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C <3 C

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Status Updates posted by C <3 C

  1. We were married on Saturday, it was amazing :D Hooray, now let the paper work begin....... again

    1. TheFantastics09


      Congratulations!! :)

  2. I know EXCITING :D and yes I am soooo excited for this to be my last 9 month winter :P

  3. it's almost moving day hoooooray :D

  4. VISA Approved!!!!! Thanks to those of you who helped along the way :)

    1. Tileeka


      Grats! It's a wonderful feeling :)

    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      It really is,I'm trying to really enjoy these moments before I start the paper work again :P

  5. 2 more days...................... :)

  6. Interview on Monday................I can't wait until it's over :)

    1. Impatient Cupcake
    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      Thank you so much I'm glad you hung in there, nice to hear you happy :)

  7. 16 days :o

    1. JeannieL


      Getting so close! Are you ready? So happy and excited for you :-)

    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      I can't wait!! Wish I could bring you with me :P I leave Monday the 12th for my medical, I will e-mail you along the way, thanks again for everything :)

  8. 43 days, woooohhhooooo !!!

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      All the best!!!!! :) :) :)

    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      Thank you, it's been a long road, I'm glad it's near the end!!

  9. Interview and medical all scheduled, a couple of months ago I never would have believed we would finally be here :)

  10. Interview scheduled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CAdreamer


      Congratulations! Exciting stuff. I'm only a few weeks behind you. Fingers crossed that I get as lucky as you with the scheduling!

    3. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      I couldn't be happier and more nervous all at the same time!! So happy to have this all behind me, not so happy I can't take my whole family with me!! The trade, love of your life, those who gave you life..... Hopefully everyone gets some good news soon :)

    4. Tileeka


      Yay! That's exciting...looks like they're picking up the pace over there :)

  11. Getting ready to send in package 3, Dear Lord, let me get this right............

    1. Teddy♥Pika


      All the best for you :)

    2. C <3 C
  12. very happy to have the information and support of this site and it's members :)

  13. Can anyone tell me where and when you take your medical for the K1, I can't seem to find that answer?? Do you have to go to the city where your interview takes place?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      Oh well that's sounds better than 2 trips! Thank you for the info, it is very appreciated, this process can be overwhelming :)

    3. Rayoflight


      where r u in Canada?

    4. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      I'm in Ontario :)

  14. Approved Approved Approved, OMG OMG OMG, Happy Dance !!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pumpkinseed



    3. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      Oddly enough I am almost positive we had already sent in everything they had again asked us for, proof of relationship, birth certificates..... I figured just send it in again and hope for the best...... it worked :)

    4. Rayoflight


      Yay... Congrats!!!!

  15. Well RFE info was sent in and recieved by USCIS, now we wait, holding our breath again..........

  16. OMG 5 months to the day and I get an e-mail for an RFE!!!!! I can't believe it :( Has anyone else recieved their first RFE this long after applying???????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rayoflight


      I got mine after 4 months.. it is a little late. Just send what they require. Take a deep breath! Once you send it back, if you don't hear anything after 60 days make sure to put in a service request.

    3. Rayoflight


      I got mine after 4 months.. it is a little late. Just send what they require. Take a deep breath! Once you send it back, if you don't hear anything after 60 days make sure to put in a service request.

    4. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      The thought of not even having an answer to the first part of this process for months is almost too much for me to even think about :/

  17. 143 days and still nothing :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      All they say is it hasn't been flagged so there's nothing to do but wait :/

    3. Tileeka


      Hang in there. I was in the same situation. We watched many leap frog ahead of us in this process but there just doesn't seem to be a reason for it. I feel your frustration.

    4. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      Thank you, I'm trying to keep my chin up, it get's harder by the day :(

  18. OMG everyday feels like a year wtheeeeeck is the hold up :/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      :) Thanks, just soooooo ready to get things going :)
    3. pumpkinseed


      Stay strong, you're closer to the end of this process than to the beginning! :)

    4. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      I hope that's true :)

  19. Very sad to see the toll the wait that this process takes on those of us who still wait :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Christy&Ken


      yes, really under high pressures, long distance, only relay on the phone, facetime,sms, so hard time for all of us.

    3. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      I really do feel like this shows the true commitment and love a couple has, but that being said I can also see the heartache the distance brings and the stress of this visa is horrible :/

    4. Christy&Ken


      yes, totally understand...anyway, be strong, be positive, believe in yours will comes.

  20. Ok sooooo I wish there was some magic answer to how one can be aproved in less than 2 months and I haven't heard a thing in over 4, very frustrating :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Impatient Cupcake

      Impatient Cupcake

      they seem to be more focused on i130's

    3. C <3 C

      C <3 C

      Hmm it showing on the immigration timeline at least one from August and one from Sept. that have their Noa2s from the CSC, guess I should just stop looking.

    4. Christy&Ken


      yes, and I never thought that timeline was shown the true process speed.

  21. Okkkkk so the the other day on the Imm. timeline it said they were processing for July 7th, today it says June 17th...... this is good news, I thought they forgot about us!!

    1. Christy&Ken


      the timeline jumps every day, there is no rule indeed, I saw it's on processing for 4Jun, but the next day jumped to 10 Jul...

  22. I am in Ontario, he is in Kansas :) Where hopefully we will both be soon :) It seems like there is a huge difference in time frames when people receive their notices :/ Keeping my fingers crossed :)Congrats again, you must be sooooo excited :)

  23. If there is anything this love has taught me it's that you don't need someone to be physically near you, to have them be the closest one to your heart, forever in my heart, part of my soul, and even though we're miles apart still the best part of my day :)

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