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Posts posted by amanorni

  1. Hi All!

    Case Type CR1,Interview date 20th Dec, New interview date is set for 12th January 2012

    I had a successful interview today, i would like to reserve the review later, i will come and share with you all.

    After the CO and i had a wonderful chat, she told me everything was intact but there was a problem, and the problem at to be be fixed! She said my original name on my birth cert e.g James Nei Brown did not match with the name on my Passport and Police Cert because it reads Neil James Brown, and explained that it meant entirely different person, so she would recommend i go change my passport and Police Cert to read JAMES NEIL BROWN but not Neil James Brown so she issued me a 221g form with a new appointment date on 12th Jan 2012 to submit a new passport and police cert.

    That was it, i was surprise i didnt notice the mistake in my passport inadvance, i would have changed it before going for the interview. so she gave me back my passport to go for a new one and gave me back my evidence of relationship docs, e.g pics,emails ect and she kept two passport pics.

    So right from the embassy i went to the Passport office and told them the problem, and they checked their computer and said it was mistake from my side when i was filling the info for my new biometric passport in 2010, so they took the faulted and ask me to come buy forms and apply for a new passport with the names rightly arranged in it.

    MY QUESTION IS: Q. 1 does it mean that my visa have been approved or would be automatically be approved as soon as i return with the a new passport with the correction of the name in it?

    Q. If i was denied would she have still insisted i fixed my name right in my passport by bringing her a new one?

    NB: I need your opinions?

    Either ways am still a happy guy because, that was the only 221g i got, besides that my interview with her was great,very friendly and i answered her all the questions she asked.(review comes later)


    1.How do i present my pictures of our meet up & marriage,Should i fix all the pics in a photo album?

    2.Will the embassy allow me in with a photo album during the security check?

    3. If the photo album would not be allowed in, how do i organised the pics?

    4. Is there a way to present the pictures with caption under it or attached to it telling what each picture means in the photo album?

    5. Please all ideas,views,suggestions, experience are welcomed.

    NB: Am the beneficiary, CR1 Route

    Am new

  3. I beg you pls use de court marriage as de date ok. Also make sure that when your wife is askd when you both got married she should state de court date. And make sure on her interview day she should not send the traditional marriage pics there otherwise she will hav issues. Even nigeria i read if you hav already done the dowry is a red flag durin the interview i guess for a K1 route or so,not too certain but read the nigeria reviews

  4. CR1 case type you need not to be present doing the interview only your beneficiary home country the interview will take place. If You are the USC or the petitioner is not always important to be there,unless u happen to be in the country prior to the interview date to offer moral support,mind you,some embassy might not allow you in. But for K1 type usually people are allowed in with their fiance,and it helps alot most cases. I hope this helps. Other Vjers would share their opinions later. All the best

  5. If you are filling for a K1 in Lagos

    be very aware of the following:

    1. Do not mention anything

    about introductions

    2. Do not mention anything

    about dowry

    3. Do not show any pictures of

    you guys in any identical

    traditional outfits

    4. Do not speak about gifts

    exchanging hands.

    5. Do not show any souvenirs

    If you are responding to any

    question: Maintain eye contact

    for a period of about 10seconds

    before looking away briefly &

    reestablishing eye contact.

    When Listening to the CO:

    Maintain direct eye contact AND

    maintain it. Try to blink at

    regular intervals .Also move your

    head now & then such as giving

    a nod in agreement.

    I’ve heard it said that only 5% of

    communication is verbal, the

    rest is body language. How you

    present yourself says ALOT. You

    can take a ton of documents for

    the interview but if your body

    language is sending out the

    wrong signals...its all over before

    you even begin.

    Always stick to your original

    story no matter the intimidation.

    Remember the worst any Co can

    do is delay or deny your visa.

    They can't stop your wedding/

    marriage...that's entirely up to


  6. Hi Below is also another compilation from other people, i thought i could add to it.

    Here are some tips for the interview:

    1. Do not volunteer information. For most questions, the shorter and more direct the answers are, the shorter the interview and the higher the chance of success. If the question is a yes or no question, give yes or no answers only. If the question is a simple question like "What is your name?" answer simply with your name.

