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Status Updates posted by torontogal4388

  1. PATIENCE rules the day. We'd wake up every day with "one day closer" on our lips and ultimately it did help. You can't force the process you just have to put on your big boy panties and support each other emotionally throughout the wait. Suddenly its all done!!! All the best on your journey.

  2. Sorry, ran out of space. You are applying on a CR1 so you can visit her as often as you guys can afford throughout the process, you just should be prepared to show economic ties to Canada, letter from employer confirming your job, bank statements, tax returns, lease or mortgage documents and itinerary when you travel. I went every 2 weeks throughout the process without a hitch. Finally PATIENCE

  3. Hi bsd058. Sorry about the Consulate review - will do so when I can but I move in a few days and am too busy to do it. All went exactly as all the other reviews say so I really have nothing to add and, for that reason, do not feel too pressured to complete it yet. Ask all the questions in the forums and be careful and quick to submit materials when required and you will go through as quickly.

  4. That "teeters" test result is sufficient proof to immigration of what he already has. He just needs to top that off with anyting else they are requiring. I had to get the HepB series only.

  5. Hi, one of the first things he can do is ask his doctor to run what sounds like a Teeters test. This is proof of all his prior vacinations received and effective in his system at this time.

    There are also links on here of the approved doctors who give the final medical. If you go to one of their weblinks you should be able to see a copy of the types of vacinations they are reques...

  6. Seems we are following the same timeline, same processing centre and same embassy. Might be good to keep in touch?

  7. Hi all! Nervous as can be. Found me sweetheart and married him this summer. Took forever to get the I-130 together and filed. Now anxious about how long it will all take. Miss him so much. Wishing you all the best and a wonderful "happily ever after" to everyone.

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