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Posts posted by haveheart

  1. "Along with the K-1 petition I'm also sending a letter from my parents saying they recognize our relation as real and current. Also, my mom's letter says that 'upon approval of the petition an affidavit of support will be made co-sponsoring the immigrant (my fiancé) so he won't become a public charge for the government'. Is that alright or too much information?!

    The only real place where we can explain about our relationship is the question 18 of the I-129F, right? I mean, some people don't even get interview before being denied, do they? I would assume that describing the circumstances and events (not a love story but the actual major events) would be the best thing, so the people form the consulate abroad would know more about the case before the interview, right?


  2. I checked with the International Students Adviser of the school I was planning to attend and he told me that technically I would need a new visa to return to the U.S. BUT he also told me that in reality that is not necessary and I can use my old visa even if I have been away from classes for more than five months, as long as it's within its expiration date.

    Another International Student Adviser from a school I have previously attended told me the same thing!

    Is there any new regulation regarding this? Online I've found I need one but those people who work with it daily gave me the same information. What's the real deal?!

    thanks everybody!

  3. He obtained the visa with the purpose of studying, they were not even dating at the time he got back again. Since the living expenses were being paid by his girlfriend's mother. When he left the u.s. for the first time they decided they wouldn't be dating because the countries were too far. But as they started living together at a later stage and being older the relationship got back to where it was and hit it off like never before. Another thing, both families became friends!

  4. I would like to know how much of a big flag that is:

    "In 2009 Daryl (22 years old, no college degree) went to the u.s. on a student visa after meeting a really interesting girl online (18, university student). They began dating and started living together. Her mother paid for another course so he could keep his status (it's listed on the I-20 that her mother, a family friend, paid for it). His status expired and he got back to his home country.

    On that same year his American girlfriend went to his home country to be with him for a few days. While in the country she unleashed the surprise: her mother would pay for an associates degree for him in the u.s. and allow him to live with them again. Later on, he went back to the u.s. and started living with her parents, once again, the I-20 was issued with the annotation saying it was being paid by a "family friend", her mother in that case.

    Later on their relationship grew to a whole different level and they decided to get married and apply for AOS for Daryl."

    1 - Is the fact that they had previously lived together, previously met together in another country and the current I-20 being issued under her mom's financial expense a big red flag?!

    It sounds to me that it's pretty understandable that he didn't enter the country with any intention of becoming a citizen. At the time of his entry in the u.s. none of them were thinking about getting married because of her age and their situation. The bonafide of the marriage is also very understandable. Living under the same house for quite sometime prior to the marriage date and stuff.

    2 - What are the real chances of AOS being denied/accepted?

    Thanks a lot for the information! Both are freaking out!

  5. Well, I have two questions regarding my F-1 Visa! I went to the u.s. on a F-1 visa already and this same visa hasn't expired. I am in my home country and plan on attending an American University now! My visa has an annotation about the school I attended in the past...

    1 - Do I need a new visa now or only an I-20 from the university?

    2 - Can I apply for OPT after completing or close to the completion of an associates degree?!

    Thank you very much for the information!

  6. I just noticed something about my evidence. My name is misspelled all over it. My plane tickets, boarding passes and I-20s are ok, but my bus itineraries & receipts and my hotel bill have my name misspelled on them.

    Greyhound never issued a ticket with the right name they put two "Ts" intead of one and took away another letter. The hotel bill (I contacted them trying to get them to change it but they couldn't) took away one letter as well.

    Is it gonna be a problem?!

    Thanks a bunch!

  7. I was giving the K-1 petition some final touches and I notived all letters of intent and cover letter are advised to have the

    United States Department of Homeland Security

    U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services




    My question is: lately a lot of people are having their cases sent to the service centers regardless of their address. Should I leave my letters without the Service Center address?! If not, what service center should I put since my fiance's address is in Texas?

    Thank you very much and have a smooth VJ!

  8. My fiancee wrote a one page statement regarding the events of our relationship for question 18 of the form 129F but after reading some topics here we decided to fit everything in the box and this is what we came up with:

    "We firstly met online in December 2010 and in February 2011, my fiancé came to the USA to study as an F-1 student (he already had plans on doing so before meeting me). We first met at the "X" Station in Dallas, TX. and he stayed at the "Y" Hotel. We started dating, then my parents asked him to move in us and he proposed to me later on the (and here the date)."

