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Posts posted by 352Jeff

  1. Yes , as far as I am aware military personnel do get expedited petitions. :blush:

    I am in the Army, the Vermont Service Center would not expedite my case (Wife and Stepson) without deployment orders. I had a Letter from my Company Commander and Brigade Commander stating that we were a short-notice deployable Unit (82nd Airborne) and that I could be deployed with little to no warning. Well, I received a 2 week notice for a deployment to Afghanistan. Called USCIS and was told they would expedite when they received a copy of my orders. I received the orders 2 days before I departed. Now it is being expedited, but I’m overseas.

    I spoke to the Immigration Liaison on base and he said they don’t expedite without orders anymore because there were too many "I am going to deploy" sob stories that never materialized.

    Your mileage may vary.

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