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Book Em Dano

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Posts posted by Book Em Dano

  1. Incredibly cordial, polite, thorough, and respectful response...in contrast to others I've seen. :thumbs:

    A Stokes Interview in a marriage based green card application process is referring to an interview when the husband and wife are questioned separately, and their answers are compared by an immigration officer to determine whether the marriage was entered into in good faith. A stokes interview (also known as "marriage fraud interview") is usually a second interview, after the first one when the husband and wife were interviewed together raised some questions about the bona fide of their marriage.

    What is a stokes interview?

    When an individual sponsors his or her spouse for U.S. permanent residence, they must collectively demonstrate to an USCIS official that their marriage was entered in good faith, and not for the purpose of evading immigration law. They must provide sufficient documents, and go through an interview at a USCIS office where they will answer questions in front of an immigration officer (IO) about their marriage and life together. This first interview usually lasts about 1 -2 hours, and the questions are generally not intrusive.

    However, if the IO conducting the first interview is not entirely satisfied and still has questions about the marriage, he/she will schedule a secondary interview known as the "Stokes Interview." During a stokes interview the husband and wife are separated from each other and must answer a series of questions that are rather personal and invasive. The interview will be taped and their statements will be compared against each other. If their answers match very well it is a good indication that the marital relationship is genuine. If not, the couple will be given a chance to explain the discrepancies.

    At the conclusion of the stokes interview if the IO is still not convinced, and still has reasons to believe the marriage was created for the purpose of obtaining immigration benefit, he or she will deny the adjustment of status (AOS) petition.

    How long does a stokes interview last?

    A stokes interview can easily last several hours, depending on the IO, the complexity of the situation and the schedule. Because a stokes interview happens only after the IO already has some doubt about the bona fide of the marriage, expect a long, exhausting and definitely unpleasant experience.

    However, don't be scared. Answer the questions truthfully and to your best knowledge. You simply can not guess every question that will be asked, so the best approach is to stay calm and answer the questions honestly.

    What types of questions are asked during a stokes interview?

    Put yourself in the shoes of an immigration officer, and imagine how you can figure out whether the couple is really married or just pretends to be married for the purpose of getting a greed card. Those are the questions you should expect during a stokes interview.

    Although interview questions vary from case to case, they are generally in the following categories:

    About your relationship:

    where you met, how you met, who pays utility bills, by check or online banking, which bank, what TV shows do you watch together, name a few restaurants you both like, do you have or plan to have kids, what is your first kid's birthday, where was she/he born, when was the last time you had a vacation.

    About your spouse:

    what job does your spouse have, what was the last job, name the kids from a previous relationship, what time does your spouse usually go to sleep, what side of bed does your spouse sleep on, have you met his/her family, who did you last meet and when, what is the color of your spouse's pajama.

    Around your home:

    how many bedrooms, showers, toilets are in the house, what is the garbage pickup day, what colors are the window/shower curtains, how many drawers does the nightstand have, where did you get the couch, how was it transported here, how many TVs do you have, what is the brand of your DVD player, where are the telephones located, how much do you pay for internet, what is the mortgage or rent, how do you pay it.

    Just before the interview:

    who woke up first this morning, what breakfast did each of you have, how you got to the office, what car did you drive or from what station did you get on the subway, how long did it take you to get here.

    Although this came from a site where they are talking about an AOS interview, the logic applies to the embassy interview as well. Since the embassy interview will determine whether or not a visa will be issued and the couple is not yet married, I can understand, but not really agree, with the questions the OP was presented with. I feel the questions about condoms are lewd to say the least, but if she said "yes, all the time" and he said" rarely"...no visa. Remember these very personal questions can only be answered correctly if there is a bona fide relationship. And in this case there was.

    Sorry you had to go through all that, but in the end, you are now together.

  2. Would you kindly provide the associated link? I did a Google search attemtping to locate that particular section and your quoted portion but I was unable to find it.

    Inquiring minds want to know... OK

    Under §205©(2)(B)(i)(I) of the Social Security Act, SSA is required to assign SSNs "to aliens at the time of their lawful admission to the United States either for permanent residence or under other authority of law permitting them to engage in employment in the United States. . . ." Because Federal law authorizes K 1 visa holders to work incident to their visa status, K 1 visa holders are eligible for SSNs.

