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Status Replies posted by Christy&Ken

  1. tomorrow is my interview, I'm so excited!! Jack couldn't get his days off from work and we're nervous about it. We hope it doesn't hinder us... Last day of a very long hurry up and wait. Pray for us!!

  2. 2011.11.3,Pkt3 received, so fast. but have to hold for a while since I want my honey accompany me to interview when he comes back by End/Dec.

    1. Christy&Ken


      just came here to update! approved already! how about you?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. We got our hardcopy for the RFE. They want us to send again the Letter of Intent, we figured someone lost it over there. Jack called the CSC to see what was wrong with our original statements and what he told me was: "I was livid! I felt back in the army!". Anyway... this weekend my letter will be in his hands.

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, I am still working now, maybe quit once i got the visa. have you solve the problems and send to CSC yet?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. 143 days and still nothing :(

    1. Christy&Ken


      Have you called them yet? how they reply you?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Very sad to see the toll the wait that this process takes on those of us who still wait :(

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, totally understand...anyway, be strong, be positive, believe in yours will comes.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. We got our hardcopy for the RFE. They want us to send again the Letter of Intent, we figured someone lost it over there. Jack called the CSC to see what was wrong with our original statements and what he told me was: "I was livid! I felt back in the army!". Anyway... this weekend my letter will be in his hands.

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, I think so, maybe lost,anyway, it's a small problem, solve it ASAP, good luck!!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Very sad to see the toll the wait that this process takes on those of us who still wait :(

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, really under high pressures, long distance, only relay on the phone, facetime,sms, so hard time for all of us.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. YAY, we got the NOA2!! I wish he wasn't sleeping... I literally checked the USCIS website at the same time as I received the text- how random!!!

  9. RFE :(

    1. Christy&Ken


      I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK!once you get that letter you can issue all documents to them ASAP and keep following the updates. Pray for you!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. Ok sooooo I wish there was some magic answer to how one can be aproved in less than 2 months and I haven't heard a thing in over 4, very frustrating :(

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, and I never thought that timeline was shown the true process speed.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Approvals for July and August.... *breathe, breathe*. Right now we're praying not to get slapped with an RFE.

    1. Christy&Ken


      ok, I see, if so, I suggest you make an appointment with immigration office from internet, and you can get a date to meet them and they may help to check your case details, that's may workable.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. Approvals for July and August.... *breathe, breathe*. Right now we're praying not to get slapped with an RFE.

    1. Christy&Ken


      no worries, approvals for Jul and Aug should not be in CSC but for VSC ,right? CSC's speed is really low down a lot, so yours will be soon, I will pray for all our Jun filers without any RFE, you will get it smoothly.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Ok sooooo I wish there was some magic answer to how one can be aproved in less than 2 months and I haven't heard a thing in over 4, very frustrating :(

    1. Christy&Ken


      maybe for VSC cases 2months is possible, but for CSC cases from Jun till now files are impossible.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. NOA2 approved on October 22nd 2011. Wishing everyone else a speedy approval.

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, CSC woke up already.

  15. 2011.10.18, my NOA2 finally shown on USCIS, thanks God!!! I just Cried to my honey via the phone...

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, we are all from CSC, yours will be soon, no worries!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. Please, please, please, God make this moth go by really quickly so we can start harass people at the CSC about our case.

    1. Christy&Ken


      dear All Jun filers, I am sure your NOA2 will be worked out within Oct, it seems CSC woke up already, I've heard at least more than 5 persons in Jun filed already got NOA2 during these days.so go to check USCIS every day.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Just received the text message from VSC "Your Case is now updated". I could not wait to run inside and check the e-mail and website "I-129F Approved" It was so nice to be able to call my Fiancee' after checking the e-mail and being able to tell her the I-129F has been approved in 3 months 10days. VSC you rock!!!!!!!! Thank You

    1. Christy&Ken


      hahaha,Mei, I found you here!!!

  18. 2011.10.18, my NOA2 finally shown on USCIS, thanks God!!! I just Cried to my honey via the phone...

    1. Christy&Ken


      yes, guys,I am sure yours will be arrived very soon, there is a girl told me that her finace was noted that there are 40 persons added to issue K1 process since K1 is behind of speed, so I belive the Jun files will be worked out one by one within Oct.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. CSC NOA2... :( please

    1. Christy&Ken


      pray for all Jun filers.

  20. Fortune cookie said: A letter of great importance may reach you any day now :) COME ON NOA2!!!

    1. Christy&Ken


      hahaha, I wish you luck!

  21. I am too impatient for this process!! I know it has only been two months....but can I just get my visa now please or at least my NOA 2!!!

    1. Christy&Ken


      we are all Jun filers

  22. Getting f**king sick of waiting now.

  23. C'mon' CSC!!! June Filers still awaiting NOA2. C'mon.

    1. Christy&Ken


      actually VSC is speeding up, so I think Tolsab should call them for more details. sign...where are our NOA2?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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