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Posts posted by Roz

  1. Damara! Thanks for all your advice.

    Yes I'm hiring the lawyer tomorrow. The wife is draining my bank account each week so it has been tough to hire anyone, I'm working 12 hours a day, from 6pm to 6 am, and its draining to see 0 dollars in the account at the end of the week.

    I've opened a separate account. I have all the documents prepared that I listed except for the counseling since I cant get hhold of the therapist, Im ready to move on.

  2. I just spoke to a lawyer on the phone, He said hiring one will cost me around 3000 dollars. I will not be able to pay my soon to be ex wife 3000 dollars then another 3000 for a lawyer, is this possible to do without one? Is it riskier? As I said, I have the proof needed to make the complete package, except for her signing an affidavit.

    Im not sure the divorce will be finalized in time, but I will be able to get a decree.

  3. Wow.

    Teddy was right. Theres some Freaky friday stuff going on here and its now Monday for crying out loud!

    so first a big apology to the OP for having 3 whole pages of conflicting advice and being very generous in calling it discussion between members. Your question/situation is a very very common asked almost weekly in this area of the forums.

    Thank you so much for your advice Damara, it really really helped.

    I will start worrying about the divorce first, right now she's still sleeping in my same damn bed. I want this to be over and I don't care what temporarily money I'll lose.

  4. Howeetest D.

    She is the kind of person that's so tunnel visioned that she can only see things from her own perspective. She makes her friends see me as the bad guy. I don't have many friends here but i have my amazing career as a TV show editor.

    Since we live in Los Angeles it won't matter that she cheated on me, she can sign for something called an alimony(?), and take any income I have for the length of half the marriage.

    I hope she won't go that far, but she's a person that does that, she goes as far as you possibly can get.

  5. I definitely want to stay, and yes I work in LA. I have no future back in Sweden and ive made a great carreer here in LA.

    I'm so sorry about it! Are you currently working in LA? Maybe you should seek for lawyer for consultation if you still want to remain in the United stTes. I have very good lawyer and the price is cheap to adjust status.if I'm not mistaken it's free for consulation. Email Danielle@kvisas.com good luck!!

  6. Me and my wife got married September 18th 2012, we filed for the green card pretty late but I finally got it in November 2013.

    We have been married for over 2.5 years. But I have only had the green card for around 1.5 years and It's still on conditional status.

    As the topic says. I work nights and I come home late. I usually walk my dog when I get home.

    When I was on the street I noticed my wife making out and hornying up against another guy inside a car. I was shocked and my entire body became weak. I've never experienced anything like this before.

    Our relationship has been good and bad, but mostly bad. Despite this we never gave up, until she did the last few months, she became distant and always came home drunk or high. And yes she's an aggressive drunk.

    When she cheated on me this Sunday, things felt bad, but in a different way, I kept trying in my way, but she had totally given up. I didnt understand what was going on until I saw her with the other guy.

    We had talked about taking a break from each other the same day. But seeing her doing this, one exactly the same day.. heartbreaking and devastation is not enough words for it.

    She said she will move out, but she's still staying here until she can find an apartment. And while shes doing so she keeps justifying her cheating on me and keeps telling me that its been my fault that it happened.

    She makes me depressed and I cant stand her, especially when shes still staying under the same roof.

    She says legally Im gonna have to pay for the deposit of her new apartment and some of the rent.

    I just want to not be with her anymore, I rather die than to ever see her again.

    For the greencard, the proof I have of Bonafide marriage is:

    - Joint signed lease for apartment

    - Joint car insurace

    - Joint bank accounts.

    - pictures of me and her together (recent ones)

    - pictures of me,her and her family together (also recent ones)

    We went to couples counceling about 1 year into the marriage, I might be able to get those papers, but Im not sure.

    Im anxious, depressed and now terrified that ill lose my ability to stay. I've built myself a career that I couldve never achieved in a country like Sweden that I'm from.

    Am I going to be safe If i divorce her and file the I-751 early??? What should I do???

    Please help me

    I forgot to say we filed joint tax return for 2014. I didnt have any taxes to file for 2013.