  3. Hi Dave,

    I'm hoping the OP doesn't feel like I'm hijacking their thread, rather I'm hoping it clarifies further for myself, them, and others. Having said that, would you be able to cite any specific guidance/proceedure in regards to what you're saying. What you've written sounds quite logical. I'm just unable to find out why an SSA employee would either be unaware of this particular proceedure or what they're using as justification to deny an SSN application. Where may I find and cite specific guidance...just like one would find guidance from USCIS when filing a petition or instructions for filling out a form? I'm unable to locate what you're referencing.

    Thank you.

    Your immigration status is a K-1 visa holder. So you use the K-1 visa in your passport and the I-94 form. As long as there is more than 2 weeks before the I-94 expires, who may apply for a SSC based on the K-1 visa as you are considered an immigrate eligile to work in the eyes of SSA and therefore are able to apply for a SSC without the EAD or GC also if your I-94 is more than two weeks from expiring (yes, that is the most improtant part of this and why I keep repeating it). You need to use your passport as ID and age and they sometimes require a second document for age so take your birth certificate just in case. Fill out the form SS-5 and go to your local SSA office. Now the fun really begins. Most employees do not know about the K-1 being eligible for a SSN or they will tel lyou that once married you cannot get one. Both are a load of BS. Then note time, date, local office, and the name of the person that helped you. Should you have any problems go to the SSA website and e-mail them your situation. They typically will give you an e-mail to print out to set the person at the local office straight.

    Now the SSC will have the words "VALID FOR WORK WITH DHS AUTHORIZATION ONLY" which means you cannot legally work until you receive the EAD or GC. But at least you have a SSN and can do all those things that reuire on.

    Good luck,


  4. Hello,

    I'm also interested in some guidance on this issue. I've seen/read no less than a dozen differing VJ member responses as to whether one can or can't apply for and receive an SSN card until one receives their EADS card/authorization. I'm unable to find anything contrary to the www.ssa.gov website. Do you know where "official" guidance may be located.

    Thank you in advance.

    yes you can apply a ssn as long as your I 94 not expires and you have your marriage certificate

  5. Thank you Scruffy,

    Seems like I might be researching Dish or Direct TV a litle further...good suggestion.


    Great advice--- Also be warned the small dried fish smell really bad.

    The Pinoy TV channels on Direct TV helped also.

  6. Hi Gary,

    If you have the opportunity, would you kindly tell me which shows your wife watches online and what URL she goes to? I'd very much appreciate that. I have standard cable however higher tiers of service do offer one or two Filipino channels. I don't have Dish or Direct TV...yet.

    Thank you.

    Good call. I also forgot my wife watches "her shows" online. I will never understand "Pinoy Big Brother". I'll stick with Top Gear (British version please).

    Best Wishes All

  7. Hi WG,

    Thanks kindly for your input; it's appreciated. I smiled thinking about your observation regards the weather in the greater Seattle area...true, so true. You're right, she will be going from the frying pan to the ice cooler! I thought she'd be here closer to December/January so I took it upon myself to buy her some warm clothing, jackets etc. I have found a well-known Filipino store in the greater Seattle area so that will be a helpful resource getting some of the more difficult foods locally; my county is rather small and not well populated. I think I understand your idea about using PLDT, I'll check with her. We already have the resources for her to Skype or Yahoo Messenger video chat so we've got that covered.

    Seattle proper is at least 2 - 2.5 hours from where I live so it's a little problematic visiting with potential friends in that area. Oh well, just thought I'd throw a line out in case there were any current or former VJ members that lived closer to my county.


    The only shock I foresee is the cold weather experienced in Seattle Brrrr!!! Get her warm clothes. To her it will be like going from the frying pan to the ice cooler. You can find many of the filipino shows online. Just search Philippines TV Shows or Pinoy Shows.

    Find the local East Asian or Filipino Super-Market in your area or Seattle. You can also order from http://www.philamfood.com/. Very good Filipino Online Store.

