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Jocelyn N Gene

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About Jocelyn N Gene

  • Birthday 12/30/1956

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Being happy and seeing a big smile on my beautiful Filipino wife's face. Attending church with my wife ....coming home from work and seeing my wife .

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Pittsburgh PA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    12/ 29/2010...We was introduced to each other by Jo,s cousin and from there the rest is one beautiful love story .

    01/2011...We started talking on a regular basis

    02/2012...By this month we was spending every moment we had with each other on yahoo and the phone.

    04/2011.... We are really getting to know each other at this point.Very long talks about everything under the sun.

    06/2011.....We are very close at this point and I mentioned to her I want to come see her...she was so excited.

    07/2011...At this stage Skype,Yahoo and the phone just wasn't cutting it any more.....Plans are in place and well under way for taking the long hop to the Philippines to see Jocelyn .

    08/2011....Flew from Dulles and heading to Manila, after a stop in Nagoya and having the right engine do a hot start on us we was delayed for another night . Next day in Nagoya, myself and a few new found friends end up negotiating with Delta to get us a flight out of there and on to Manila. Flew into Manila at around 11:30 pm .My new friend Dean showed me where to look for Jocelyn and as I was walking toward the ramp a taxi driver for my hotel was waiting for me and I told him I was suppose to meet a girl here and he said to me "come with me sir and Ill take you to the girl...with no hesitation I followed him and as we got to the top of the ramp I looked down it and their she was almost jumping out of her shoes ...Ill never forget how she looked.....yes real men cry , and as I fought back the tears of joy the distance between us closed fast and I felt I was in the presence of an angel. I knew then all the feelings I had before departing to see her was put into stone...... I was going to make it official ...My visit was the best 9 days of my life ....and changed my life forever.

    After arriving back home in August 17th I went to work on the visa right away it took a few weeks to get it right and a few friends who had went throught the process prior to us helping us ...

    September 1 sent Visa I129f forms to Texas

    September 6 .....I129F makes it to Texas

    Septemeber 8 .....I129F hard copy arrives

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  1. We wish everyone on this site the best of luck .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jocelyn N Gene

      Jocelyn N Gene

      Thank you pinoygwapo

    3. northeast


      How's the interview?

    4. Jocelyn N Gene

      Jocelyn N Gene

      The interview was short. The officer talked to her first then me and ask her to come back up to the window. She then tunred to me and smiled and said it will take 24 hours or so for the Visa info to go to Washington and back ...So we went to her moms for a few days and then back to Manila to retrieve the visa at a 2Go at SM mall.

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