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Posts posted by JoanLaArc

  1. I just read the other post you wrote and you said that he never treated you badly.... My gosh girl, ofcourse he has! What he has done is HORRIBLE. Heartbreaking! I don't want to make you feel bad but it sounded like you were feeling a little guilty and you shouldn't.

    It looks like you have done all that you can at this point. The best thing for you to do is find a way to emotionally move on from this. You mentioned fear that this would somehow hurt your career and I would say absolutely NOT! You had nothing to do with this and married and loved in good faith. No one has any right to hold that against you.

    You must let go. It's the only way to find truer happiness. I wish you only the best and hope you find closure after such an ordeal....

  2. Why do you think you had a stokes interview? They are uncommon correct? Hopefully all will go well for you. Can you detail what you sent in with your package, how long you've been married and your timeline. It's difficult to tell anything without this backgound info - previous marriages, length of relationship, previous filings, age and race differences....

    I would not panic but there is always a reason for a stokes interview IMO....

  3. Don't be ridiculous. This is a PUBLIC OPNION FORUM as well as a place to gather info! I answered her question. She's free to leave before the baby is born. If you ask a loaded question ofcourse people will respond with their thoughts as well as the facts. Especially on a topic that would touch close to home for so many people.

    If all she wanted was a legal remedy she could have asked her question without including details of her relationship that would lead us to believe that she is indeed conflicted. Or she could have just talked to a lawyer in PRIVATE and got a 3 word answer..

    I'd just like to add that no one has a right to judge her and I hope she does not take it that way. Her story is HEARTBREAKING... I'm sure many of us feel for her - I certainly do because I personally have felt like just running away and leaving when things went badly during my marriage at the beginning of my pregnancy.. I'm GLAD I got advice from people. I'm glad I opened up. I'm glad I listened to people even when I had my mind made up. If I made a decision in a vacuum I may have missed out on what actually turned out to be an amazing pregancy and an even stronger marriage than I could have ever imagined. I would have never known that things can be so very different when you are pregnant and emotions are sometimes powerful enough to lead you astray..

    Pregnancy and love it HARD.. If you've been through a rough time as early as she is in her's, it does no harm to have her hear peoples opinions no matter what she chooses to do in the end.

    I wont apologize for empathizing with this poor woman enough to add my two cents. I meant no direspect or judgement but this is not a question about some silly mistake on an immigration form or 'why have I not gotten my biometrics appointment?.....'

  4. To me this seems to be a question of simple fairness. Sometimes as women we feel entitled to make decisions as if we made the child by ourselves.

    I would simply ask myself this one question if I were you. How would I feel if someone could take my child thousands of miles away and leave me near helpless to do anything about it?

    You are well within your legal rights to go home before the baby is born but how could that sit well with you - doing that to someone?? How would that affect your child? How would you feel? what could/would you do?

    Do not make the first major decision you make as a mother be to remove a good chance that your baby will know the full love of his/her father without a VERY VERY VERY ligitimate reason..

  5. I just did my Biometrics early. Received my appointment notice on Monday, read on here that Wednesdays are good for walk ins at the Elizabeth NJ office so I tried, gave my reason why and the manager signed and changed the date to today.

    The office was VERY empty so I think it would not make sense to turn me away.

    The MISINFOMATION LINE said they no longer accept walk ins at any of the locations but I don't see why they wouldnt on a slow day AND going in early means you open up a slot later on for someone else so I don't think they would take the authority away from the manager.....

    I don't know if it speeds it up but at least I dont have to wait 3 more weeks to have to go down there.. ;)

  6. SUCCESS!! I read that someone else said Wednesdays are best for walk ins at the Elizabeth Location and it looks like they really are. The place was a a ghost town. Was in and out in 30 mins (9:10 - 9:40) BUT you have to have a valid reason why you want to change.

    My advice:

    Choose a Wednesday, make sure you have a good reason you can back up with paperwork if you have it: flight itenaries etc... The Manager was professional and quickly signed and changed my date on the spot. I went back to the gaurd who gave me a sheet to fill out - confirmed that I completed it correctly, I showed ID to the receptionist, walked into the waiting room, waited about 10 mins, took 5 mins for photo and prints and I was done!

