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Posts posted by McFly

  1. McFly, your experience sounds pretty awful to the point where I'm surprised they didn't just ask you to come in the next day. It's not your fault the office had poor staffing that day. Hope all goes well. Good luck!

    I know, it would seem any of us that is going through the process would be willing to re-schedule for 1 or 2 days if it meant the assigned officer to your case actually will finish they job they started.

    Thank you - here's to another week hoping to hear back.

  2. its not your fault if the assigned IO didn't show up but lets look for positive side hope and pray you'll received Welcome letter or GC within 30 days...

    Did the IO give you any piece of paper or any update online???

    thank you for your message, and yes you are absolutely right... remaining positive is vital now for this wait period.

    Negative on the paper, and also on the update online. -_-

  3. Hi guys. Update from interview is here.

    We arrived about 15 minutes before our scheduled time, handed in our appointment notice and sat down and waited. We noticed there was a lot of folks. Many seemed really bored and like they had been there for a while. We particularly noticed a couple that went in before us, then they got separated, and finally the guy came out saying "I have bad news" with a noticeably sad expression… and they walked away. Not very comforting for a lot of us to witness. Anyway, after waiting for 1 and a half hour, I was about to see if there was any issues since it was taking so long. Just as I was about to ask, we were called.

    We were lead into an office and were then told that the person handling our case was not in today, which was the reason for the delay. That the office was unusually busy today and they were scrambling. The interviewing officer mentioned that she was not familiar with the case but would go through the required steps. Although she tried to go through the process, it didn't seem that she was pleased to be there. She did not even swear us in. She constantly fumbled through the documents (with endless complaining about how "other staff" had not done their job organizing things adequately) flew past questions when we weren't even done answering and just told us to wait 30 days to see if anything else was needed. Thanks and good bye. That was it.

    Honestly, I was once again disappointed by this local USCIS office. We had a previous experience when we went to ask about the RFE that we got and they were not helpful at all. (Some of you might remember my rant from that time). If there is something that I have learned from reading countless posts about interviews is that there are just too many factors that can have an impact in this long process. Apparently "Johnny" catching a cold is a big one.

    Ultimately, I understand it wasn't this person's fault that someone "didn't' show up" - but seriously, you mean to tell us that this system in place, that is so extremely important to determine the livelihood of people, is SO fragile that if ONE individual does not show up there aren't any contingencies in place? staff is just re-organized THE SAME DAY and then just fumbles through such relevant work? Geez. It really makes you wonder why there aren't standardized procedures in place for all this. And if there are, why aren't they followed?

    So the wait continues, hopefully before 30 days we hear something… :clock:

    Any positive vibes you can send our way would be greatly appreciated. *sigh*

  4. Hi all! I just wanted to update here, too. My husband and I had our interview yesterday and we were APPROVED!

    Here is my post from the AOS Forum:


    We had our interview yesterday and my husband's AOS was approved! The interview was a breeze - very relaxed. The only additional evidence that I brought with me that was not included in the initial application were pictures. The interviewer barely looked at them, but said that they were helpful when my husband poked fun at me for making a "collage".

    The interviewer asked how we met and whether we've been together ever since (at a bar 8 years ago, and yes).

    He asked each of us where the other was born and their birthday (my husband named the actual hospital I was born at, which got a chuckle)

    And that was pretty much it aside from the random questions on the 485.

    The interviewer said that he was going to approve our application and that we would get the green card soon (he gave a time frame, but I completely forgot it already). He did not stamp my husband's passport, but said that if there was an emergency that he needed to leave the country for he could come back and they would stamp it for him.

    And last night we got a text notification that the card is in production!


    Good luck to everyone still waiting!

    Wow very cool! Congratulations!!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  5. Hahaha~ and while suffering from the breakdown, I was also annoyed at how my husband is all calm and not worried!! Lol~ He's more of a problem solver, remaining perfectly calm in challenging situations. He believes there is no help in 'reacting' to the problem. Well, that is true, but freaking out is part of my problem-solving technique! Lol~ xD :rofl:

    haha well it seems you guys complement each other well! :)

    I read your interview description, hope mine goes as smooth as yours did!! the people at USCIS Boston sure seem a lot more professional than in Detroit ...