  7. Hi there.

    Me and my wife have now been married for a little over a year (got married September 2012) and unfortunately because of indifference's she wants to get a divorce.

    My conditional Green Card expires November 2015, that means that there's still a lot of time left.

    The Marriage is bonafide and I have these things to prove it:

    About 11 pictures of me and her together with her friends and family.

    Joint car insurance for 2 cars.

    Joint bank account statements.

    Joint electricity bill.

    Joint internet bills.

    A letter from landlord stating we have been living together. (We're not on the same lease, since I've been on month to month and we wanted to move to a new place together and not get locked up to this apartment for another year)

    I can get 3-4 affidavits from friends and my family as witnesses that our marriage has been bonafide.

    Is this going to be enough? The joint tax return has not arrived and wont arrive in time.

    I'm getting really worried.

  8. I would get another legal opinion and fire your current lawyer. There may be a way to get an extension on the RFE and get a shenas thing created. You could also try another Iranian lawyer to get a "no record" statement. Don't lose hope. It may take a while but it is not hopeless.

    I have talked to the Persian embassy, and the shenasnameh is impossible for me to get since I have no records.

    I am going to send them proof of that I have been trying to everything to get this document and two sworn affadavit a from relatives, also a letter stating that if there was any record from me being born in Iran we would've gotten found by the Persian regime and executed (my uncle did get executed, and my mother has done several documentaries showing the dangers that existed for her in Iran)

    It's the only option, and it states in the law book that if you haw enough evidence that you have tried to obtain the document, you can pass. There is no other way.

  9. Okay, so how did you leave Iran? Sneak out? I am guessing you didn't get a passport or something?

    So you are saying this shenas thing can be created now? Is there any way to bribe someone to make it go faster? You said that you still had family in Iran?

    Affidavits can be used, yes. But you are going to have to make sure that you can't get anything else. You will have to think through everything and really try to prove your case, not just decide it is hard to get. It really has to be impossible.

    Yes we sneaked out of Iran, I had no passport or papers. my mom did, but she was wanted like everyone else.

    The Shenasnameh can be created yes, but it takes over 6 months and there's no way at all to make it go faster. My two cousins and uncle in Iran tried to retrieve this paper from the government inside of Iran, but they didn't give anything.

    I'm going to try to call some lawyers in Iran and see if they can do something for me. I'll keep you guys updated.

  10. Okay, first off. How did you arrive in the US? If VWP then that is rather bad...

    Second. How did you obtain Swedish citizenship? I am guessing as a refugee?

    Third. How were you born illegally when your mother was Iranian? What stopped her from registering the birth properly?

    Fourth. Why on earth didn't your lawyer prepare you for this, and why did he just ignore the RFE? I would fire him and file a complaint with the bar.

    Fifth. Do you know how this shenas certificate is created? Could one be created now?

    Basically you are going to have to go step by step to show that you tried to get a document but cannot, or that it doesn't exist, and satisfy all of their concerns.

    Regarding the underlined statements, sometimes religious records can be used to substantiate a report of birth, like a baptism certificate for christians. That underlined part is saying that you will not be able to obtain or use any religious records for immigration purposes, even if it existed.

    1. On a student visa (F1) in 2010, I am currently studying.

    2. My family arrived as refugees and got citizenship that way,

    3, It was after the revolution and my mother was politically active. For her to go in to a hospital or any official place to give birth would have meant being hanged.

    4. My lawyer is a stupid idiot!! I can't believe I've payed 3000 dollars for this #######. How do I file a complaint with the bar?

    5. The shenasnameh is created in Iran, it's a process that takes 6 months minimum. I've heard people that's been waiting two years to obtain one.

    I have another question. So lets say I get the government letter stating that I don't exist in their system. And since there is no secondary evidence would two notarized affidavits from people that witnessed my birth be enough? Like my mother & my uncle?

    Thank you guys for the answers.

  11. Hi there guys.

    I am getting into a desperate situation and I have no clue how to proceed.

    Me and my wife applied for our Green Card earlier this year through a lawyer.
    I am a citizen of Sweden, I was illegally born in Iran because my mom had to escape after the revolution. My name never got registered in the Iranian system, and there' no proof of me being born there. In my Swedish Passport and Swedish Citizen Certificate it says that I was born in Iran. But I have no Iranian documents whatsoever.

