reject and you get a RFE if you dont print when it's PAID.

    So now im in doubt. Should I print a new one or not?

  12. Saylin or anyone


    I dont know if I can send the IV package before my AOS package? Can I?

    The IV package is already invoiced, my DS 3032 was accepted too. But i had a problem with my AOS fee, it was rejected.

    I paid again now for real, but since I need a co-sponsor my package its not even with my father in law (it's in the post office yet)

    Also he said he wants to consult an immigrant lawyer before sending our AOS package cos he is concern about the contract...

    So Can I send my IV package since I have it almost ready? and Send the AOS package after?

    that way I gain some time and I can have at least the part done.

    Thank you guys!

  13. The cover sheet isn't going to change, wether the bill is showing paid or not, so no need to print another one.

    It's showing NOT PAID and not REJECTED?

    Are you sure it's the AOS bill and not the IV bill showing not paid?

    Are you using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, not some other browser?

    I'm not asking to because I think you're not intelligent, just making sure all the bases are covered.

    If everything is ok in those regards, call again.

    I just checked again... and tried see the receive, it was REJECTED.... =/

    probably cos i gave my married name for the billing information and I made that account with my maiden name. I called right away when i saw that, but the NVC operator said it would be fine =(

    Next day it showed PAID I printed the cover sheet and sent the AOS package to my father in law... now it`s not paid. I guess it was the name thing that make it rejected. But not sure....

    I will need to print another cover sheet I guess right?

    Im sooo confused now =(((

  14. oh well...

    Im a little worried here...

    I got an email from NVC today replying my DS3032 email... ok nice, I called and they confirmed it was accepted.

    I already sent my AOS package to my father in law (co -sponsor) to put his taxes info and send the package to NVC.

    So far, so good.

    But now I got in the payment portal and my AOS bill says NOT PAID! again!

    I already paid and printed the cover sheet, but what now? I know i should not pay again..... but #######? Oo


    Should I call them again?

    Thanks =/

  15. Thank you guys, just thought my income in Ireland was irrelevant, hence why I needed a joint sponsor? I read on here that I was just to put $0 as my income, so I still have to provide a tax return then?? :bonk:

    I thought that if you were not required to fill it since you have low income ($0) you just can put an explanation stating why you didnt fill out taxes. That's what I did.

    We also have a joint sponsor, that is going to provide all the taxes information, but my main sponsor (my husband) just put it the explanation.

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