  6. Thank you!! you work wonders! who got approved on the spot! I will talk about it more later. We are on our way home. it only took like half an hour. :) I am very happy it turned out well, despite the nervous breakdown I had last night.

    Yay!! you are through!! so what happened?? please share with us! :)

    And Good Lord I was having the nervous breakdown just NOW as I was reading through the posts about you losing the sheet last night!! Glad they took the printout from the email... you are absolutely right, that ALONE is reason enough to sign up for that.

  7. Hi June AOS Filers!

    I'm just wondering if anyone here is from Los Angeles area who can tell me how many weeks/months after doing biometrics will someone receive their interview notice or EAD.

    My husband did his biometrics last July 31st. It's exactly four weeks today and we haven't gotten anything yet. I've been looking at people's timeline from other states and cities and they happened to have at least received an interview notice already even if they've done their biometrics later than 07/31.

    Has LA been this slow since then? Any comments is greatly appreciated.


    Dee & Rey

    Angeltots was kind enough to compile our info into this spreadsheet:

    June filer's awesome spreadsheet

    which seems to have a couple folks in Los Angeles, CA, LindaC1990 has interview on 9/18/12.


  8. Ha ha yup it was my day today. It certainly felt like it was approval for sure.

    My thoughts exactly. I don't see them give out the stamp much anymore these days.

    Thanks! We were asked the following questions:

    • How we met
    • When we met in person
    • Beneficiary's parents first names
    • Confirm all the information on I-130 & I-485 forms

    The interview was really short my father-in-law was surprised to see us so soon in the waiting room. :)

    I thought the same thing too. Though I've seen a handful of people receive them. I think it's just fairly rare.

    I received an email update around 7ish saying

    "On August 27, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later."

    That sounds like approval to me!


    Great news! lets keep the positive vibes for all the interviews in the next couple of weeks!!! :thumbs:

  9. Hello Fellow VJers!! This is my first time posting here but I have been lurking for a while. I submitted my AOS application on June 4 2012 and today was our interview date and we were approved!!! I am so happy. I hope we have more approvals soon. My EAD went into production on August 10 2012 but I will only have it for a little while before I have to destroy it because my GC Went into production right after our interview. My husband was great. He did most of the talking. We had an appointment at 10:30 we showed up at our Interview location in Irving Texas at 10:00 as per the instructions. Im glad we did because we got called at 10:25 and was interviewed by an older gentlemen in his late 50's. We bought everything we could bring, Lease agreement, Photos of wedding, engagement, baby shower, baby's birth, Christmas photos, birthday party photos, credit card statements, health insurance card, christmas cards and birthday cards and wedding cards and facebook photos with comments and everything else you can imagine. WE HAD 200 Photos!! He never even asked to see any of it. He just looked at one wedding party photo and one hospital photo of when our daughter was born. He asked my husband most of the questions. These are the questions he asked.


    Hello! That is one great first post to the thread! ;) Congratulations!! and thank you for sharing your interview experience with us!!

  10. Sorry it took me forever to update you all, but here's how my interview went:

    It was a two-hour wait at the Phoenix location but my husband and I didn't mind. We were just happy to be there! The actual interview took only 5 minutes. IO was pleasant and straight to the point. Asked how we met, and we also went through the usual i-485 questions. He didn't say approved/denied, just said to wait for the decision in the mail.

    Now I understand why most of the people coming out from the interviews has this blank expression on their faces! I'm not entirely sure, but I'm guessing it's their protocol to not give decisions right then and there, perhaps to avoid confrontation in cases of denial.

    The next day, I received an email notification that our i-130 application has been approved! The i-485, on the other hand, just indicated that the decision is in the mail. By this time, we were going crazy!! So we (im)patiently waited and checked our mail everyday.

    Today, we finally got the official notification: 10-year green card approved! Hallelujah!! :dance:

    Wow! thanks for sharing! and Congratulations!! :)

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