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Posts posted by NorthernBird

  1. Hi again guys,

    My husband has been in the US Army for 8 years and we've gotten all of our paperwork in order for filing... except the I-864.

    The requested proof is a transcript of his 2010 tax transcript. Ooops, since he was deployed when he made his taxes last year, he didn't get the paper return. No biggie, we ordered said transcript from the IRS and received it today.

    To my surprise, said transcript (form 1040EZ) only contains his gross taxable income and not his gross income. Seeing as he was deployed for 11 months in 2010, his gross taxable income was only 2,800$. 2009? Deployed 6 months. 2008? Stationed in Germany (non-taxable).

    We have proof of his military records, we have a monthly LES (Leave and Earnings Statement) we can print out and the IRS tramscript showing very little taxable income. Is that enough or should I contact the IRS to have them write an official letter that includes the total gross income for 2010? That sounds like a long wait...

    Thank you!

  2. My best educated guess is no. We're doing the same and my husband is Active Duty Army (Tricare Prime). The USCIS asks that your form I-693 be signed by one of their appointed Civil Surgeons.

    You can find one in your neighborhood here : https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=offices.type&OfficeLocator.office_type=CIV

    Tricare will not pay for it, unfortunately. I called and asked. The mandated Civil Surgeons will not accept any insurance for this form. The one I found in AZ was just 160$ though, I thought that was reasonable.

  3. I'm not sure if this is the right section as there's no section for our current situation.

    I entered the US legally on June 04th 2011 through Montreal (airport) to visit my boyfriend. I have a valid passport that expires in three years and plenty of evidence to show my initial intent to return home on August 15th 2011 (I had to cancel my semester from here, had non-refundable plane ticket, purchased traveler's medical insurance until date of planned return, had to sell my car in Canada by proxy, etc.).

    We found out we were expecting a child in early August, a week before my return. My now husband being Active Duty military going on 8 years of service, it is impossible for him to join me in Canada until his ETS date in 2014. Neither of us are fans of marriage (it is the 2nd for both) and neither of us have children. We hadn't planned for marriage and family this early in our relationship as we've known each other only a year but abortion is not an option. We're both old enough to care for kids and have decent career paths. We decided to put my career and schooling on hold while he finishes his contract with the Army. We got married on Sept 02 2011 and I was enrolled in DEERS/Tricare (received medical insurance and a Military ID) on Sept 26 2011.

    That was the first step. Now comes the fun part, USCIS. We have evidence of a bona fide marriage as I'm now a military dependent, he added me to his lease and bank accounts, on the car insurance policy, etc. The 14 weeks old fetus growing inside me is also pretty decent evidence.

    But I'm (as could be expected) overwhelmed with the amount of information coming from everywhere. I've been reading up ever since we learned about the pregnancy and now is the time to file. I'm using this guide : http://www.visajourney.com/content/i130guide2 and will contact JAG as they have an immigration consultant available once a month.

    Here are my questions :

    1) Is there any ground for the US gov't to deport me at this point? I'm legally allowed to remain in the US as a tourist until December and will have filed by then - but like any other pregnant woman, I'm on pins and needles about everything. My husband's commander has pledged to fight ICE with half of the unit's manpower, but as sweet as it is, it doesn't do much for my legal status.

    2) Coming in from Canada, I did not need to file an I-94 as we do not require visas to visit the US. Should I now request one? I still have plane ticket records and they swiped my passport on entry.

    3) My husband is frequently gone or at work for long periods of time. Being military, he cannot keep an appointment to save his life at times. Tucson Service Center's website says they accept military members without an appointment. Does that mean we can directly drop off our paperwork with them once our packet is complete? Will he need to personally attend anything but the interview?

    4) Being French Canadian, most of my personal records are in French. Am I right in assuming I can produce my own translation and certify it myself?

    5) I have read on many websites that I need to prove intent to return to my home country. Is evidence of a car sale by proxy, cancelled semester and unused return plane ticket enough or should I worry about being denied the AOS? I know this isn't the proper way of immigrating to the US but Mother Nature has left us little choice. I'm not sure how to plead my case to the USCIS. All the cases online I've seen are open apologies to the gov't... I'm not sure what I'm apologizing for outside of ungodly fertility (I was on birth control). If anyone has first-hand experience with this kind of situation, I would gladly read your recaps.


    I think that's it for now - thank you all for your time. I'm sure I'll have more questions as we prepare our packet! :)

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