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Posts posted by mb3

  1. I was told the visa was approved then as well and since they are still sitting on someone's desk, it will probably be another week.:whistle: This process inadvertently is teaching me patience. It has been a long time since last September and there is still a long way to go to see it all through. Wishing you good things/E

    Just got an email from Loomis advising my passport has been picked up at the Consulate. Should have it tomorrow/Monday. F-i-n-a-l-l-y!

  2. That is so cool! I'm actually hosting a pre-Canada Day party for friends and another canadian who's in the same boat as me. (Day before because people have plans the day of... boo!) But my issue with signing up for that is I don't want my address displayed, y'know? Bummed that there isn't a party closer to Orange County.

    But regardless, I'm excited. Hubby's doing a montreal-seasoned tri-tip and I'm ordering squeaky cheese for poutine. XD

    I feel the same; I'd like to sign up, but not feeling the posting-my-home-address thing.

  3. Interviewed the last week of May...still no passports returned so I phoned DOS 202-663-1225 (then 3) and the Visa stamp was inserted June 6th, so I guess the wait continues. Disappointed as I could have gone to a convention if it had arrived within 5 days.

    I'm in the same boat. My interview was May 29th. Spoke to DOS, visa was issued June 5. Haven't heard anything yet. It's frustrating!

    Here's hoping we both hear something very soon.

  4. Brandi is right; check first with his family physician. If they don't have the records, he'll need to go in for a titre test, to check what he's immune to (it's just a blood test, no biggie). I had to do this earlier this year.

    I would suggest you get on this right away, as it took a bit for me to get thru it all (three doctor's visits later...) and he'll have to tell the doctor specifically what he's looking for immunity against ie measles, mumps & rubella, hepatitis a&b, tetanus.

    Good luck!

  5. I was surprised at how 'easy' the interview was, more conversational than anything.

    I was approved last Tuesday and my passport hasn't been returned yet. Going a little crazy with this last bit of waiting!

  6. My interview was last week. I took a copy of the appointment email, which had the courier info on it, and it was fine. I think you're good to go.

    Btw, what happened with your medical? I've been wondering if you got that resolved.

    Good luck!

  7. I saw soar eee as well, and garage. Apparently I pronounce progress (prog-ress) and salsa in a way that makes people question where I'm from. Not sure what I'm doing to 'mispronounce' salsa, but it makes my fiance laugh every time.

  8. Ya I had odd looks with washroom.....it's restroom.....well i'm be dipped in sh#$#t, ok restroom

    i just tested the tap and brown toast on my wife...although i stopped with the brown toast a while back....so yup, tap means to tap on things ie finger on desk....faucet is known....brown toast = burned toast??? so no brown toast

    also with the word foyer....as in the French pronunciation = foi yay....here's is foyer like sawyer.....garage i say it like formage....french again....here it;s garge G. just ends with the soft g sound. giddyap :yes:

    forgot to add... i say sorry as in soar eee.....here's is saw ree... and i guess we all say oot and aboot for out and about...so i hear

  9. Just want to make sure I have everything...at this point, I'm overthinking and second guessing :blink:

    In an accordion file, I have:


    2 passport photos

    Birth Certificate + photocopy

    Appointment letter


    DS-156 x 2


    DS-160 (this makes the DS-230 unnecessary, right?)



    Police certificate

    Fiance's info, ie letter from employer, last year's tax return + W2, bank statements, a copy of the lease for our house, copies of utility bills

    Proof of paying for the Visa in advance

    Proof of relationship (photos, boarding passes, engagement ring appraisal, etc)

    I think I recall reading somewhere that I'm not to sign any of the forms beforehand...can anyone confirm?

    Thanks for your help!

  10. It's quite feasible to talk my boss into letting me work from the US for a few months, possibly even indefinitely depending on how it goes with me working from a different location. It's just me and him running this studio so I'm not sure how well he'd do without me, lmao :) Won't know until I ask, though! My fiance and I are both tech-heads so we've been putting together a bit of a plan as to how that would all work, just a matter of trying to explain it all to my pretty technologically-unadvanced boss... :bonk:

    Thank you, I thought so too. My fiance is divorced and really doesn't want the headache/heartache/empty wallet of going through another divorce (and we were friends during the divorce so I heard all the horror stories... does NOT sound fun...) so we would LIKE to try to play it safe and make sure we work out well together for extended periods of time... we've visited 7 times total now for 1-2 weeks at a time and that works GREAT but yeah, living together full time is completely different.

    I'm assuming you visited while your k-1 was processing? Did you get any ####### at the border crossing? How long did you stay per trip? Sorry for all the questions, haha! Trying to figure out possibilities, I'd *like* to move/take an extended trip by the end of summer. Two years of long disance wears on a person. :wacko:

    We were engaged, but didn't file until October of last year (after I had spent 5 months total there)...which will probably sound backwards to some people here, but it worked for us. As you said, day to day living with someone is MUCH different than spending a week or two at a time, when you're both making the most of your limited time together.

    I spent varying amounts of time in the US...6 weeks there, home for 2, etc. The longest stretch was August to October. I didn't have any issues at the border, but years of crossing the border has taught me to answer only the questions I've been asked (ie don't volunteer any unneccessary, or leading information) and to answer simply and honestly.

    I'm sure there are people on here who might disagree about how we went about it, but this has worked for us. Good luck!

  11. As a Canadian, you can spend 180 days in the US without a visitor's visa (that's how the snow birds do it). Is it feasible for you to talk to your boss about working from the US for 3-4 months? That should give you a good idea about how living together day-to-day works for you both. Btw, I think you're smart to think about this option rather than jumping into a marriage without spending a lot of time together.

    For what it's worth, I spent 5 months in the US last year for exactly this reason. My interview is next week, and so far the process has been smooth (even though it feels like it's taking forever :) )

  12. Try to be calm--there's nothing you can do until tomorrow, so no point worrying yourself sick. You could email Dr Seiden's office, if it'll make you feel better. You might get a quicker response that way. I think their phones are quite busy in the mornings.

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