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Posts posted by Alania

  1. We had our interview appointment at 9 am this morning. We got to the building around 9:15! We expected the traffic but not as bad and our navigator for some reason took us by the longest way. I was so nervous about it, I thought that they will cancel our application or reschedule us. I was reading my prayers hoping that everything will go well. And it did. My husband didn't seem to be nervous at all and my knees were literary shaking. For some reason there was a huge line outside of the building so it took us another 20 min to just get inside. Then we went to the 13th floor, a nice gentleman asked us for our interview letter and ID, sent us to the window, the lady took the interview letter, she didn't give it back to us and sent us to another waiting room. That room was packed. We weren't called in until 12:15. At that point we we tired of waiting, hungry and tired of being anxious so we just sat at the end just wanting it to be over faster. We watched officers going back and forward calling in people. And finally a nice lady stopped by the window, looked at me and asked are you... and she smiled I said yes and she took us to her office. Unfortunately I didn't remember her name. Our officer was so kind and nice that it didn't even feel like an interview. God bless her! She swore us, it was so quick. she asked for my passport, birth certificate and husband's divorce certificate and DL. And than she turned to my husband, she asked him:

    1.How did you meet?- my husband told her when and how and I could hear how his voice started trembling,now he was nervous :P

    2.When is your wife's birthday?-my husband said "25...winter, the beginning of winter...I am bad with months, mine is on December 25th, her is on January 25th and my dad's is on February 25th" The officer smiled

    3. Have you ever spoke to her parents?- my husband said yes- over the phone

    4. What is her mom's name- he answered that one

    Then she turned to me:

    1. When is your husband's birthday- I answered

    2. Do you live at ....-I said yes

    3. When was the last time you entered the US?-I confused the month with when was the first time I came but I corrected myself

    4. And than she asked was it the first time you entered the US, and I said no and told her when was I came here first

    5. Was your husband married before?-I said yes

    6. Does he have any children?-I said yes, he has a son, She asked if he was born in the US, and I said no.

    Everything went in less than 5 minutes, and the officer was smiling all the time

    Than she said she will go over the questions in 485, I answered them and she said that I don't need anything else from you except Ill take a look at the pictures because people get upset if I don't look at their pictures:) she looked through our pictures and said that the Green Card will arrive within next 2-4 weeks.

    I told her that I bought tickets for the beginning of Jan and she said not to worry about it the worst case scenario I can use the Advance Parole but I should get it by then. I also heard a lawyer saying in the waiting room that they don't give stamps any more.

    By the way she didn't ask for evidence at all,because she said that we submitted a lot of evidence with the packet. I was really surprised because I was worried that we don't have enough. I have a post earlier about what evidence I submitted initially. Even though I brought a huge folder with me. I spent like 4 hours yesterday sorting and putting everything together, My husband and I were joking that we should come back and ask her to look at our evidence because I spent so much time putting it together:) Anyway, when we exited the room we wanted to jump and scream loud we were so happy. She made our day!

    I wish everyone to have their process to go as smooth and fast!

  2. Hi VJ members. I am new here but my questions are probably not. However, I am still very concerned about them. Our interview date is approaching and I(beneficiary am becoming very nervous, my husband says it will be fine . I received my EAD card recently and I bought the ticket home already. I knew ahead that there is a risk but since the prices tend to rise as the date approaches I din't have much choice. The interview is in two weeks and the ticket is for Jan. 12th. My first question is what if we wouldn't get approved on the spot or we will but the card will not arrive on time, would my husband be able to send it to me in the mail? I heard that they take the EAD at the interview and they don't give stamps anymore, this makes me very nervous. :(

    Another question is the evidence for bona fide marriage. Thats what we have sent with the packet:

    1. statement from our joint bank acct

    2. affidavit from our landlord who is also our family friend

    3. printout of calls and messages between us two in different time range (we've been together for 4 years already)

    4. mail sent to our names on the same address (we've been living together since 2008)

    5. copies of our driver's licence and stickers on it with the same address

    6. pictures

    That's what we are preparing to take with us for the interview:

    1. same as above

    2. more pictures

    3. much more mail(we have like a ton)

    4. copies of our credit cards with our names on it

    5. statements showing that we use our personal/joint acct. to make payments on the credit cards

    6. receipts from the local grocery stores,outlets( to show that we shop in the same are where we live)

    7. couple of(greetings, invitations) cards that were sent for both of us

    I can't think of anything else. We don't have a joint health insurance because I am student and right now my insurance is ridiculously cheap, and thanks God I don't need more. We don't have my name on the car insurance because it's going to bring the price up since I am not 25 yet, I ve been only driving for about 4 years and I had an accident. We don't have life insurance again because we can't afford it yet. We don't have utility bills because they are still in the name of our landlord, we are thinking about switching an internet prvovider but that's about it. Also we didn't have a big wedding, just a small ceremony but we both were very happy with the way it was, we didn't need anything more.So we only have couple of pictures from our ceremony.

    What do you think?

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