    At the interview we had the worst nightmare interviewee that seemed to exist to make our life hell but all the marriage questions went well. It seems like USCIS had attempted to reach my lawyer about needing a birth certificate from Iran, now our lawyer kind of messed things up for us by NOT responding and ignoring their letter and we found this out at the interview. The interviewee told us she could deny her case right away, but gave us 84 days to receive the document needed.

    Now comes the best and most confusing part of all. The document they need doesn't exist.

    She gave me three pages, on the first page she marked this:

    "Birth Certificate of beneficiary Rostam-- -- -- and English translation - See attachment from the Foreign Affairs Manual as to birth certificate availability from Iran"

    On the second page:

    X, Submit a copy of the applicant's foreign birth certificate issued by the appropriate civil authority. If the document is in a language other than English, you must submit a copy of the foreign language document and an English translation.

    If the birth certificate is not available, per title 8 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 103.2(b)(2)(ii), you must submit "an original written statement on government letterhead establishing this from the relevant government or other authority. The statement must indicate the reason the record does not exist, and indicate whether similar records for the time and place are available." If your birth certificate is not available, please submit acceptable secondary evidence including but not limited to church or school records listing your parent's names and your date of birth, hospital records of your birth, etc.

    See the department of state's foreign affairs manual found online at http://www.state.gov/ for more information on acceptable birth records for people born outside the United States.

    Here's what 103.2(b)(2)(ii) say in the title 8 code of federal regulations:

    (ii) Demonstrating that a record is not available. Where a record does not exist, the applicant or petitioner must submit an original written statement on government letterhead establishing this from the relevant government or other authority. The statement must indicate the reason the record does not exist, and indicate whether similar records for the time and place are available. However, a certification from an appropriate foreign government that a document does not exist is
    not required where the Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Manual indicates this type of document generally does not exist. An applicant or petitioner who has not been able to acquire
    the necessary document or statement from the relevant foreign authority may submit evidence that repeated
    good faith attempts were made to obtain the required document or statement. However, where USCIS finds that such documents or statements are generally available, it may require that the applicant or petitioner submit the required document or statement.
    In the State's Foreign Affairs Manual it says this about Iran and Iranian documents:

    Identity certificates (Shenasnameh)
    Available. Identity certificates (Shenasnameh) showing the date and place of birth, parents' names, place of residence, and marital history where appropriate, are issued to Iranian nationals in urban centers by the Department of National Registration and Statistics (Edareh Sabt Ahval va Omar) and in rural regions by district (Bakhsh) offices of the Department. These are accepted by the Embassy in lieu of birth certificates for visa purposes. Information contained in these certificates must be evaluated with the understanding that certain data, particularly dates and places, may be inaccurate. No official fee is charged for delivering documents to the applicants. When these documents are requested from abroad, an indefinite waiting period should be expected before a reply is received. Birth or baptismal certificates emanating from ecclesiastic authorities of the church to which non-Moslem applicants belong are frequently of doubtful value. Moslem ecclesiastic authorities in Iran issue no documents to visa applicants.

    I underlined the last part because that's what's really confusing me.

    I've called the Iranian embassy consulate in washington, they said even getting the Shenasnameh can take up to a year. I have contacted my relatives in Iran for them to help me retrieve a document stating that I don't exist in their system but it all just fails, they wont give out anything. I hired a lawyer in Iran and he's trying as well, but I believe he failed too since I haven't heard back from him.

    The Iranian Government wont give me any papers, no secondary evidence or paper stating I dont exist in their system. I'm having my mother writing an affidavit with 2 witnesses stating that I was born in Iran. I know this wont help, but I have no jdea how to make this work, my lawyers almost got me denied and I'm having a hard time trusting them.

    What's going to happen? What should I do?

  12. As the topic says, my M-1 visa is in limbo because i started the second year at school.

    I really want to go home over christmas to visit my family in Sweden, but my visa status is on "Request for Evidence Response Review".

    I have the receipt for the application. Can i still go home for christmas and come back when the status is like that?

    Any answer is helpful!

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