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Posts posted by NCTwigz

  1. They gave him his medical forms back at the entrance?

    They gave him a sealed envelope that we weren't allowed to open, but send directly with our AOS packet after we got married. It was labeled "medical" so I am assuming that it was his medical results for his chest x-rays and his vaccination forms that we had to submit with his I-485.

    As for the time period it takes to get through the immigration process at the airport.. I think he was sort of lucky when it came to that, He was the only one in that particular line and within 20-25 minutes he was through with everything. We went through the K-1 process though so I'm not sure how different the paper work is from the CR-1.

  2. When my husband (fiance at the time) entered they saw his package in his hand, and approached him right away asking if he was coming in on a visa and when he replyed with "yes" They directed him to which line to go :) Got him signed in, and he had to wait about 5 minuets before his name was called, and got him checked into the computer, gave him his I-94 and sealed medical forms and sent him on his happy way!

  3. Well, it's been a little over 9 months.. But! We finally got an answer on my husbands green card!! We have been approved, we filed in August of 2012, no RFEs, but did file for a service request when the 8 1/2 month mark hit, we got a little worried when the Chicago website processing times stated that they were on October 2011 filers and we hadn't heard anything yet. I checked the website today, which I did quite often, expecting to see "acceptance" which we have seen for the past 9 months, to finally see "decision" which was surprising since we signed up for email/text notifications and hadn't received anything. Definitely happy anyway!! Hang in there Filers!! You will get there! Now time for a much needed break on worrying, stressing, and minorly freaking out about approvals or denials!! Until the ROC process of course :) but still a nice break!

  4. My Husband and I have been waiting for 6 months today actually, Didn't realize we were at the 6 month point until I read this thread, but! You are not alone! We too are still waiting (and impatiently I might add)

    Anyway, No worries...just a vigorous waiting game at this point. Constantly feel like it's "Hurry up and wait!" but each day brings us closer :)

  5. 1358286651[/url]' post='5923875']

    we have no choice but to be patient, but can't help asking!...so it would somehow lessen my worries :blush: I just wished they wouldn't ask for interview anymore! I checked my status online but it's still on "Acceptance" .

    Yep!! That's exactly what ours is saying as well, I keep going on the USCIS site hoping that it will be at least under "initial review" but atlas, still nothing after these 5 long months, but I definitely understand your frustration, all the work put into filing and getting every tiny bit of information together only to play the waiting game again! I think the only good part about waiting this time is at least we are waiting together in person and not seas apart =\ Just know you aren't alone! Maybe we will be lucky and it will go straight from acceptance to approved and GC is on the way! (We can hope!!!)

  6. The fact that it is stuck in the Acceptance stage is normal, it happens to everybody. This is regularly asked on this forum.

    You filed quite recently, speaking in USCIS-waiting-time. Some people have got their cases approved after a year... No need to call for now, it's too early.

    The good thing is that, as you filed after August 1st, your case can't be transferred to CSC where the waiting time was long. Your case will either stay at NBC and be processed without an interview, or be sent to your local USCIS office for an interview.

    The next update you will have will either be:

    - RFE

    - interview scheduled

    - case approved.

    The main answer to your topic is: WAIT. :)

    Lol! I like to say I'm patiently waiting but in reality it's impatiently waiting! Thanks so much! Makes me feel a whole lot better! It's also good news that I filed after August 1st then! I had no idea that they would do that, but I'm glad I was fortunate enough to catch the right date for a no transfer :)

    Thanks again!!

  7. Hey! Quick question.. We filed for the Adjustment of Status on August 13, and then received a conformation that they received it! (Yays!)

    We also got a biometrics appointment for September 5th, which we went too and then on October 19th we received his EAD Card, which is also extremely exciting,

    but the actual adjustment is still stuck on the "Acceptance" stage, This just seems like it's taking forever for the Initial Review phase, I haven't gotten an RFE suggesting I'm missing anything.

    I guess my question is, is it normal for this process to take this long? I know I've seen cases of it taking much longer than 4 months, but should I just continue to wait or should I call the USCIS and

    start looking into the progress of our case?

  8. I would do the same.... Looks like what he said, it's the medical sealed envelop?

    Yep! He didn't even bother to open it.. Just handed it back to us and said that he'd let us handle that for the AOS, Which I thought was strange..

    Same happened to me in San Francisco, I send it with the AOS package.cool.gif

    Kinda of relieved that we aren't the only ones this happened to! Thanks for your help! :)

  9. So they must have logged it anyways and then given it back to him! thats lucky lol

    ( no worrys about the post )

    I would send it to USCIS with the AOS package and include a note about how CBP gave it back at entry. Make sure the note says its from the K-1 package etc.

    Lol! Well that's a relief, I was a little worried because the CBP never opened this particular envelope, but maybe he has copies of everything they needed in the bigger brown envelope and just returned the smaller one.

    I guess I will keep it sealed and write a small note like you mentioned and hope for the best!

  10. CBP was not supposed to give that back. It is supposed to be logged at the entry and then CBP is supposed to send it to USCIS.

    Was he given an I-94 in his passport?

