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What if...

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Posts posted by What if...

  1. you guys are great! Its unfortunate that theres no other way~ he had helped me in many ways~ maybe i just wanted to present him with something plausible but oh well!! ill gift him with an account at match.com :D

  2. Thanks for the quick reply~

    I once spoke to a lawyer, it was a favor so i couldnt get further into the conversation, but basically what he said was that if a person "sneaks" out of the country, lets say thru mexico by car.. he will not be asked to return the I-94...

    and he that he could bet on his luck when talking to the immigration officer at the airport when he comes back, alleging that he first came as a tourist(which is true) and then took a road trip thru mexico all the way to south america or something...

    at the time the attorney said that it would be a 50/50 % chance the immigration officer lets it go or not...

    any knowledge on that??

    I think thats the last thing, after that, its going from this website to a dating one~ to find him a wifey lol :)

  3. Iam trying to help a friend who seems lost in his thoughts..

    He first came here as a tourist and got accepted into a school and had his visa changed to F-1.

    Shortly, he couldnt afford school and he just dropped it all but never left the country. Now for as far as i know his only option would to be marry a US citizen, but what if he gets a job that is willing to sponsor him...

    I know that if he leaves it will be hard for him to try to come back with his tourist visa.. but what if the company hires agrees to hire him can he try to go out of the US and come back in the US using the visa that the company is willing to provide? is it possible?! Because he has no visa to change.. he would have to leave the country first right? Have anyone here ever heard of anything like this? Please help! Thank you in advance!

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