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Liz Alvarado

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Status Updates posted by Liz Alvarado

  1. First GC in hand of my daughter,yujuuuuu Thanks my Dear Lord

    1. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Waiting My GC in few days yippee! Happy happy

  2. Waiting arrive my GC case done yujuuuuu God is good!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Not I do not have any Interview

    3. johanaospina


      Congrats.... Ya pronto tendré la mía también :)

    4. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Que bien Johanita Dios Es buenoooooo

  3. What's on your mind?

  4. My li'l pumpkin is growing so fast! We are a family so happy! God is great

  5. Hello Dear how are you?

  6. Hello Dear how are you?

  7. Happy with my family and my li'l baby he's our blessings! Still waiting our GC...

  8. Good Luck in ur interview,if u need know something about let me know ok!

  9. Good Luck in ur interview,if u need know something about let me know ok!

  10. EAD in hand thanks God approved!! Now waiting for my Green card,Thankful with Lord..

  11. 7 months li;l Ryan Neal is growing to much every day! We're a family very blessing,thankful with my dear Lord!!

  12. Good Luck my dear!! Everything will be well!! X♥X♥ mi amiga linda!

  13. Good Luck my dear!! Everything will be well!! X♥X♥ mi amiga linda!

  14. Starting our AOS! Excited God is great :)

  15. Starting our AOS! Excited God is great :)

    1. YJPlove


      How's everything going Liz?

    2. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      I had my Biometric Agos.16 now we're waiting approved!! Thanks

    3. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      I had my Biometric Agos.16 now we're waiting approved!! Thanks

  16. Johan q onda si tu ya aqui con mi esposito lindo disfrutando gracias a Dios suerte en tu entrevista un abrazo!

  17. My baby is growing thanks God everything is ok!!

  18. Que onda vos,pues todo bien gracias a Dios aqui adapatandome jajaja,abri una en Facebook para add,esta pagina es interesante y se conoce mucho acerca de inmigracion..Aqui aprendi mucho de las experiencias de ls demas!! Saludes y estamos en contacto saludes a las niñas!

  19. Hola Brue es que ahora si psao ocupada jajaja por eso casi no me conecto,,creo q en esta semana me caso,me imagino q frustrante la espera para la entrevista yo espere 3 meses fijate los timeline de nuestro pais es de 2 hasta 3 meses q horror esto si q es mas q lento pero ni modo solo te toca esperar nena,suerte y estamos en contacto!!

  20. Hola Brue es que ahora si psao ocupada jajaja por eso casi no me conecto,,creo q en esta semana me caso,me imagino q frustrante la espera para la entrevista yo espere 3 meses fijate los timeline de nuestro pais es de 2 hasta 3 meses q horror esto si q es mas q lento pero ni modo solo te toca esperar nena,suerte y estamos en contacto!!

  21. Stefy como te va nena??

  22. Stefy como te va nena??

  23. Finally together,enjoy our new life,

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      Yay!! Congrats! :)

    2. YJPlove


      yay.happy for you Liz :).And Welcome to the USA.

    3. Liz Alvarado

      Liz Alvarado

      Thanks Girls I am so happy with my hubby :P

  24. This is Liz soon to be husband, Willie. We are so happy this process is over and tomorrow we are traveling back to the USA together. We have said goodbye so many times from the airport. Now I no longer have to look back and see the tears in her eyes when I leave, now we will be walking together to board the plane and start our lives in our home. Good luck to all. Liz and I are so happy.

  25. Holaaaaa Nena tenia problemas con el internet... Nos aprobaron yupiiiii

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