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Mrs. Best

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Status Replies posted by Mrs. Best

  1. Hello! I have a blog about being a new resident in the united states. http://llnbeyond.blogspot.com/ I just wanted to share it with you guys. It might help you.

    1. Mrs. Best

      Mrs. Best

      If you want me to write about something in specific please let me know.

  2. My husband picked up his VISA yesterday and we're making plans to be reunited after 2 years 5 mos

    1. Mrs. Best

      Mrs. Best

      May i ask why did it take so long? How long did you wait for the interview? hmmmm...after the interview...i can go to my husband right?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. I wish i knew how to speed this process

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