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Mrs. Best

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Posts posted by Mrs. Best

  1. Hello my fellow vj members. I am on the process of adjusting my status and I have my biometrics in a week or so.

    I am changing my name to my married name this time. I didn't do it at first cause I didn't know how.

    My question to you is...should I have a court order name change? Or my original a married certificate from my country will bet enough?.

    I sent a copy of it and now all the process has been with my desired married name but my photo ID passport, green card, drivers license....is with my maiden name cause I didn't change it at first. Do you know if this would be an issue?

    Do I need a court order? Thank u

  2. Hello everyone!

    Well i moved here three months ago, and now my work at home job is coming to an end.

    My experience is in sales and hospitality, my english could be better but i believe that it is not a barrier, and i have a master degree in business.

    I do not have experience in the USA, so i wanted to know what do you think it would be a good way to start. I was planning to apply for assistant or sales. Starting from the bottom and take my chances to grow in the company.

    The problem is i don´t know where to start. I have been applying to hospitality jobs (most of them sales)but it´s hard to find something that suits me (because my experience is in event planning and catering management). I need help.

    What would you recommend in my case?

  3. Thanks everyone! I received the NOA2 via email but via airmail my husband doesn't know yet since he is still here with me in the Philippines. My question is, after receiving the NOA2, i still have to wait for the NVC to contact me? or my husband?

    After you receive the NOA2 they will contact you, but if you are too impatiente as i was i recommend sending an email to the consular services at the embassy, they will give you the next step. Whichs is normally the biometrics...

    Good luck!

  4. Do i need to wait for that to start looking for a job, get my driver license, or is the seal and my SS number enough?

    I would like to know because when i went to the SSA they told me i could start looking for a job with the number, but i read the paper they gave me and it says "Yout social security card is the official verification of your social security number. This printout does not verify your irght to work in the united states"

    So...until i get the card is when im actually going to be able to work?

  5. So i got approved on the interview and i got the passport and the Visa today but i am a little confused.

    For what i read, i will have this residence for 1 year (i thought it would be 2 years?)what is coming next? What should i do?

    I will probably leave next week, althought i am not 100% sure on that.

    Help is appreciated!

    Thank you

  6. Is it a requirement of the embassy (more than 6 months living?). I am in the same boat as you are. I lived in Denmark for 9 months, still struggling to get a PCC from there. I still have a luck that I have time (more than 1 month). But I find in the website of Dhaka Embassy that they need PCC if I lived more that 1 year out of the country. Till I want to be prepared with the PCC.

    Best of luck for you. Please update us after your interview.

    Thank you! yes i know it is a requirement but it is not possible to get it because my student visa expired (i got this information from the NVC website)

    Police Record

    Available for applicants over 18 years old.

    The Spanish police Certificate is known in Spain as "Certificado de Antecedentes Penales".

    If you are a Spanish national residing in Spain or a third country national (TCN) legally living in Spain, you may apply in three different ways:

    By mail at the "Oficina Central de Atención al Ciudadano¨ from the Ministry of Justice, in Plaza Jacinto Benavente 3, 28012 Madrid, Spain,

    In person in that Office or, outside Madrid, in any "Gerencia Territorial" from the Ministry of Justice.

    By internet, if the applicant has a Digital Certificate, through the web page www.mjusticia.es. This document can be verified in that web page with the Security Verification Code at the bottom of the page.

    If you are a Spanish national living outside of Spain, you should apply through the Spanish Consulate in the country where you are currently living.

    Non-Spanish former legal residents of Spain: Non-Spanish former residents of Spain applying outside Spain must contact their respective countries´ Embassy in Madrid, Spain. (Example: Italians should contact the Italian Consulate in Madrid). The Embassy should then contact the Spanish Ministry of Justice if that country has a reciprocal agreement with Spain for police certification. A list of countries having reciprocal agreements with Spain is not available. Applicants must check with each individual consulate regarding their country´s reciprocal agreement status. The contact address is:

    Oficina central de Atención al Ciudadano del Ministerio de Justicia

    Plaza Jacinto Benavente 3

    28012 Madrid


    So my country doesnt have a reciprocal agreement with Spain for police certification, they dont do that...i would have to do it sending a form and a valid visa or NIE and mine expired in 2009 oops

  7. hello everyone!

    So i am very happy cause my interview is next week on wednesday and i think i have all the things i need, the only thing i am nervous about is spain police record, cause i didnt get it and its because my embassy doesnt have a reciprocity agreement and if i wanted to get the police record by postal mail they require to provide a valid document at the time you ask for it and mine expired 3 years ago.

    I have everything documented so i hope there isnt any problem about this,i lived in spain for 9 months so...maybe that wll help a little bit.

    If anyone has been through this situation please share your experience with me :D

  8. Hello everyone,

    I finally got my interview date, i already set the medical exam and i have all i need but one thing, my police records from spain.

    So this is the case (i have tried to find help over the internet but i guess it is a particular case?)

    I studied in Barcelona (2008-2009) for nine months, i have 3 years since i came back now and of course i never asked for my police record when i left (i didnt know i could even do that, as i was a student).

    But now i am getting ready for my interview and even though they didnt ask for it i would like to have everything in hand just in case. So i tried to find out if i could get my spanish police record for the time i was studying there.

    I called the Nicaragua embassy in Madrid and they told me they do all the tramits for the nicaraguan police record in spain, but they dont handle spanish police records for nicaraguan people, i read what the spanish US embassy said about this matter and i asked the guy who answered my call if maybe they had some kind of reciprocity agreement for this cases and he said no and please call the spanish embassy in managua.

