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Status Replies posted by rubyred1979

  1. Amazing! Johnny's AOS has been approved in just a little over 4 months!!! A lot faster than I had orginally thought!! :) I thought we weren't going to hear anything until December! Good Day :)

  2. hey what have you guys done as far as getting a drivers license? We were told when we went the first time that it would only be good for him while the I-94 was valid, so I don't know what do now. Did you guys get one already?

    1. rubyred1979


      ifferent for your state, but I'd bet its the same.

      Everything here is good, he's just ready to be able to work and drive himself around again haha! How about you guys?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. hey what have you guys done as far as getting a drivers license? We were told when we went the first time that it would only be good for him while the I-94 was valid, so I don't know what do now. Did you guys get one already?

    1. rubyred1979


      Did some digging and got an answer. The permit is only good as long as the I-94 is valid, once it expires the license expires. The next available chance to get a license is when he actually has his employment authorization document (EAD) in hand and can take it to the DMV. They want proof he is still here legally, so the EAD works there. So for now in NC it looks like once the I-94 expires, they are stuck with no license again until EAD arrives. Double check your DMV website, it may be d...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Working on the paperwork for AOS...... BLEH i hate paperwork!!!

    1. rubyred1979


      We just posted it Monday, what a headache! All is good other than that, we leave for our honeymoon on Sunday. Keep us posted too! :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Working on the paperwork for AOS...... BLEH i hate paperwork!!!

    1. rubyred1979


      We are struggling with it too! Why are these forms never simple?!?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Finally the consulate sheds some LIGHT!!!

    1. rubyred1979


      what a ride huh? Glad you finally received it!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. We Finally Have an Interview Date!!!! FINALLY!!!!

  8. Impatiently waiting for Packet 4!!! What the heck is going on with them we've been waiting for too long!

    1. rubyred1979


      Hey I read what you had posted about your petition expiring on February 2nd. We are in the same boat of impatiently waiting for packet 4. My fiance had emailed the Sydney consulate last week and they said we can request a re-validation that gives you another 4 months added to your petition. You may want to email them and ask for the same thing.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. NOA2 approved today!!! Wow the feeling was out of this world!

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