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Posts posted by kokylolo

  1. Its official, we will be in Miami South Beach for 5 days next week. If there are any Egyptian couples out there let me know. I am sure Waleed would love to meet you!


    Also, anyone know of something we Must do or visit while there? Thanks

    Let me clarify.... I do not want to break a hip or dislocate a shoulder while visiting Miami so only recommend safe activities for a lady who is matured. Loooooooool

    I am 42

    Waleed is 30

    Lol...funny lady! I hope you are doing well. I appreciate all that you do.

  2. Dear Friends: Please pray for my friend Christina Wassef. On March 1st her apartment burned down & her 2 children died. She was injured with burns on her body. March 2nd her Egyptian husband arrived to America. She lost everything in the fire. I dont know many more details other than she is out of the hospital and at her mothers. Im trying to find out if her husband made it there too. Here's a link to the news of it.


    Thank you all for your prayers. ..I have no words to describe the agony and unbearable feelings I have. God please have mercy on me and give me peace.

  3. :dance::dance: Congrats! :dance::dance:

    Thank you Wendy! Your husband is next! Perhaps an early March flight! You know, it was hard for me to update on here knowing that all of you are in AP and waiting so long. I felt a sense of guilt even though it is not in my hands. I was so happy when you posted your good news. It's amazing how this group has affected my life. There is no way I would have been able to take care of my husband's visa and be prepared for the little things that may come up. I am truly thankful to all of you. May God bless all and bring you much peace, love and joy into your lives.

  4. A Big CONGRATS to Wendy and Ahmed...enshallah, it won't be long now and you will be together!!!!! So excited and happy for you!!!!

    Congrats to Kokylolo on having visa in hand...hope he has a safe and quick trip on Friday!!!!

    Come on DOS..keep up the good work!!!

    Thank you so much! We just booked his flight. It is an amazing relief to have the flight booked and know he will be home soon.

  5. DHL shows that it changed status to Departed Facility in Cairo. I think he will get it tomorrow. The status changed 4 times in 3 hours. We will see :yes: Oh, but here is the strange thing...we were set up for automatic updates via text and email and today's updates didn't notify us. I just happened to log onto DHL to check the status. So, once it left the Embassy, we did not receive any notifications. It has already been through the sort facility, processed and departed the sort facility.

  6. The one thing to remember, is that the mother cannot say she is coming to ”help” with the baby. She is coming for a visit to meet her first grandchild. Tourist visas are given to those for tourists, not those who will work to take care of a grandchild. Now, I will say that my MIL comes to help with our son, but she just states she's coming to visit our family.


    Thank you!!! :thumbs:

  7. I have the same question as my husband and I want his mother to come to the states to help us when our baby is born. He doesn't think it will be a problem as he said he has seen this to be easy for many older women there wanting to visit their children in the states. We will find out before too long if it is easy or not :thumbs: We will apply for her visa in spring in hopes she can be here for 2 months during fall.

  8. This is a bit off topic but since it is tax season...Since our spouses are not in the US what category should I file under? I usually file as head of house hold because my mom and my sister are my dependents. However it says you can only do that if you are single so do I do married filling separately?

    Sorry to take it off topic for a bit but I don't know what to do. I am going to H&R but reading the forums it seems like people are given different advice.


    You can file head of household because you have a non-resident alien spouse. I recommend you do so if you have any EIC. Filing married with an alien spouse will disqualify you from EIC.

  9. Emergency message # 5 from embassy today

    Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens

    Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens No. 5: Call for General Strike in Egypt

    This emergency message is to alert U.S. citizens that on Saturday, February 11 several labor and political groups have announced a call for a general strike throughout Egypt in recognition of the one year anniversary of former President Mubarak stepping down. It is reported that a number of labor organizations have committed to participate along with revolutionary youth parties. At least one major political group has stated publicly that it will not participate in the strike. While the overall impact of the strike cannot be predicted, the possibility exists that some businesses will be closed and greater traffic congestion likely. We have been informed that the airport will remain open and is expected to function normally. U.S. citizens are advised to avoid the downtown areas of Cairo and other large cities, as well as any large gatherings or protests that could emerge.

    U.S. citizens should elevate their overall level of attentiveness, particularly to large gatherings, and should monitor local news broadcasts for updated information about locations of possible marches or demonstrations. U.S. citizens visiting Cairo should seek information from their hotel or tour guide in planning their activities. Even demonstrations or events intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence. The Embassy reminds all U.S. citizens to avoid areas where large crowds are assembling. U.S. citizens caught unexpectedly near a march or demonstrations should try to depart the area, or seek shelter in a safe place until the crowd has dispersed.

    All is well here in Cairo. We haven't seen any problems. Hubby's interview is in the A.M. Wish us luck!

  10. Kokylolo,

    My prayers will be with you. Just stay inside and enjoy time with your husband.

    Egypt is just a bunch of dust and donkeys-you are not missing much.


    Ok I lied. I love Egypt but I do not want you to feel bad about staying inside. Have fun!! and good luck at the interview

    Thank you for your kind words. I am more than excited to spend time with my husband as I am sure you know the feeling. It will be 8 months that we have been apart. It was a painful experience to say the least. This last week has gone by so quickly as both our birthdays and Valentine's Day are around the same time and I have been shopping like a crazy woman :rofl:

    And as far as Egypt goes, we will be living there in 10 years, so I am not too concerned about missing anything these last trips. I'm just a little nervous from all the violence.

  11. I hope everyone and/or their spouse is doing well and staying safe in Egypt right now. I'm hearing about and seeing alot of violence everywhere. It's very disturbing and worrying. Whatever religion you are, pray that this turmoil ends soon and Egypt finds its peace soon.

    I will be leaving in 3 days to Cairo. Both my husband and I are nervous with all the violence that is going on there. Another trip spent mostly in the home. I can't wait for this to end and for Egypt to find Peace.

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