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Status Updates posted by faki

  1. I did realize that embassy tells you more about the case than DOS..in my case DOS never said anything besides the status. They would never say anything else about the case..when was the last time the file was updated.nothing..just the status.

    Good Luck to you. InshAllah your wait will be over.

  2. Thank you..i did contact the embassy several times. I sent them an email explaining everything..it was not an emotional email rather it was practical, but they just sent me the formatted email..(the one they send to everyone basically telling us to wait)...then I called them every other day..and if i was lucky they would pick up..i would call them 10 times straight in a row..

  3. Thanks Hope15..

    Good Luck with everything and hang in there. InshAllah you'r wait will be over soon.

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