    Is this better than the whole attachment we made? I head it's better to keep it simple and they don't want to hear a full love story. The things is, I met her and we were together for four days then I went to Houston for a month then back to Dallas to move in with them and so on...

    1 - is it worth describing or the explanation above satisfies?

    2 - My passport has a stamp but the date can't really be seen (you can tell there's a stamp though). The I-20 received the same stamp and I'm sendind it as well. Is this gonna be a problem?

    3 - I have the hotel receipt but my name is missing one letter. Is this gonna be an issue?!

    4 - I have no proof that we were living in the same house (besides the address on my check book for example). Is this gonna be a problem?

    Now the last question: what's the impact of a more objective and straight forward application?! I've seen people here receiving approvals in less than two months and people as far as four months without an approval. Does it speed up, being objective?!

    Thanks a bunch and have a smooth visa journey!

  9. I have about ten tattoos and my right arm is covered in them. Three of them are owls (as a symbol of wisdom). I have a tattoo on my hand (an anchor) and I have a big tattoo on my thy of a lady with an Orthodox church on her head as a hairdo adornment! *I'm a hairdresser* I was wondering if any of my tattoos would be seen as bad or or lead them to believe anything bad about me! Any thought on that?!

    Thank you!

  10. I'm sorry I'm a bit mixed up about the terms. Yes, it's for the interview that I'm worried.

    I'm the beneficiary and I have a really low income.

    The petitioner has NO INCOME but her mom and dad together do. So after the petition being approved, ANY U.S. Citizen can sponsor the immigrant as long as they have sufficient income?!

  11. I have been reading different things on this forum so I wanted to clear something up:

    I'm the beneficiary of a petition about to be sent, I'm 23 years old, employed in my country (not saying this matters a lot but...) but with a very low wage. My Fiancee is a U.S. citizen, 18 years old who goes to university and has no income and no tax returns at all. Her mother is gonna support us and sponsor us, meeting the guidelines but not exceeding them substantially.

    I have been reading different things about K-1 visas being denied based on USC having no income. 1 - What's the real deal?! I really want to know my chances of this situation being a problem for us!

    2 - My Fiancee is gonna file the form I-134 and then send it along her mother's support so it should not be a big deal but would they really deny my K-1 visa based on that?

    I'm freaking out here and I want to know this information before filing the petition. Thanks a lot for replying and good luck on your journey!

  12. I searched for hours for this information on Visajourney and couldn't find it! I appreciate your reply and help!

    I can't fit a single name within the blankets where information about employment should be put. I know I have to make an extra attachment for it but I don't know how the form itself should look like.

    Should I write "See attachment" in the first line (the one at the top) and leave those other ones in blank? Should I do it in the last line (bottom line)? Should I write "See attachment" in every single one of those lines?!

    Another question: Should I make one separate attachment for every question or one for all of them?

    Check my another topic on the G-325A as well! Thanks!

  13. I was filling out G-325a for myself (the beneficiary) and I came across some doubts:

    1. File number: "None" or leave in blank?

    2. All other names used...: N/A? I have never been married.

    3. Former Husbands or Wives: None in the first space and N/A in the next ones (including date)? / should I put None in both lines?

    4. Applicant's Residence Last Five Years: I rented an apartment in Dallas for six months and then broke the lease. Still, I wasn't living there, I was living with my fiancee at her

    parents house. I was on a F-1 Visa and was at her house from February to July. Besides that, in 2007/2008 I worked in the U.S. for three months and lived in somewhat like a dorm. Apart from that. I have always lived in the same place in Brazil. Should I put the addresses abroad for these months or just fill out my address in Brazil (which has been the same for more than five years)? If so, which? The Apartment or her parents' house? Do I include the address of the period I was working in America as well?

    5. Applicant's Last Address Outside the United States of more than one year: I'm a foreigner and I have always lived in Brazil. What should I put here?

    6. Last Occupation Abroad if not Shown Above: I was an F-1 Student for months in 2011 and I have worked for an American Company in 2007/2008. What should I put here? Should I put "F-1 student" which school do I write down? I studied in two different schools under this F-1 visa.

    Last question: Where dates not apply, should I write N/A or leave it in blank? I mean, I saw the example here at Visajourney (where whenever there's no answer they just left it blank) but then reading the forums I came across different kinds of information regarding whether or not leave spaces in blank. What should be the rule for that?

    Thank you very much for you time and good luck on your journey!

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