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Posts posted by GobbleGobble

  1. What is a "house book"?

    Each VNese citizen is required by law to declare with the gov't where he/she is maintaining his/her actual living. The gov't is keeping track of every single citizen's whereabouts.

    If you're a foreigner, you also are supposed to tell the local police authority of your presence after your arrival.

    They should install an ID chip on your arm and this issue should be solved. So easy to track people with the modern technology.

  2. No offense to the OP but I'm just glad his wife lives in California otherwise I'd be worried that the next car she hits would be mine (driven by my wife or I)...

    They aren't the worst drivers on the roads imho. The one that you wish you would NEVER encounter is the UNINSURED one! Plenty of illegal and legal immigrants driving around without legal required liability.

    I can't wait til the US Supreme Court has its saying about that Arizona immigration law. I've been hit by uninsured illegal immigrant drivers twice. They need to be outta this country since some of them simply just don't care to obey the laws.

  3. I don't see this as scamming the insurance company. Unless, his wife intentionally hit another car, or he is claiming more damages than the accident caused, which doesn't seem to be the case here. The insurance has an obligation to pay for the fair market value to repair the car. If the op decides not to fix it, the insurance company isn't out any money since they would have paid it to repair the car anyways.

    Agree to this! The insured has the right to ask for compensation once the "fair" market value of a vehicle has diminished. But keep in mind the insurance companies keep track of claims (those "at-fault" claims will hurt the most) via C.L.U.E reports.

    Even when the OP runs away from the current insurance company, the next one who is willing to insure his family still can look up these claims. They (the insurance companies) ALWAYS have the upper hand. Claim all you want and see who comes out the winner at the end.

    Edit to add: this is one of the major differences between driving in the US and in VN. In VN if you're involved in an accident, it won't follow you and haunt you. Totally different in the US. New immigrants need to be aware of this.

  4. Hello all to my fellow VJ. My wife will have her 2nd interview on Jan 3, 2012 as the first one had been denied. We have a 11 month old son now. He is a U.S citizen with a passport. I was wondering if he needs a separate Vietnamese passport or can he be added to my wife's current vietnamese passport. Hope my question does not confuse yall. Welcome any inputs and advices. Thanks in advance.

    Wow, this is the first time I heard someone BEING a US citizen "caring" about applying for another country's citizenship. Don't worry about his "Vnese" citizenship status. According to the current VN law, a person with one biological parent being VNese (read: as long as the parent was born in Vietnam and does NOT have to be a VNese citizen at the moment) AUTOMATICALLY IS A VNESE!!!!

    Your son has automatically become a VNese citizen via his parent(s). I'm sure Vietnam will be more than happy to open its hands to welcome your son to become its citizen!

    Apply for a VNese passport right away! then when your son turns 18, he can proudly hold a gun serving the Vnese army!!!!

  5. IMHO the OP should worry about something else much more urgent and important: the ability to renew his policy when it's time. Most insurance companies have provision that allows them to NOT renew the policy if there have been 2 or more claims in a calendar year.

    Then further down the road, BOTH he and his wife will have a hard time to find "reasonable and bargain" deal from the next insurance company that is WILLING to underwrite their new policy.

    Let this story be a reminder to those with new inexperienced new driver spouses. Treat them just like your teenager children. If you do think they're too risky then either don't provide them with too "brand new" vehicles or simply let them utilize "public" transportation.

  6. Since I primarily have been listening to Japanese Pop/Rock, I decided to give Nhac Viet a try and so far the artists I have listened to on Spotify and through other online sources, have been enjoyable. Right now, I am listening to Akira Phan, Baby J Truc Diem, My Tam, Bao Thy, Noo Phuoc Thinh, Saka Trương Tuyền, Thủy Tiên, and Trịnh Thăng Bình. Considering I have only started about a month ago, this is a pretty good list. Are there any other artists just like the ones I listened some of you enjoy?

    Search for "Pham Duc Thanh". He plays the mono-string instrument on Thuy Nga.

  7. Didn't your wife hit a light pole before? and you were sent a bill by the City? If the answer is yes, wow, your wife is one scary driver!

    You should have had your wife switch mode of transportation to "public" but you refused to listen by buying her another almost "new" vehicle (2010 CRV).

    Here's that post from you:


    Time to re-evaluate her "risk" for adding her to your car insurance policy!

  8. Hi All,

    I need your advice and help please. My wife was involved into car accident 2 weeks ago. It's her fault.

    Didn't your wife hit a light pole before? and you were sent a bill by the City? If the answer is yes, wow, your wife is one scary driver!

    You should have had your wife switch mode of transportation to "public" but you refused to listen by buying her another almost "new" vehicle (2010 CRV).

  9. I just purchased a V247 phone card and will be using this for the very first time tmr morning to call my fiance. At the top of the card on the back, the text states "Do not dial 011 to call international numbers". However, when I go to their website, it states to Call to overseas phone number: Dial country code + area code + destination phone number + "#". If anyone has used this phone card before, which one is it... dial country code or not??

    For V247, simply dial one of their "local" access # and listen for instruction. If they recognize your phone #, then simply dial 084-your destination #. If they do NOT recognize your phone #, then input your access code, then 084-your destination #.

    You don't dial that VN phone # direct; therefore, you don't dial 011........ You go through V247. Their system automatically recognizes "084" is an international phone call.

