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Lisha and Jon

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Posts posted by Lisha and Jon

  1. I know the question has probably been asked hundreds of times but I can't seem to find a clear answer or a topic that addresses the steps.

    We were planning on getting married rather quickly after I enter the US and I'm confused on when I should go about applying for my social security number. Do we wait the two weeks to marry, apply for the number and then get married? Or, do we get married, apply for my adjustment along with my social security number?

    I think I'm just confused about the steps that would be taken if we married and then applied for adjustment, how I would go about getting the social security number? I just need some clarifications on the steps.

    If anyone could help out or provide a link with such that would be great! Thank you!

  2. My fiance and I just received our NOA2 yesterday and I know I probably shouldn't be worrying about it yet but I have a tendency to think ahead since I want to get documents ready so they're good to go when I received my packet.

    That being said, my fiance has been on SSDI(disability) for the last 8 years due to being diagnosed with MS which means he hasn't filed taxes in the last 8 years. Now looking at the Affidavit of Support (I-134) it asks specifically to list what he does for a living. I'm not sure how to go about filling out the form or if I should be filling out a different one. Now, he has two children (neither of which live with him and he allows his ex-wife to claim both on her income tax) so I'm not sure if I should include them as dependents as well since he pays support every month to her. I'm just severely confused with this process.

    We've discussed getting his mother to co-sponsor if it's necessary and that is an option, but we would not have to do that if we don't have to claim his children since he would then meet the poverty guildlines. Also, seeing as he has no income tax returns, what kind of documentation for proof would we need to include with the Affidavit? Any help would be appreciated.

    I have read tons on this site to help with matters but our situation is a little on the confusing side and would like some clarification on the exact forms I would/should need and what way I should go about this. Thank you!

  3. He can go to the court which adjudicated his sentence and get a copy of the proceedings. You can also get a criminal background check. Might depend n what the misdemeanor was. Many times people plead guilty to made it easy at the time and then stuff like this happens. Go to your local police department explain to them you need this for immigration purposes. I would get this expunged first if you can first.

    Thanks for the quick response! He pleaded not guilty but it was a mickey mouse case in the sense that even the so called "victim" would state it was nothing, which he did a couple weeks of anger management for. His motion for expungement is on November 16th. Once it's expunged, will we still need to include information about the charge or can we just send in the application as is?

  4. My American fiance was charged with a misdemeanor about 10-11 years ago which he is now in the process of getting expunged. In regards to Part C: Question 2 on the I-129F Application, he can't seem to find any documents to hand in describing the situation and that he essentially "did his time" so we're just wondering if him getting a criminal background check would be sufficient enough to hand in with the I-129F application? It's all ready to go and be sent in, we just don't know exactly which copies of documents we should include. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated! Thanks! This site has been a great help since we got engaged this past month.

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