    I think it was easy for her to allow walk ins because it was really slow. She seemed to be signing/changing alot of appointments but everyone had to quickly plead their case.... Don't think she would be doing that if the place was packed...

    I don't know if it will move the entire process along faster but I'm glad I don't have to worry about it around the holidays as far along as I am... :)

  7. I think you were both overconfident perhaps because you are actually married and didn't think too hard about the process.

    My Hubby knows my mothers name because its the same as his cousins but if that was not the case he may not recall because she passed away before I met him. I refer to her as my mother not her first name and he obviously has never spoken to her so would he remember? He knows my fathers first name because he thinks its funny but refers to him as Mr. ######. I don't even know my grandma's first name. I mean her name is 'grandma.' I asked a family member to remind me and I then of course I remembered but if I was quizzed.. Yeesh..

    Nick names for places and hospitals are common, details on official documents also may have mistakes. My middle name on my SS # is severely misspelled - almost another name. I've had it for 10 years and have not changed it (who wants to go to a SS office unless you have to). Overseas if you are used to filling out your birthday with day/month/year you could forget and have some of you initial docs with incorrect birth dates.

    Sure the list of egs could go on and on. The thing is (and someone else mentioned this) you should have brought all these things to the IO's attention before she felt like she was catching you with your pants down.... :bonk:

    Good thing is this is not irreversible. Do what they ask for and if your have to do another interview just go prepared...

    I do have a question though..

    What was your initial offering of docs and what did you bring with you to the interview? Also, you said you submitted in January. Why so long before you got your interview? Any unusual reasons?

  8. I think you have to consider and be prepared to answer what they did to continue pursuing the petition. If it was easily abandoned then the IO may intensifier your process. People who are in love don't just let it go after one try. They find other avenues. I know my husband would never let it go (nor I) till we were together some how.

    I suspect they will grill her/you on her previous marriage to re-gauge its authenticity then grill you again to see if the current marriage is real.

    I think you should both be very careful when handling this... If you are truly in love, this will just be a bump in the road but you will get approved because you won't give up on each other....

  9. First I would say reach out to family and friend (CLOSE ONES) and see if they may be willing to have you have it at their home. Make it a family affair. People love to help. If you have an aunt who makes yummy food, see if she would cook for up to x people with assistance and you pay for just the food.

    If its in the winter time it would obviosuly have to be in doors. If its during the summer time maybe rent out a beach house in Cape May for the weekend invite your closest friends and family to spend the day and you can do a semi honeymoon after everyone leaves.

    My husband and I did that. We had close friends and fam drive in and stay a few days at the beach house after we had a really beautiful dinner party at the back of the gorgeous house we rented overlooking the water. :)This way you won't have to do a HUGE wedding that you'll have to pay for for the next 10 years AND you get to have fam and friends AND you can avoid a courthouse wedding if you don't want one....

    Just some ideas.. Cape May and LBI are beautiful quiet shore towns....

  10. IMO I do think having a child together tops the list. I know a couple who walked into their interview in Texas with a joint lease (very current), a few pieces of junk mail, some photos and a 4 month old and the IO literally said, "you have a baby together so I won't ask you any questions... Unless you want me to (smile)."

    I think that people engaging in fraud (where the USC gets paid or is just 'helping out') WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT PRODUCE A CHILD to gain benefits. That just does not make sense and most people know that. They may do EVERYTHING ELSE but not commit themselves to the person they are using for a lifetime.....

    Having a child at the very least shows that there is an intimate relationship. Your lease or tax returns doesn't prove that....

    At any rate, any one peice of evidence can be fabricate, I just think that a baby (life altering) is a little more extreme than just going to the trouble of opening bank accounts....

    No one can say for sure what a particular IO values the most, but I think it would be hard for me to look at a couple with 2.5 kids together and say, 'well that only proves you had sex a few times.... :huh: '

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