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Brian And Milena

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Posts posted by Brian And Milena

  1. Congrats!!!


    Wishing you continued good fortune on your visa journey.

    Congrats!!! :dance:

    Thanks so much. These forums helped a bit to pass the 145 days from NOA1 to NOA2.

    I also learned that i should go to interview in Bogota here.

    I originally thought it would be better to save the money.

    Kind of feel guilty about celebrating when a few are kind of sad.

    Just know that my last day waiting was one of the worst and that this was wearing on our relationship as well.

    I think it's actually much harder on the beneficiary.....

    Anyhow he very end of october should get processing soon for CSC,

    and it appears to me that VSC may be slowing down a bit too.

    Once you make it to 5 months I would call USCIS,

    and maybe even try to get a congress member to try to apply some pressure on your behalf.

    By the way.. I signed up for notification with the form included in the 129F, as well as signed up for notification from USCIS on their website. I had just checked the USCIS website probably within the hour before i received my email, so i don't think there was a noticeable delay in my case.

    Good Luck to all... Focus on your relationship and getting through the last leg.

    When i spoke to my girlfriend a couple days ago about the wait she commented that she could wait 10 years, but i felt as if she could not wait 10 days...

  2. WOW!!!

    8:45PM (15 Minutes ago) Email came in. :wow:

    I was kind of down earlier today. I broke a part on my fuel line of my beetle, and it costed $600 to fix.

    but NOW!!!

    I am on cloud NOA2.

    And the best is that my fiancee will be very happy.

    She will find out with (F) (F) (F) and a note.

    So now I have to get on my romantic poet hat and bust out the best love note that ever existed.

    I think white roses are in order.

  3. October 28th filer here to VSC still no NOA2 :/

    My patience is wearing thin! Anyone in the same boat here?

    I am a 10/26 filer. But I am at CSC, so they are just getting close to my date.

    I still have some patience We have only waited 140 days and still some at CSC have waited a little longer even without an RFE.

    So I am optimistic.. Kind of looks like CSC is catching up a bit to VSC.

    After 5 months or so we should contact uscis or maybe a congress member. For now i wait and keep hopes up.

    Good luck to You!

  4. From the processing dates listed it appears CSC is making some ground on VSC.

    Looking at the percent completed though it still looks like CSC is one month behind VSC.

    Anyhow it is encouraging to know that the are not a lot of reports of unjust RFE's...

    Hopefully the workers at CSC are not tired in the morning.

    next week should be big for us all, and no one has even reported a friday NOA2 for this week.

    So we could all be an extra day closer than we think.

  5. i suggest you go see this

    En Bogotá: las maravillas del mundo en arena


    my fiance will travel from cali to bogota to see this next weekend.

    One really nice thing about it is that it is a time limited landmark.

    So photos and receipts of this could really prove that you were in bogota together during a specific timeframe.

    and of course SAVE YOUR AIRPLANE TICKET STUBS. (this with passport stamps are the most important.

    Also I brought along an engagement ring that i bought at a pawn shop prior to my visit...

    I waited till about 5 days passed together to give it to her.

    it was only about $150 and suprisingly i got the right size without asking her.

  6. I send flowers via flowerstocolombia.com.

    I had about 4 receipts from this in my petition.

    I also bought a small victorias secret bag from mercalocura.com (had to use money transfer to pay) so this receipt is in my petition as well.

    Also if you use skype out to call home or cell phones, it creates a call history much like a regular home phone bill.

    The weak part of my petition is that I don't have photos of me with her family. (I tried to meet the mother, but never did)

    I made a diary of my trip... with a 3-4 sentence entry for each day. I actually did this for my benefit so that I could remember the ten days very well.

    I ended up editing this and using it for my description of meeting. I tied the dates to photos by referencing the photos in the description.

    I also tried to reference receipts that corresponded to events described for each day. Although it is difficult to pay for things with credit card there, if you had a credit card receipt for a meal for two for a date that you said you ate together, this is good proof that it happened. Save the hotel receipts.

    I would suggest that on your trip you try to visit a few landmarks of the city you are in. #1 this is a fun think for couples to do. And can demonstrate your interest in her city and culture. #2 photos from a distinct landmark clearly show the location of the photo. I did not do this perfectly, but i had a photo of the two of us standing next to a lions cage at a Zoo. I also scanned the receipt for the ticket to the zoo.

    Probably the most important is that you enjoy your trip together, visiting landmarks will be a great thing to do together.

    We also went out to see 2 movies during the ten days i was in cali.. I wanted her to feel like I am also like a normal boyfriend, and that we can enjoy time together doing normal things. Take her dancing if thats something she likes. The memories you make together will have to last a long time.

  7. Our NOA1 is 10-26....

    From the looks of it i would guess that certain desks get certain countries..

    I believe I see patterns in for example Latin America or

    other groupings of countries having a few gain Noa2 in a row.

    I would also guess that some may get through faster than other based on the quality of the packet received.

    If they have to look at it closer to determine if it is sufficient,

    then I would think this would cause it to take a little bit longer.

    Myself if I had a pile on my desk, and a tough one that made me question if they had everything was on top,

    then i may check the next one and come back to the first later...

    With about 6-7 a day maximum approved out of CSC I cannot imagine there being many more than five desks.

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