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Status Replies posted by KTandTommy

  1. Courier is booked to pick up all our evidence and docs tomorrow morning!! Prayers and good vibes please for a speedy approval!

  2. Approved!! Let's get married!!

    1. KTandTommy


      Thanks! It is a great feeling! You will know it very soon :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Sitting in our hotel room in Montreal... Interview tomorrow morning!

  4. OH MY GOD. NOA2!!!!!!!! I didn't even know they sent the emails on Sunday!!

  5. 196 days :(

    1. KTandTommy


      This HAS to be your week. It's just getting ridiculous now :(

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. 205 Days.... still waiting for NOA2! :(

    1. KTandTommy


      Major dislike. That is SO NOT COOL :(

  7. OH MY GOD. NOA2!!!!!!!! I didn't even know they sent the emails on Sunday!!

  8. Applications after mine are constantly getting approved. I feel disrespected!

  9. 6 months :( This is becoming unbearable.

    1. KTandTommy


      Thanks... Reunion will be so sweet... someday... :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Come on Vermont!!!!!!! If you approve me today, I'll make your state of my favorite place to visit

  11. I guess I couldn't taste it... Still waiting for that illusive NOA2...

  12. I just wish I could be with you already!!!

    1. KTandTommy


      I know this feeling all too well!

  13. Febuary Filers are begining to get there NOA2's !!!!!!!!!!!! I Can't WAit!!!!

  14. WE'RE APPROVED !!! NOA2 !!! ... FINALLY !!! GRACIAS A DIOS !!!

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