    2. If you do not know the answer to a question, do not lie. Say, "I don't know the answer to that at this time." or "I don't remember."

    3. The answer to many questions will be in the papers that were sent in the petitions. Questions like, "what are your husband's parent's names". They will expect you to know the information given in your petitions. Review everything in your paperwork with your wife before her interview, and do a mock interview to see how the information may be applied.

    4. Avoid saying "I think . . .". Women do this a lot. The examiner will expect you to know not be unsure, of your answers. Also, avoid adding "umm", "you know" and "ahh" type fillers to your speech.

    5. When applicable, don't just state, demonstrate. If the examiner asks a question that can be answered with a document or photograph(s), provide it along with your answer.

    For example, if the examiner asks, "What does your family think of your husband?", give them a picture or two with your answer; "They like him very much. Here is a picture of him with my mother and father at my parent's home."

    Or, "How many attended your wedding?" Answer, "(give a number, then say) We have some lovely wedding photos of our guests having fun. Here are a few that I can show you."

    6. Give American answers for dates and times. 12/24/07, not 24/12/07.

    7. Dress well, but not overdressed.

    8. Try to appear calm, well organized, and friendly. Nervousness raises suspicions.

    9. Remain focused. If the examiner makes jokes, smile and enjoy, but do not make jokes too.

    10. Make proper eye contact when conversing with the examiner, and try to control your own facial expressions so that your face remains pleasant and cordial.

    11. Be audible so that your examiner doesn't have to ask you to repeat your answers.

    12. Organize your papers in a way that will allow you to retrieve them easily and quickly. Examiners appreciate order and someone who doesn't waste their time.

    13. When the interview is over, always ask for the results. "What should I now tell my husband about my visa status after our interview?" Before you leave, have them explain any papers they give to you and/or any procedures they will be taking to complete your case. Try to get the examiner's name for future reference, if needed. Write it down.

    14. If the interview is in another city than the one you live in, arrive a day or two early to complete biometrics and get the results of your medical exam.

    15. Arrive early to the consulate, but also be prepared to wait for a time past your scheduled interview appointment time. Be careful of thieves around the consulate if you have to carry cash. Bring ID; you cannot enter without it.

    16. It is rare for the consulate to give you a visa on the spot. Be prepared to return for it, if approved.

    For the interview, your SO should bring:

    1. Original marriage documents, translations and certifications.

    2. Formal, long form birth certificate.

    3. Copies of any divorce records or death decrees of former SO(s).

    4. Passport, with an expiration date of no earlier than 6 months. Try to have more than 6 months before expiration.

    5. Police certificate with "Nothing" written on it, indicating no criminal record

    6. Fingerprints (consulate will instruct you regarding how, when and where these will be taken). There is a fee for this.

    7. Medical exam results (consulate will instruct you regarding how, when and where this will be taken). There is a fee for this. Make sure you get a copy from the medical examiner.

    8. Passport type photos of each of you. (consulate will instruct you regarding these)

    I made a list of what I've seen other people say their SOs were asked at consulates. Make sure that your fiancé can spell your COMPLETE name.

    Possible interview questions:

    What's your SO's full name?

    Has s/he used any other names?

    How many times have you met?

    When and how did you meet?

    When was the last time you were together?

    How long have you known each other?

    How long were you together the last time?

    How long were you together any other time(s)?

    What are the dates of the visits?

    What have you done when your SO came?

    Where did you go?

    Where does your SO live? Which city and state?

    What does your SO do for a living?

    Where does your SO work?

    What is your SO's phone number?

    Do you know how long your SO has had this job?

    Did you have a wedding ceremony?

    Please describe your wedding ceremony.

    Are you planning to have a wedding at any time in the future?

    Questions about the pictures; when, where and who.

    Where will you live?

    Have you met your SO's family?

    Where do your SO's parents live?