    I called to the spanish embassy in nicaragua and i asked the exact same thing (my spanish police records for the time i was there) and they said they dont do it either, and that is a service that just people who lived 5 years in spain is allowed to get, then i asked if there was some document or letter or something that could give me a backup for what she was saying and she said go to the national police website, so i did. And i found exactly the same thing...nothing.(other websites i have check in spain are: Exterior Mnistry, Justice Ministry, Interior Ministry.)

    So..im kindda lost i dont know if i should go to the embassy and if they ask then i should tell them that i tried but for what i was told i wasnt able to get it cause i am consider just a temporary visitor (i read students are not consider residents, even if they live in the country for more than 6 months), or tell me from the beginning about the problem that i had getting these records.Or maybe just keep trying...

    Advice please.

    Do you guys know anything about this? Anything that could apply for this case...HELP!

  9. Hello everyone,

    I finally got my interview date, i already set the medical exam and i have all i need but one thing, my police records from spain.

    So this is the case (i have tried to find help over the internet but i guess it is a particular case?)

    I studied in Barcelona (2008-2009) for nine months, i have 3 years since i came back now and of course i never asked for my police record when i left (i didnt know i could even do that, as i was a student).

    But now i am getting ready for my interview and even though they didnt ask for it i would like to have everything in hand just in case. So i tried to find out if i could get my spanish police record for the time i was studying there.

    I called the Nicaragua embassy in Madrid and they told me they do all the tramits for the nicaraguan police record in spain, but they dont handle spanish police records for nicaraguan people, i read what the spanish US embassy said about this matter and i asked the guy who answered my call if maybe they had some kind of reciprocity agreement for this cases and he said no and please call the spanish embassy in managua.

    I called to the spanish embassy in nicaragua and i asked the exact same thing (my spanish police records for the time i was there) and they said they dont do it either, and that is a service that just people who lived 5 years in spain is allowed to get, then i asked if there was some document or letter or something that could give me a backup for what she was saying and she said go to the national police website, so i did. And i found exactly the same thing...nothing.(other websites i have check in spain are: Exterior Mnistry, Justice Ministry, Interior Ministry.)

    So..im kindda lost i dont know if i should go to the embassy and if they ask then i should tell them that i tried but for what i was told i wasnt able to get it cause i am consider just a temporary visitor (i read students are not consider residents, even if they live in the country for more than 6 months), or tell me from the beginning about the problem that i had getting these records.Or maybe just keep trying...

    Advice please.

  10. Thank you! i did and it said the interview would be set around 2 months...and last night i got an email from the NVC letting me know the interview date was for September 26th, 2012.

    Im soo happy and i feel blessed :D

  11. Hello everyone!

    I just wanted to ask...how long does it take to get your interview date?

    My case was completed last week...27th maybe?

    And i called and they said it depends on the consulate...now...if you are from nicaragua maybe you could help, but even if you arent, could you please tell me how long did it take to get yours? Im planning to get an avarage jejej.

    Thank you for your help

  12. I'd suggest getting certified copies while you're waiting for NVC to respond. There's no guarantee they'll find your originals or accept them.

    When you send your IV package, mention in your cover letter about what you did and see if they can review the originals that USCIS sent. You can include the regular copies you have, to see if that helps. If you do get a checklist for originals/certified copies, you should have gotten the certified copies by then to send in.

    thank you Saylin! i have photocopies of all the documents i sent...i remember that the last time i went to the embassy and get a seal on the translations to make them valid. Do i need to re get all the documents i did last time? or can i use my copies and stamp them with a seal to make them valid and that would work? i know this is a country thing...but do you know what should i do by any chance?

    Thank you.

  13. Hello everyone! All fees are paid yay! now...i called the NVC for the issue that i have with my birth certificate and marriage certificate. I told them that i sent the original ones (I have copies of the originals and the translations of them)and i wanted to know if they had them.

    The agent i spoke with assured me that the USCIS sent the entire file to the NVC, and in this case what i should do is to email them or send them a letter asking to review my case for those documents.

    I already sent an email, but i remember saylin told me i should also fill a form and i can´t remember if it was D260 or some other form.

    Anywho...i want to know what is faster...to ask for the original docs or to certified the copies that i already have. I need to send with the IV bill package. I know i screw up by sending the original ones...i actually was told i should by someone who supposed to know a lot about this and helps people from my country to get everything together, but now im just thinking she wanted me to do that in order to get more money from me.

    I just really dont want to be wasting time...i want to be with him in september max.

    help please :wacko:

  14. You were NOT supposed to send any originals to USCIS. It states so in the instructions. You're probably going to have to file a G-884 (http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=dccb5d4c6608e010VgnVCM1000000ecd190aRCRD&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD ) to request them back.

    In the meantime, can you get certified copies of the original documents you sent in? NVC accepts originals or certified copies.

    Thank you Saylin, I did send all of those... we sent everything certified and translated...all of the documents.I still have the copy package of the documents i sent. In my country our brith certificates and all of our certificates are copies, but i did send all the originals for USCIS.

    do i have to do all the certifications again? that took lot of time and money...and well...is it possible to tell them that they already have the documents or the USCIS doesnt send all the documents to them?

    In the meantime ill do the G-884... ty!

  15. Hello Everyone.

    I have a question about the documents of the NVC, i already sent all the original documents in our USCIS stage, but i read that NVC requires this documents again ... Does this happens event if i sent the original ones or just if i sent copies? can i call and let them know i sent the original ones? Or should i wait to see if i am ask for any futher documentation?

    Thank you in advance for all of your help.


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