    Also going to move this to the adjustment of status forum.. as this is about adjustment of status.

    He was given an I-94, already applied for his ssn, and actually we've already received it in the mail (Surprised me how fast it came)

    Should I call the USCIS? Or just send it to them when we do file for everything?

    Also sorry about the misplacement of the post!! Thanks for moving it for me :)

  11. So.. quick question. My fiance finally got his K-1 and arrived to the US on June 7th. We are planning our wedding for July 23rd and I am preparing all the forms to adjust our status in the mean time so we aren't too worried with it during our wedding and honeymoon. Well.. the man who processed him into the states gave him back a sealed envelope that says "Do not open" and then says "Contains medical forms" or something along those lines (Don't have it in front of me at the moment, it's locked safely at home) Obviously it says "Do not open" but I'm not sure if that has the medical form we need that's signed by the Civil Surgeon.. The guy who processed Mark into the states just handed it back to us and said "I'm going to let you guys hold on this for the status adjustment" So I guess my question is...Just send it to the USCIS still sealed and hope that it has all the medical forms we need? I've done tons of reading on this site and I just have never really seen anybody mention the border control just handing over an entire sealed envelope, I could be wrong though. Ah.. just to clarify a little better, he did open the big brown folder and go through that, the envelope he handed to us still sealed is just a regular sized white envelope overly stuffed. Anyway :) Thanks for all you guy's help! I definitely think I would have been lost without the help of VJ during this whole filing process!

  12. So we finally went to our interview on May 21st and we both agreed that we were both more nervous than we should have been!

    We have been approved! After spending our entire relationship being together and then being pulled apart and not seeing one another for months at time except through a computer screen, the time has come to say goodbye to our Skype conversations and computer screens, emails, and countless text! We finally get to start our life together in one house! YAY! APPROVED! We are soooooo happy!!! kicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif

  13. I wanted to say Thank you to everyone who has spoken with me, answered questions, and even the other's who have posted forums that have calmed my nerves. I just spent the entire morning reading postings on peoples experiences with the Amsterdam Embassy regarding their interviews and most of them went into grand detail about how they were treated, what to expect, what we need, everything we could possibly think of and I have to say we are 23 days away from our interview and I have been on wits end trying to make sure I have everything in order. The right size photos, the proper documents, photographs, call logs, email logs, proof of income. Everything! You name it I've probably got it shoved in a folder in this heaping pile of documentation that I seem to carry around with me no matter where I go! I know my family probably thinks I have gone nuts lol!

    Anyway, long story short. Thank you everyone for sharing their experiences with us because it has definitely gave me peace of mind. We are looking forward to hopefully sharing good news in a few short weeks :)

    Thanks again!

  14. Hey all! So we don't have our interview date yet, but we are currently waiting on our Packet 3! We have already taken the steps into getting his Police certificate, but we were needing to know if we needed a English version of this? He lived 12 years in Spain and moved back to The Netherlands almost 3 years ago (He's originally from the Netherlands) So he sent a request for his Spanish police certificate and received it back, but obviously it's in Spanish...is that okay or should we take the steps in having it translated?

  15. My cousin married a German years ago and while they were waiting for their AOS they decided to go to the Bahamas. Had a great time, but let me tell you entering the US after those 3 romantic days were a nightmare. Its best to stay in the US until you have the green card in your hands or a 551 approval stamp in your passport.

    Eee..Yeaaa.... I don't want anything to be a nightmare, being away from one another is already nightmarish enough! Once I have him here, I kind of want to keep him here yes.gif. So I definitely think we will rethink the wedding plans.

  16. I dont think you can do that. I think you have to married on US soil. What about Hawaii? Thats a US state but still has the nice scenery you'd like. Ive also wondered if the US Virgin Islands are allowed?

    That's what I'm afraid of... and as much as I would love that Hawaii thing lol they don't have any all inclusive resorts that I know of...I may have to do some research to see if I can find any that are similar to sandals, but I think I am just wishful thinking huh.gif

  17. Well... My fiance and I are finally in our last steps to get our visa! Which is incredibly exciting and as we all know going through the visa process, planning a wedding, traveling back and forth to see one another, and working full time is incredibly stressful! So we were thinking about the sandals resort, the all-inclusive, where they take care of everything resort....We could have our wedding and honeymoon all in one and have all the wedding planning pretty much taken care of, but I'm not even sure if we are allowed to do that because they only offer the sandals in the Caribbean. Are we going to be allowed to go there together, get married, and file for our AOS when we get back? The reason I'm asking this is because of the I-131 is a travel permission, and you're suppose to file the I-131 after the AOS right? I guess my main concern is.. are they going to let him back in?!

    blink.gif There's so much going on I just thought it would be wonderful to sit on a tropical beach and breath! lol But I'm not sure if they are going to make it that easy for us... Either way we will get through it, we are so close :)

  18. You understood incorrectly.

    The ESTA website states "When traveling to the U.S. with the approved ESTA, you may only stay for up to 90 days at a time - and there should be a reasonable amount of time between visits so that the CBP Officer does not think you are trying to live here. There is no set requirement for how long you must wait between visits."

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