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Status Updates posted by Floella

  1. Visa in hand finally! Moving this weekend!!!

    1. rozi
    2. Rayoflight


      so happy for you.. been looking at your thread since you posted it (my interview was on Nov 23rd). It sucks that you had to wait so long but it will be worth it. Soon you will be married and the wait will be forgotten!

    3. Rayoflight


      so happy for you.. been looking at your thread since you posted it (my interview was on Nov 23rd). It sucks that you had to wait so long but it will be worth it. Soon you will be married and the wait will be forgotten!

  2. Congrats on your approval!! :)

  3. Once again, thanks SO much for sending me a message :) You're a life saver!!!

  4. Thanks for the encouraging comment :) Best of luck to you too!

  5. 6 weeks now since been trying to get interview with Montreal >.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Floella


      Yes! We all have to work together and I'm sure we'll get through it!

    3. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      I heard it hard,just keep checking their website everyday..You might be lucky and get an open date.

    4. Nemata Musa

      Nemata Musa

      Best of luck Floella..Hang in there,you almost at the finish line.

  6. Hey! :) I'll definitely let you know if I see dates open up. Yeah, we're in the same boat. A few of us didn't manage to get an appointment because we were out :(

  7. Hey! I didn't get in with today's interviews either. I'll definitely give you a heads up if I see them open. I hope we can get in soon, those of us that didn't!

  8. Yes! Thank you! I hope something opens up soon again! :D

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