    As far communicating to her family back in Philippines. It can be either expensive or cheap. Me personally for my wife. I bought her a laptop 2 years ago in Phils. She left it there so she can webcam and chat with her family everyday. PLDT cost about $35 USD a month from me to pay. vs paying for calling cards and other methods of communication. This is just me. Not suggesting you go to that extent. Just options... ;)

    As for fellow Kabayan. The other persons advice is good to find friends and Filipinos in Seattle.

  8. Hi,

    Thanks for taking the time to respond and I agree, it would be beneficial for her to have the opportunity to view filipino cable channels or otherwise if she chooses. It goes without saying that each person defines their sense of homesickness or culture shock and how they adjust; just trying to simplify it for her if possible.

    It sounds like we're talking about the same place...yes, she lives in Tablon. Perhaps it's semantics, but Tablon doesn't appear to be within the immediate confines of CDO. We've stayed with her family in Tablon, Upper Baloy, and Gusa many times, and even from Gusa traveling into CDO city center, it takes a minimum of 10 minutes by jeepney; we've never made it from Tablon in anything less than 15-20 minutes.

    Anyway, I do appreciate everyone's input; it's appreciated. I threw a line out hoping to connect with either current or former immigrants that live in the general area that we will.

    Thanks again.

    Is she from Tablon? Coz i am from Bugo, Cagayan De oro city which is about 5 mins. to tablon. Tablon is not outside Cagayan de oro.

    Make sure she can eat filipino food and has filipino channel . I never experienced the what they called "culture shock" and homesick".

  9. Yes, thanks Kennard...I appreciate your input and good advice...we'll surely do all those things. Of course it'd be nice to have a more in-person connection...at least that's what I'm hoping for.



    Get her the book "Culture Shock USA" from Amazon.com for under $10.00. She will go through a tough time missing her folks. That doesn't mean she doesn't love you. It is a natural process and can take many months. One of my Filipina friends took about one year to overcome home sicknesss ... Let her Skype her friends and family regularly.

  10. Hello VJ community,

    My pinay fiance who hails from Barangay Tablon on Mindanao (outside Cagayan de Oro city) in Misamis Oriental will shortly be arriving in the United States via Seattle, Washington. I/we'll now reside in Whatcom County and we're looking for anyone that resides in either Whatcom or Skagit counties that we can communicate with. Like many others, this will be the first time their loved-one has been outside of the Philippines and so I'm looking for avenues of support and/or friends that might be able to assist in her transition.

    Perhaps we'll hear from some of you?



  11. Hi Hank/Amy,

    Agreed...that's what their website says. I think my fiances confusion lie in the fact that she was referring to the TOTAL time the SMEF counselors told her...full 8 hour day. What they didn't explain was the one on one counseling after breaking for lunch and then waiting for the remaining processing to finish. Start to finish was indeed close to 7 hours. Initially I was steamed thinking the actual session was 8 hours but it lasted 2-2.5 after all. I asked her just continue to smile, smile, smile and comply with them since they held sway over her getting the sticker allowing her to actually leave the Philippines.

    I think your assessment about SMEF playing it to the hilt is true; my fiance said they were quite strict with her and while not overt, she felt like they were trying to dissuade her from leaving the Philippines to marry me. Ultimately the good news is that she received the sticker.

    Thank you for your input.

    Website simply states no less than 2 hours, The also are vague on what documents they will require and the CEBU CFO plays it to the hilt from all I have read.

  12. Hi Bill/Eve,

    Thanks kindly for taking the time to respond back; all your suggestions were appreciated. I just found out that my fiance received the sticker from CFO there in Cebu. I appreciated the clarification. When my fiance told me the Guidance and Counseling session was a full 8-hour day, I got clarification from her that the actual session took 2 hours. When she said "all day", I now know she meant that the entire process (and not just the session) would take a full-day depending on how many there etc. etc. Thankfully she had all the required documents available and presented them.

    She texted and said they wanted to know my educational background...what degree I had if any. I told her to tell them I have a BS from the College of Knowledge...haha. Just kidding. And, since we're the same religion, that wasn't a problem.

    She felt they were overly strict with her though. She was released at 430pm.

    Thank you again.

