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Posts posted by StellaB

  1. Hi Sapahm,

    No problem. Will try to remember what we sent 2 years ago and what I sent recently. We got marred in the summer of 2009, applied in 2010 and had an interview in October 2010. For AOS we sent:


    His Naturalization Papers

    My Birth Certificate

    Medical Forms

    Marriage Certificate

    Copy of Bank Cards

    Copy of Bank Statements

    Water Bills

    Gas Bills

    Cable Bills

    Copy of 2 lease Agreements Signed by both of us

    Rent Payment Stubs

    Pictures- of wedding and life as a married couple. About 13.

    Tax Returns for 2009

    Letters that came to the house in each of our names for different bills etc.

    The marriage ended Dec 2011. Divorce final Nov 2012

    For ROC I sent:

    Copy of GC

    Letter explaining why the marriage ended. Signed by me.

    Bank Statements

    Gas Bills

    Water Bills

    Cable Bills

    Copy of new Lease signed by both of us.

    Pictures: 4 or 5

    Letters that came to the house in each of our names for different bills etc.

    Hope that helps. If anyone has any other questions feel free to ask. Good luck with you're journey! I know it's a long road but you will be happy in the end.


  2. Hi All,

    So, I think I may have made a mistake. I've been helping a couple out with their ROC paperwork because their english is not that great and I recently filed all of mine and was APPROVED!!! Wohoo

    Anyways, we sent in the application 2 weeks ago and have not heard anything back yet. What I'm concerned about is because they didn't have any personal cheques they gave me cash and I wrote a cheque on their behalf to USCIS. Is that a problem? Maybe I'm just paranoid but I don't remember it taking this long for my cheque to clear on my application. Any advice on what to do now would be great. Planning to call them today with the couple.



  3. Hi All,

    This may be a silly question, but Im going to ask it anyways. I'm in the process of filling out my Removal of Conditions paperwork and I am doing so with a divorce waiver. Is part of the package putting together a historical statement of the beginning, middle and end of the marriage?

    Explaining what went wrong etc. Would love to hear anyone's feedback.



  4. I know of one case where the USCitizen filed for divorced and told USCIS and ICE about it.

    When the LPR returned to USA via POE, he was held in secondary, moved to detention, saw an immigration judge, was given 30 days to leave the country.

    It was cut and dry. IMO, if USCIS and ICE know about the divorce, it's a different experience coming through a POE.

    Is that only if the divorce is final? Or can it be the same for a pending divorce?

  5. Just because you file for a divorce will not remove conditions of your conditioal green card. You can apply for a waiver 90 days prior to the expiration of your card, but your case will be adjudicated and you will have to appear at USCIS for an interview. You can only have a waiver approved normally under two conditions. 1) If you were abused physically. You had better have police reports and medicals reports or it is just hearsay and not factual. USCIS deals only in facts. 2) You entered the marriage in good faith. Hope you have all the proof of that. Wedding photos are not good enough. Hope that you actually tried to work on saving your marriage and went through marriage counseling, etc... I was used by my ex and I divorced her and submitted all of the evidence I had to her immigration packet. I treated her well but she had a hidden agenda, so I hope she enjoys the U.S. while she can, because on November 2, 2012, unless USCIS approves removal of the conditions from her 2 year conditional green card, she wll have to go back home. She and any other spouse that immigrates and uses the USC does not have or earned the right to stay in the U.S. This is my opinion. A 2 year conditional green card is issued to see if you have a valid marriage before removing conditions, not getting it and then divorcing your husband. Maybe you have a unique case, but mine was cut and dry. I was used. She is already on two dating sites because she knows her days are limited.

    I'm sorry that your first relationship didn't work out. However, I entered into my marriage with such hope and love and ended up with a man who became a drunk and abuser. I did try to save the marriage but after a while had to get out of a situation that was only causing me hurt.

    I do have plenty of evidence that my marriage was real and will file ROC as soon as my divorce is final.

