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James P

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Posts posted by James P

  1. Wow, you guys are clueless. To start off I already know how Latinas are.... I am half Argentinian and had many gf from South America and relatives, so I am sure they are not this crazy. I would ask all Latinos here if their wife causes a big fight if you watch a pg-13 movie or commercial. Or being scared or not wanting to go out bc your wife is a nut case and will accuse you of cheating.

    Like I said, I have already paid a lot of money to help her with therapy. SO most of the things you guys are advising me to do, have already been done. I can't stress enough over the forums how hard i have tried.

    That being said, the issue is all the threats and ups and downs in her behavior. I want custody of my daughter because she is a very irresponsible mother. I have tor remind her to feed the baby bc she spends all day on facebook, I have to work and then heat up my own food and watch the baby, & if I tell her to do anything she curses and says to do it myself, when she’s on the computer all day.

    Bottom line is that she is very ungrateful and the way she threats her daughter and me is enough. I have never thought i would be planning something like this, but i have been pushed to the limit and there is no way I am playing this the legal way with this woman. I am not risking losing my daughter to this good for nothing mother, paying her child support when she will spend it all on herself, or let her ruin my parents who signed that form to help me out.

    I am not planning to screw her, but more just to things in their place. She has many times given up our daughter in fight, telling me she doesn't want her and for me to keep her. She said many times that she wants to be alone and our baby will only be a burden for her when she starts working. So, why should i keep helping her when she is ungrateful and just wants to do what is more convenient for her.

    I want for GC to expire, take her to Argentina and let her do the usual fighting and just break up, I will get custody of my daughter, which she probably happily give, and then forget about her. If she wants to stay with my daughter, I will make sure my daughter always has what she needs.

  2. Well,

    I was an idiot and married this girl from Argentina that is very attractive, or was. I guess I went by looks instead of dating her more to see all her defects. Anyway we got married and had a baby by accident.

    Since the first day i noticed that she has issues. She would get extremely jealous or controlling over everything. Few examples, if there was pretty girl on tv or commercial she would accuse me of being a cheater and want to separate me for no reason. On the streets if a pretty girl went past me she would accuse me of staring at her breast or behind ect.. She would argue and fight with me over everything and be so close minded. Before i go any further, she told me that her ex, whom she never married but has a 13 year old with, cheated on her several times.....

    Anyway After many many many fights and stress she put on me I tried to work things out. Talked to her man times, showed her love, even paid a lot of money to get her help which she didn't like going to. Anyway things got worse, she thinks I cheat with girls at work who she has never met, she acts like a kid and when i try to reason with her she leaves the house saying she is leaving me because am everything in the dictionry. I have to go after her and make her reason, knowing we will have this fight even more.

    She has already stated she doesn't love me, she regrets getting with me, having my kid, and never wanted to have my kid. Which just tells me she got with me for papers for her and daughter, and the baby was just something by mistake. She never cleans, i come back from work tired and she sleeps all day and surf the internet, and tells me to watch the baby. If i try to tell her that she should be doing it, she throws a fit and calls me a cheater and ignores even her own daughter and wont do anything.

    That’s just a little taste of my life with her. Anyway, several times she has made it obvious and has used indirect words letting me know she is only with me until the two years are up. And always threatens to ruin my life when she accuses me of cheating ec..... Here is the issue I never reported taxes bc i go to school, still am, and my parents signed the i864a, i think that is the name, without knowing they were responsible for this nut case for 10 years. I am also responsible.

    So I am enduring all this abuse and stress in my life until her conditional gc expires, which she knows does. I have made her believe, which is in part true, that i want to re-do her papers and terminate the current one. I explained that i don’t want to file with my parents and that it would only take one month and that she would need to return to Argentina for one month. She has agreed, in some ways, but during fights tells me she is leaving and does not care about my parents ect...

    Anyway, I plan to take her to her country in 7 months and leave her there for a few months, and i know i won’t have to ends things. Knowing how she is, she will fight about something and this time i will not put up with it. I also plan to divorce her in her county after this and get my daughter and move on.

    I know many here want to give a lot of lectures or say “go see a lawyer or let her be and do it legally”, but you are not in my shoe. Plus, I don’t want to take any chances, so please give feedback on how to perfect my plan, and where i am making mistakes. Thank you

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