    Hi! Im from Cebu and I just had my cfo counseling last week...the number of hours depend on the number of applicants, i was early like an hour before 8am so to make sure my name will be on the atleast first 5 on the registration list.JUst make sure that reqs they needed are complete so everything will run for her smoothly..then was asked to fill up a form..have your fiancee/wife your educational background (the course in college if was college)/ name of the religion (that made me fill up the form late for i had to call my fiance hehehe)..

    At 10am, the seminar started, which will take only an hour then 11 to 12noon will be that more informations bout traveling and docs must be brought.. then after an hour noon break.. in the afternoon is only the one on one interview just few minutes then done, during this interview one will know if OK to be given that certificate and sticker . and when said OK, just have to wait for few minutes to get that attendance certificate then will be told to go to the CFO office just beside the old DFA office near Sto Nino church to get that CERTIFICATE OF CFO AND TO HAVE THE STICKER ON passport IF GOT the VISA already.SO, FOR MY EXPERIENCE IT ONLY TOOK LESS THAN 7 HOURS...

    Also prepare 650pesos for payments.....

  13. Everything was great until your "American White Boys" comment....truly not necessary and mildly offensive. 100% in agreement with you in regards to giving them the utmost respect as a human being whether Filipino or an American White Boy.

    My piece of advice to you my friend. Us being Filipino... you definitely need a lot of patience because of the cultural differences you may encounter. I hate to say this but those American White Boys need to really show a lot of respect for our Filipina Ladies. Marrying a Filipina is the most valuable gift you could ever have in your life because not just their beautiful.. They support you 100% on a day to day basis. Filipina's are considered the most brilliant individual on earth so give them the most respectful treatment they deserve. Filipina's are very talented when it comes to your own comfort need as far of taking care of you. Pinays does all the work at home and you wont find a typical American Ladies who cooks, wash clothes and cleans your own house. So give yourself a tap on the back because you made the right Choice.. No offense...

  14. Leatherneck,

    Absolutely...will do! I'll hear from her 4 hours from now.


    There are lots of stories/experiences floating around here about what #######-wipes they can be in Cebu. Please fill us in on your fiancee's experience when you have the time.

  15. Hello,

    Would you kindly direct me to a link or where on the CFO or SMEF website that states it's an 8-hour (full day) session? It's not that I disbelieve you, rather I'm simply curious where it's cited for the possible benefit to others. I saw on their website that it's first come first served and offered on particular dates and/or countries where the person is traveling to. Thankfully she didn't have any difficulty providing them answers about our relationship and myself.


    She is right and it takes a day for the seminar but it depends how many people are there. And t. mary's is fine as long as she knows all about you.. your information and the relationship.

  16. Thank you Hank/Amy and 7teeners for your responses. My fiance was texting me as she arrived and registered and just before she went in to attend the G&C Session. The next time she texted me, she was breaking for lunch until 1pm. When I asked her why she had to return, she said that they told her it's a full-day session and the afternoon session entailed a one on one individual counseling session. I haven't heard back from her since then, (due to time differences) but as Paul Harvey used to say, "...and now, the rest of the story". She said they were quite strict with her during registration and the session. At this time, we're holding back on our review and suggestion as whether to attend SMEF-COW or PRISM.

    Thanks again

  17. Paul,

    It took close to 3 weeks for my fiance's visa to be delivered by 2go to her home. I'm sure it won't be much longer...at least I'm hoping it won't be.


    It has been over two weeks since approval but still have not receieved the passport back. Starting to get worried and upset. Called 2go many times since we selected to pick up the visa here in manila. Called the embassy many times just to have them say it has not been printed yet call back next week ecah time.

    Anyone else got approved in 2012? How long did it take to get your visa?

  18. Hello,

    I'm wondering if I could get some assistance for my fiance who is scheduled to travel to Cebu to attend the required Counseling Session. I thought both of us carefully read their website to ensure she has all the required documents but now she's getting conflicting information. She called and they told her that the session is a full day session...8 hours. Our understanding was that it was only a 2 hours session offered Monday-Friday from 10am-12 noon on a first come first served basis. Her understanding is that she has to go to two separate facilities on Cebu. First at the SMEF building to attend the counseling session and then travel to the CFO office at separate locations.

    We'd appreciate some input from other members.

    Thank you.