    How do you communicate with your SO?

    How do you keep in touch?

    What language do you use to communicate with your SO?

    How many times do you and your SO talk on the phone each month?

    Why did you want to marry your SO?

    Why would you choose to marry so much older/younger than you?

    Do you want children?

    What do your parents think about your marriage?

    Do you love your SO?

    What do you love about your SO?

    Does your SO own or rent their home?

    How much does your SO earn?

    Write your SO's full name.

    Have you ever been to the US?

    When, for how long, and where did you live?

    Do you have any relatives/friends in the US?

    Where do they live?

    What are your SO's parents' names?

    Does your SO have any brothers or sisters?

    What are their names?

    What are your SO's hobbies and interests?

    What are your hobbies and interests?

    What do you have in common?

    Do you know if your SO was married before?

    How many times?

    When did your SO divorce?

    Does your SO have any children?

    What are their (exes) names?

    How do you get along with your SO's child(ren)?

    Were you married before?

    What is your SO's religious background?

    Does your SO speak and understand your language?

    Why do you want to come to the United States?

    Do you have children?

    How old is your SO?

    What is your SO's birth date?

    Where was your SO born?

    Do you speak and understand your SO's native language?

    Where and when were you engaged?

    What do you do for a living?

    Where do you work?

    What do you plan to do once you are in the US?

    Do you plan to work in the US?

    Do you plan to study in the US?

    What company does your SO's work for and what is their title?

    What is your SO's favorite food?

    Where did your SO work in the past and for how long?

    What color are your SO's eyes?

    What color is your SO's hair?

    Did you prepare the forms yourself?

    Which university did your SO graduate from?

    Which subjects has your SO studied?

    Have you been in the military?

    Talk about your experience in the military.

    Who is the petitioner?

    Please tell me more about your SO.

    Do you plan to stay in the U.S. forever?

    What is your SO's name?

    How did you meet your SO?

    When did you meet your SO?

    When did you become engaged?

    What made you decide to use the internet to find a SO?

    How long was your SO married before?

    Does he have children? How many?

    What are their names?

    How old is your SO?

    When was your SO born?

    How long has your SO been working for XYZ?

    Have you met his/her parents?

    Have you talked to them on the phone?

    Do they approve of your relationship?

    Does your family approve of your relationship?

    When was your engagement party?

    Who was there?

    Was any of her family there?

    Why weren't they there?

    Where did you have your wedding?

    What religion is your SO?

    What is your religion?

    When did your SO visit you?

    How long did your SO stay each visit?

    What do you do for work?

    How do you communicate with your SO?

    How many times a day do you talk to your SO on the phone?

    Where is your SO from?

    What does your SO do?

    When is your SO's birthday?

    What did you send your SO?

    When was your SO here?

    Did you have an engagement ceremony?

    Where do your SO parents live?

    Where do your SO's siblings live?

    What does your SO do?

    What is your SO parents address?

    What does your SO do?

    What do you do?

    Who are the people in the pictures?

    What did you send to your SO?

    What did your SO send to you?

    How many times was your SO married?

    What are the names of your SO's exes?

    When was your SO's last divorce?

    When did you meet your your SO?

    When were you married?

    What were the exact dates of your SO's visit?

    Does your SO have children?

    How many and what are their names?

    Where do your SO 's parents live?

    What did you do when your wife was in your country?

    Where was the wedding?

    Do you talk to men online?

    How to you talk to your SO?

    When did you meet your SO?

    Were you talking to a lot of men on the Internet?

    What do you and your SO talk about on the phone?

    Do you have family in the US?

    Who has custody of the children?

    Where do your SO's exes live?

    Will you be a good parent to your SO's children?

  7. If any of you is filing for K1 visa or fiance visa and you are in the country with your beneficiary, MAKE SURE U ENTER THE EMBASSY with him or her on the day of interview,becos in your case thats what you should hav done,then what was the point in you travelling down to support her without entering the embassy. Well like others hav said,is not too late,go to the embassy and demand answers

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