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Posts posted by misswiss

  1. That's awesome! Hope we have the same luck :)

    yeah it really is!!! Like i can't even believe it..he only gave us a verbal approval..but tonight i received both emails confirming my approval! I can't believe how easy this interview was..we litterally went to 2cvs, targets and walgreens to try printing our wedding pics and other pics but the machine didn't work..we were 20 mins late and we managed to prin like 15 pics from our cell phones!!! The pics are horrible and blurry and of course just our faces, nobody with us..but he didn't even care. He didnt ask any other question but "so...where did u guys meet" asked me the yes/no questions and that was it! Im sooooooo happy i finally get to get a life in america lol

  2. Felt the need to comment, it's only fair you see the other side of the story too, first of all yes it's good to save money, you never know when you can get sick or something happens and you need it, from my experience soo far american people live on credit, they never save. Second, you going around the house in a tshirt during winter is not acceptable, put a coat on and turn down the heating, yoru bill should not be more then 100, I imagine where you are is never more less then 15 C, at this temperature here in Ro we hardly turn on the heating. You are 47, in my country paying a mortgage at this age is considered you are a looser, you did not do anything with your life, in communist countries or ex communist countries all people own a place, no matter how small it is, 4X4 room, they call it home and it's theirs, google and see in what countries people rent more, here everyone owns, in USA probably only 50 % own a house.... I guess she wants to change this by better budgeting your money and what it goes on. Next, she is a mature woman, in my country you won't see people over 40 in clubs and bars, they party at home with friends and family. Next, she does not want to meet people from her country, so what I don't want that either, some tend to be bad and have hidden reasons for wanting to meet you, better to make american friends, people from communist countries tend to be mean, selfish, jalous, she is better without them. You are 47, I assume your mom is 70 or close to it, who wants to stay with a mother in law that is 70 years old? She married you not your mother, are you a mama's boy? it's different when you go to friends, that's protecting her territory, she wants to be with you then because she loves you and she is concerned you might meet someone there, at your mom's house you are not going to meet anyone. She spends money on make up and eye creams, I have news for you, she is 41, she wants to look good for you or you might pick up a K1 20 years younger then you. She is right, you don't understand her at all, it's like you haven't been married before and for sure you don't love her if you are ready to divorce her for such stupid things, help her get a job, get out of the house, meet colleagues, go on holidays together not with friends, in her country people with debts don't go on holidays, they work to pay the debt, she loved you very much trust me if at 41 she married a man with no house, no big bank account and she is not interested in spending your money on expensive holidays, jewlery and a private bank account in her country...eye cream are you serious, really? Really? What is next she asked you money for a pair of pantyhose as well? WOW you better divorce her then for sure...You should be happy you got such a responsible woman, she respects you, she does not cheat on you, she takes care of you, you are 50 and still a party boy you were not ready to settle down...question, do you spend money on your car? Do you spend money on your drinks in the club? 100 each time? She gives 50 on an eye cream that lasts for 6 months....you are the problem here, not her, if you really love her this can easily be solved...good luck

    why are you bashing him and defending his wife like you know them?? lol anyway good luck OP from what i am reading the marriage didnt work out..but that doesnt mean it was sham. So i think u should divorce and move on..but u made a mistake because you are responsible for her for the next 10 years and there is nothing u can do about that. The best thing is to get on good terms and divorce her so that she doesnt try to screw you over. Good luck.

  3. Ok had the interview APPROVED in Atlanta on the spot the overstay never came up and i am a 4 years visa waiver overstay! he asked us how we met and that was it...we were pretty much approved when we walked in...he never asked us anything else..we had 10+ pics and he asked you only have close up pics and we said that was all we had and we had just printed them from our phones he said thats ok..you don't really need them anyway! He looked through them and say im gonna approve your application!..he only took my i 94

    He said you will receive your GC in about 2 weeks more or less. And he said congratulations! :)

    we had:

    joint lease

    joint health and life insurance

    joint bank account.

    a police report from an accident we were in (yeah when my husband wrecked my brand new car!! lol)...he kept all our proofs but no pics from us

    that was it!! Very painless and we were in and out in 10 mins! :)

    Thank God for this it's because of him.

  4. I used to get depressed a lot...until i realized that no one can make me happy except myself.. you need to take better care of yourself if your husband loves you then good for you...but you should be able to be happy with or without him...nuff said.

    I know i may sound inconsiderate but it's the truth...you cannot depend on anybody especially for your own happiness...try going out more, maybe going to the gym u will meet more people...look for people from your country or similar culture..america has a lot of opportunities and he's not the only good man in this place either..

    I used to feel that way too that my man only wants me for sex but i realize how much of a social person he is compared to me and i thought to myself mannn this man would be sad without me but he will get through it...because he doesn't let me affect his happiness..at all...and i decided i would do the same for myself. It's important to not let your relationship take over who you are. You need to find your own happiness no man will make you happy. And if you want to be you will be. It really is that simple. The FDA wants you to buy their stupid depression pills and nothing will work. Find peace within yourself.

  5. inter view went gr8 i got home and got this email


    Your Case Status: Decision

    On January 13, 2012, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later. If you move before receiving your card, please call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

    i am haaaaaaaaaaaaaappppppppppppppppppppppppppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    can you put a review?? im in atlanta and mines is in 1 week i am stressed lol

  6. I start work tomorrow! I'm so excited. Finally I get to communicate with someone other than the dog during the day!

    For real!!! It's like i talk to mines like he is a human being...i was supposed to start working last week but my wonderful husband totalled my brand new car...about an hr after we bought it! Lol

    I hope i get my green card because i think that is a terrible way to start the new year! lol

    Happy new year

  7. Been through the whole 6 pages and still not understanding why a Belgian girl would come prostitute in the US...let alone in TN...i mean it's not like a eastern european country they're pretty good in Belgium..

    Anyway i wish you the best of luck im sure something good is going to happen like you said it seemed she gave you a chance by not denying you at the interview..

    God bless

  8. Got an email today. My EAD is in production.

    I wish it was my GC but hey ho. :) Beggers can't be choosers eh? :D

    How long after production notice do we usually receive them? I have a job lined up and ready to go.

    What's the next step after I get the EAD - do I have to go to the SS office?

    Yes..after the EAD, you can apply for a social and then you will get it in the same week if you as lucky as i was :)

    Then you can work...

    My next step is getting my DL tomorrow (pray for me!) and buying my car for xmas..THEN ill get a job..i live in the suburbs there is no way i can get to work without a car.

    Good luck.

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