  19. VJ's,

    Also, the U.S. Embassy Manila website doesn't make any mention of a psychological examination being part of the medical clearance and that's another question I have about them even broaching the issue with her. The required documents lists on any of the three websites I cited doesn't make any mention of being required to bring a copy of her anullment issued by the court. It seems logical to me, her anullment isn't a medical issue, it's rather a "civil" issue.

    Thank you.

  20. Hello TH and JV,

    Thank you for your response and suggestion. The anullment paper doesn't make any mention whatsoever as to either the Petitioner (my fiance) or Respondent (her ex-husband) has to be evaluated or otherwise. Neither the St. Luke's website nor the U.S. State Department website makes any reference to any psychological evaluation being required except in the case of an already identified psychological problem wherein the individual may potentially do harm to themselves or others or if their is a question about a person's mental capacity; neither applies here. I agree with your view that perhaps it's wise to consider rescheduling the interview but that's problematic since it's tomorrow at 630am and it's the Martin Luther King holiday observed at the embassy so they're closed until Tuesday at which time it'll be too late.

    Thanks for your input.

    ... the psychiatric and psychological evaluation/test depends on her annulment papers...

    ... there are annulment cases wherein the court decision state that BOTH the defendant and petitioner are psychologically incapacitated... in this case, the psychiatrist at st lukes MAY request for a further evaluation - a psychological test (done in cubao, quezon city) - and result expected within 2 weeks... havent heard of anybody "failing" in this type of test... just to establish that person in psychologically sound...

    ... if, on the other hand, the annulment decision states that the ex husband was evaluated to be the only one psychologically incapacitated, the psychiatrist at st lukes may NOT recommend further tests, therefore, proceed with the next step, which is immunization...

    ... as for the US embassy, it is widely advised that the medical examination be on file before the fiance's interview, so therefore, strongly advise to reset interview...

    ... just my piece of advise...

    ... good luck...

  21. Hello VJ'ers,

    Does anyone have any specific advice they can give me (my fiance) in regards to St. Luke's Medical Clinic Extension Center? As I write, she's crying. She's saying that the "staff" are telling her that she might have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation because she obtained an anullment. Divorce doesn't exist in the Philippines and legal proof of the dissolution of a marriage is obtained thru a court provided anullment. She's complied with all the "requirements", including documents to bring to her medical examination as set forth on the U.S. Embassy Manila website as well as the Travel.State.gov website. No where is it mentioned that she might have to A/ Undergo a psychiatric examination/evaluation because of her anullment or B/ That she'd be required to present proof from the court as to their decision in the matter, otherwise known as the court-issued anullment. Has anyone ever ran into this problem either in Manila or at ANY OTHER medical examination?

    She's very upset and extremely hesistant to tell them that her anullment, (aka divorce in North America) isn't a part of the medical examination for fear that they'll tell her to leave the clinic and not provide her with any medical documentation that they'll forward to the U.S. Embassy. Her embassy interview is the following day and she has the first appointment at 630am. IF what she fears happens, will she still be able to go to the embassy and attend her interview or at the very least, talk to embassy staff or a consular officer about what happened? (Provided it does) I'm waiting to hear back from her.

    I'm very open to suggestions VJ'ers.

    Thank you.

  22. Aileen/Steve,

    Congratulations on the victory of find the engagement ring even in the face of the tragedy and devastation!! Her tenacity in finding it speaks well...maybe some help from above also. Don't know, just saying. :innocent: That ring will have memories and a story behind it now. Should you have the opportunity to contact the U.S. Embassy, let myself (and VJ members) know what the embassy's response is? Good to know you have pictures available.



    Everyone in her family survived. If her 2 nephews had not been coming home from the night cafe around midnight and noticed the river was abnormally high and woke up the family they may not have made it. She did lose one friend and her sister lost at least one friend from school.

    I just received a text message from her as I was reading your post. She just found the engagement ring! She is one tough cookie digging through all that mud to find a tiny piece of jewelry. :)

    I have all the photos from my visit there so thats not an issue. I was concerned about the loss of cards, letters, etc that I sent to her. As far as legal documents I know we have plenty of time to get those replaced.

    Thanks for the advice on contacting the embassy, I didn't think about doing that. :thumbs:

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