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eric and marisa

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Posts posted by eric and marisa

  1. I could say easy fiance visa is reliable,They are the one who process our papers,they are not lawyers its an agency,Im almost a year now here in the U.S,but remmember lawyer or agency,they just do paper work,they cant help anything to speed the process,some people who have time to do paper work,they did it in thier own,Me and my husband when im here in the U.S to file our AOS we just did by our self and I have my Greencard now

  2. I don't see any concrete reason for them to hassle you.

    I can see them having questions if you were out of the country for 6 months or more.

    If they are feeling curious they may even ask why you were out for 4 months

    I don't know.. It all depends on the officer, the POE, time of day, stars in the sky..

    But legally you have every right to do what you are planning and reenter.

    I would say just keep the trip under 6 months. Safe travels !

    Thank you for all the responce,I have some personal reason why i plan to stay there for that 4 and half months Yu

  3. Your reason of giving up your wife is just because of small culture difference,did u ever think before the process and before you marry her,that shes a filipina and obcoarse both of you have culture difference,You said you love her you have both have good times together,Are u sure you love her when u dont try hard for this marriege,Why u marry her if your not aware of her culture and dont able to understand of culture difference, sure both of us who marry a foreign partners dealing of culture difference,But its just a matter of more understanding if you really love the person ,and its always both have big adjustment specially that she just arrive here in the U.S its along adjustment specially for her to adjust everything,Im sure she needs time and understanding from you to deal her new life here,I believe if theres true love in your marriege both of you try to make it work

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