  10. To be honest, I can visit Vietnam and live there for about 3 months (6 is pushing it). I don't think the car, the house or the food from the States are any better that in Vietnam but something that I can't live without (freedom I think...lol). I'll probably go nut and kill someone if I live in VN too long. It's just my humble opinion.

    Really? Then please explain to me why US $1 = VN $21 THOUSAND?

    I'm no economist but it looks to me VN $1 lacks something that people might have an interest in it, compared to the US dollars.

  11. Then just move over there and live for a while. You'll have hands-on experience to make the comparison for yourself! Different strokes for different folks.

    PS. Make sure to ask your lady this question first before making that decision :"What factor(s) make(s) (made) you decide to marry someone half the world away from your hometown instead of someone that possibly has a perfect bone marrow match for you right in your hometown?"

    If life in VN isn't that much worse compared to the US (according to some of you anything found here in the US can be done the same in VN), why bother with someone here in the US? Wouldn't it make more sense to marry someone over there?

    A few weeks or months in Vietnam will NOT expose you to all the "hidden" gems in Vietnam! But you wouldn't believe people's recommendation anyway. You've got to see with your eyes to believe it! Go! Go!

    Make sure you can come back in one piece!

  12. Thanks for the replies. I've posted the reasons for the denial in a previous post "Help I've fallen and I can't get up"

    But in short: photos indicate pet and beni only spent few days together, contrary to viet customs beni and pet got engaged after only 3 wks, beni doesn't know pet's kids'names, beni got the engagement date wrong.

    Got engaged after only 3 weeks heah? Really? Go around any shopping mall and ask people around you. Then see the percentage of the total amount of people you survey "think" the relationship is genuine, especially when it's a really long distant one.

    I hope you two learn from the past mistake. TAKE THE TIME

    Edit to add:

    To those who keep saying "It's love! But but but but I really do love her!", just revise the story a little bit and put your son/daughter in the picture. Imagine one day s/he goes home from attending college for only 3 weeks and tells you this "Dad, I really love Tiffany! I met her during a drinking binge and I wanna marry her now!"

  13. i have a feeling my wife is a vietnamese spy. how can a farmer's daughter who lives in a village in the outskirts of soc trang city knows so much about american customs, she even knows how to make shepard's pie. and it's freaking tasty too. i bet she puts bot ngot in the shepard's pie. there are other signs i think she's a spy. im keeping my big eye on her!

    You meant she is a VC? (Viet Cong) What you gonna do if she indeed is a spy? Call the FBI? call the NSA? Call Nguyen Tan Dung? (current VN president)

  14. Their time was before the war, so life was harsh back then for them.

    Now, its not so much if you have an stable income.

    They (your parents) have something that you don't, experience of how life is over there. They know the "nature" of its people. Trust me, old habits rarely ever change.

    You might thrive here in the States, but I'll bet my life that they on the other hand will champ you over there!

    Lots of Vnese, born and raised there, then left VN for better life in the US. After retirement, they decide to come back there and lose everything they've worked so hard for. Do you think you have more life experience than those folks?

  15. 27, Born in the states. Started doing some traveling after my 20's. I've been traveling back and forth visiting my wife of little over a year now. 5th trip so far. I am Vietnamese decent, so I picked up my native language quite quick. I can speak it since it is my second language, but cannot write a perfect sentence or use their diacritical.

    I've also met some Japanese men in Hanoi, who works in the professional work force, and they do not speak Vietnamese at all. Seems like they are getting by pretty easily. In big cities, English is the universal language, from my experiences.

    Some people think it's fun to stay in line for hours, in some cases days, for Black Friday deals (which imho is NOT that great of a deal anyway). If you think life in the US is boring, go seek the thrill over there then. Only you can learn the experience for your life and determine if the thrill is worth the price.

    You're still young enough to make any life changing move in the event your bubble is burst.

    BTW, have you asked your parents? I'm sure with their life experiences, they can share with you a few advices about the place they grew up.

  16. I'm thinking about moving to VN, and find work at a professional business. Life in the U.S. is getting dull, thought I might spice it up for a change. I've been around most of the U.S. already and experienced all the life styles there is to offer here. My employment pays me great, and I don't mind a downgrade if I'm enjoying life out in VN. BTW, wife wouldn't mind either.

    I would love to hear some of your thoughts. Would you do it?

    If you don't mind, what's your age? Are you VK? how well do you know about VNese culture? Able to speak the language?

  17. Any of you have interesting or horrible Thanksgiving shopping experience and wanna share? Does your S/O have fun waiting in line with you?

    Mine told me ppl in this country (well some that she saw with her 2 eyes at Walmart) ARE CRAZY. They'll do anything to save a few bucks. Just sad. I personally wonder if those same ppl are hungry like some ppl in VN, how much worse can their behavior be.

  18. Where's Luckytxn? Aren't you supposed to "snitch" by now? Snoozing off while on duty buddy?

    Common, where's your dedication?

    btw, tell your wife to come here to say "thanks". W/O VJ, she wouldn't be here to celebrate her freedom with you today.

  19. I want to wish all of VJ's a Happy and Safe Thanskgiving.

    Thank you for all that helped me with the process especially in the Vietnam forum.

    You guys are great.

    Don't drink and Drive and be safe with your love's one.

    Happy Thanksgiving again.

    :) :) :)

    You're special and you know that right? Not that many "beneficiaries" here even bother to come back to say thanks AFTER they've got their Visas.

    Ditto on No DUI.

  20. To celebrate this Turkey day, here's my little gift to y'all, esp Charles............................................................



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