    Best to You


  6. Stella, why would he stop you from re-entering and to finish divorce? --- just asking!

    At the time he was really angry that I had decided to leave him. Our marriage was entered into in good faith. We even waited a year before filing for the green card. But, as the economy went south, so did his business. He started to drink heavily. He became abusive (verbally never physically) with me. I tried to support him and stick with the marriage, but it got to the point where I just couldn't anymore. Having grown up with an abusive father, I vowed to myself that I would never again live like that. When I told him I was leaving him and that I had gotten a good job opportunity overseas for a few months, he lost it. He said that he made me and I owed him and threatened to stop me form being able to return. I think he just said it to scare me, but at the time I was traumatized.

  7. Hi All,

    I currently have a 2 year green card. I was married to my husband for 2.5 years and am supposed to remove conditions starting july. I filed for divorce at the end of January and soon after left the country for work.

    My job is over and am planning to return next week to complete the paperwork on the divorce. My question is, since the divorce is not final yet, am I still within the parameters of being in good status with the green card?

    They always ask me questions when I enter the country about my husband. If I tell them that I have filed for divorce am I going to get in trouble?



  8. OP, is there a reason you dont have a tax return for 2010? If you have filed your taxes, you can just call IRS and request a transcript from them. If you havent, then you need to call IRS and ask them what to do because you could potentially get into a lot of trouble if you failed to file your taxes.

    We have not filed taxes for 2010 cuz my husband does not see it as a priority. I know we could be In deep trouble if we don't but he doesn't listen to me. I even got my friend who is an accountant to do it for us for free. I just dont know what to do anymore.

  9. Leave him, file for divorce and file ROC with a divorce waiver (the abuse is harder to prove).

    How are you making him feel about his "failure"? Are you supporting him? Are you telling him it's all his fault? Are you finding ways to lower your spending so that he's not feeling the high financial stress? You offering business ideas at a time when he's failing could be seen by him that you're saying YOU are smarter than him and that YOU wouldn't have failed like he is.

    I'm not saying it's your fault, but there are always two sides to a story and we're not in your relationship. If you're not happy, just leave. My ex was emotionally abusive and I can tell you that I didn't do anything (except not agree with him every second of the day), he is/was bipolar (diagnosed after we broke up)

    I have been totally supportive. Never kicking him when he's down and making things financially easier. Yet he feels he can kick me every time something goes wrong. Also, I meant my ideas for my own business. I don't tell him what to do in his business ( he wouldn't listen). I never put him down but I also get the sense that if I were to succeed as he was still struggling it would be a huge problem for him. I feel like I can't do anything without him belittling me.

  10. Hi Everyone,

    So, I just had a huge fight with my husband and a week later I'm still shaking. Over the last 6 months he started a new business and it's not doing as well as he hoped. He takes it out on me, yelling and screaming. He's constantly putting me down. When I say that I want to start my own business, he laughs and acts like no one in the world is as smart as him and belittles my ideas. He's constantly telling me that I don't to anything right! I'm so tired of this life. I can't believe this is happening to me! I'm a strong woman but I've been beaten down so much by this man ( emotionally). I want to be free and divorce him. I want to do I- 751 with a waiver. Do I do a divorce waiver or a abuse waiver?

    This is the evidence I have:

    We have been married for 2.5 years and I got my GC end of last year.

    - 2 lease agreements signed since AOS

    - no tax return for 2010 but gave one for AOS of 2009

    - bank account and statements since 2009

    - utility bill ( water, gas, internet)

    - letters in each of our names to our address

    - pictures

    - can get some affidavits from friends.

    I'm so scared to leave. And so heartbroken.

  11. I feel like sometimes the officer can't say outright that you passed but will in some way give you the "OK." The fact that the IO said, "Enjoy your life in the US." is a really good sign in my opinion. My IO did the same thing. She didn't say we passed but she smiled at me in a way that let me know that it was just a formality and I would be getting my GC. Try not to worry. It will all work out. :)

  12. My marriage has slowly deteriorated over the past few months and I believe that we are headed for divorce. We got AOS approved at the end of last year and have been married for a total of 2.5 years. I want to file for removal of conditions by myself and will file for divorce next month. It will take 6 months to get the final divorce decree which will still be in time to file ROC before the 2 year mark. My question is, I work in the film industry and have been offered a job for 2 months overseas. If I file for divorce and then leave and come back am I going to have trouble re-entering the country, at least while the divorce is pending?

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