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Posts posted by may86

  1. hi, how did they enter the oountry? if the entered ilegally, then he can't file for them. theoretically he could file for them, but the problem is that the would have their interview in Juarez and each one receive a 10 year ban. there are no waivers for parents.

    if they entered legally with a tourist visa and the i94, then he has to file the whole adjustment of status packet.

    Yes they entered illegally! what would your suggestion be for us to do?

  2. Hello Everyone,

    My brother wants to file a petition for my parents but we have some doubts about what we need. My parents are both from Mexico they have been working in the US for a long time now. In 1986 my brother and i were born in TEXAS. My Dad had a couple of tickets and people started to scare him about going to jail. So they left for Mexico 2 years later my sister was born. My Dad came back to the US a couple of years later to work. To make story short in 1995 we all came back to the US to be together as a family it was starting to be too much being separated from my Dad. We have been here since then. My younger sister was born in 1996 in NC. So now my brother wants to file a petition for both of my parents. We are just so lost and we don't want to mess anything up. We know he has to file form I-130, he need passport pictures of both, and birth certificates. Is there anything were missing? Does he need to send a picture of himself as well. Thank you in advance.

  3. hello my husband has an appointment in mexico en ciudad juarez in mid november he will leave the united states three day before his appointment because he has to go get his fingerprints and photos taken than the next day he has to take his medical exam and they are going to give him shots and stuff the last he will have to go to his interview were he will take the medical record sealed with him if i can help you with any othe questions please ask

    we have a lewyer in houston but i kinda know about all this because my husband sister is in mexico right now and is going though with this proses she has been in mexico for almost three months and nothing no visa yet maybe soon

    nvc will not validate your exames made in the united states they have to be from mexico if that is were his appointment for the interview is at.

    Thank You soo much for all the information. This helps me a lot.

  4. You maid the correct choice by signing up to the website is very helpful..What part of Georgia do you live at?. Good Luck with your process.

    I live in Carrollton Georgia an hour away from Atlanta.

    Good to have you on board! I'm from Mississippi and my fiancee is in Mexico. what part of Mexico is your husband from?

    My husband is from Veracruz. What about your fiancee?

  5. Hello my name is Mayra I am new to VJ. I happen to come across VJ while searching for some thing online about immigration. I live in Georgia. Am married and have two children. My husbands name is Rene. I filled a petition for him back in April 2011. I am a US citizen and he is from Mexico. He has been in the US since 2002. We met back in 2004. Right now we are finishing our process with the NVC. Am just so lost sometimes. But since i found this site i know this will help me out a lot. Thank you in advance i hope to meet some new friends.

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