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Scott and Linda

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Status Updates posted by Scott and Linda

  1. hi been a bit after a 30 day mess up by the lawyer we have the medical tomorrow in London how is yours going ?

  2. hi been a bit after a 30 day mess up by the lawyer we have the medical tomorrow in London how is yours going ?

  3. medical in London for Linda tomorrow than the last step wait for the interview :)

  4. medical in London for Linda tomorrow than the last step wait for the interview :)

  5. sept 20th the file was sent to the UK as of today 10/14 still no response from the embasy or packet 3 recieved by Linda would be nice if we knew what was gong on is this a normal wait time for the UK embasy ?

  6. sept 20th the file was sent to the UK as of today 10/14 still no response from the embasy or packet 3 recieved by Linda would be nice if we knew what was gong on is this a normal wait time for the UK embasy ?

  7. no NVC has not recieved our file yet i called monday im going to call again fri and see if they got it i hope they get it soon

  8. no NVC has not recieved our file yet i called monday im going to call again fri and see if they got it i hope they get it soon

  9. congrats that is great news i hope everything goes smooth from now on maybe we will get the visas about the same time

  10. congrats that is great news i hope everything goes smooth from now on maybe we will get the visas about the same time

  11. got a call today from our lawyer our NOA2 is in the mail and our file is on its way to the UK i was told Linda will be getting something in the mail with in 2 weeks :)

  12. got a call today from our lawyer our NOA2 is in the mail and our file is on its way to the UK i was told Linda will be getting something in the mail with in 2 weeks :)

  13. we recieved our NOA1 on 4/13/11 it is very frustrating not hearing anything the lawyer did find out our file is in the decision section we are hoping to hear soon , all we want is to hold each other again we saw each other in May for 2 weeks and we hoped to be together by now what has everyone elses journeys been like ? how are they doing and feeling about it all ?

  14. we got our NOA1 on 4/13/11 we have not gotten anything sense that my lawyer said he has found out it is in the decision stage at least thats a up date the web site doesnt have any up dates

  15. we got our NOA1 on 4/13/11 we have not gotten anything sense that my lawyer said he has found out it is in the decision stage at least thats a up date the web site doesnt have any up dates

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