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Posts posted by cbutte3

  1. I am in need of some help what original papers do i need to send to my fiancee for her interview. Also I am using a cosponsor in my papers and am not sure does the cosponsor fill out the I-134 also or do they need to fill out the I-864. Also my cosponsor needs proof of citizenship and a birth certificate was requested do i need to send an original or will a photocopy work. the embassy is in el salvador

  2. My Fiancee went to her first interview on April 13, 2012 and was informed that one of the papers that i had emailed needed to be the original and that she would need to reschedule her appointment. She received her medical exam on the April 3, 2012. Will she need to receive another Medical exam before her next interview on the May 14, 2012 or should the embassy still accept the Medical Exam that was performed for her first interview.

  3. my fiancee will be having her interview on the 13 of April, we are gathering all of the information needed, My question is do the documents associated with the I 134 and so do they need to be the original copy or can i send them through fax or email to her. And if i do need to send originals which other papers need to be originals for the interview.

  4. i was wondering if anyone can help me on how they received their interview date. I just recently received packet fro via email which was more or less just a link to a website but below the email there is a place that says date and time which below it has a specific date which says on it interview date. I was just wondering because in the packet it says that we will need to call and schedule an appointment. has anyone else received their interview date within an email without needing to call and schedule an interview.

  5. Me and my fiancee have just received packet 3 in the mail the embassy has asked that we send an I 134 affidavit as one of the papers that they want us to send to them ASAP. They only want the form as of now and then for the interview she will need to bring the support evidence for these papers. If I am using a co sponsor where on the I 134 form am i able to put who is the co sponsor, or do they not care and i should just send the two copies.

  6. For packet 3 i need to fill out the two different ds156 forms do I need to use the link provided on the website and submit electronically because when I tried to use the link provided after filling everything out online it wont let me press continue without saying there is an error with the connection

  7. About a week go our NOA2 was approved and is now on its way to the NVC I have found that the next step will be to fill out the forms that are included in the packet 3 which should include the DS 156, DS156k, and the DS230. I found a link where you can fill these forms out on line, is that the best and fastest way to fill these forms out. and if so then would i just print the forms off and my fiance would send these forms back to the embassy. There is also a barcode that is shown within the example forms (right above where it says to place a picture) that I am not able to see on the forms online will the barcode show up when I complete the forms and push continue or is this barcode not necessary.

    Also at this stage I will need to provide the I 134 affidavit and it says that the I134 form should be filed by me the U.S petitioner. how would i file those papers I have copies of tax transcripts for both me and my cosponsor, would i just send a copy of those papers to my fiance who will in turn take the two I 134 forms to the interview with her or do i need to send them by mail to the embassy. And is tax transcripts enough for the I 134 affidavit or will i need more financial information and if so what.

  8. I understand the process and all of that i was wondering if when she goes for her interviews if they will issue the passport which would be from her country or if that is something that needs to happen before that time. i understand she will need a passport but didn't know if that was something they did while in the interview process or something she needs to do before she gets to the interview stage.

  9. you know she will need a passport to travel to the US right lol

    Yes i know that she will need a passport to travel to the unites states but was wondering if that is something that they will issue along with the visa to enter the united states or if it is a better idea for her to go and get a passport on her own before we receive these papers

  10. I have been looking up what papers me and my fiancee will have to do once we get our NOA2 approved and i found that the next step is the DS-156 and DS-156k forms. Within these forms the first box asks for a passport number. If my fiancee doesn't have a passport as of now does she need to get one before we can fill out these papers or what do we need to put in those boxes

  11. I sent my packet to the uscis lock box on the 30 of august and the tracking says that it was delivered on the 2 of September and I haven't received an email telling me that they have received my packet should i be worried or just wait a little bit longer. Also is there a phone number or someone I can call to find out about my packet

  12. While filling out the papers for the I-129F package i noticed on the example forms in the cover letter and a few other documents it tells me to put the address of my service center. i live in Utah and so i believe my service center is in Nebraska. Should i put the address to Nebraska service center on the papers that ask for that or the address to the lockbox in Texas where i believe i need to send the package. Also when i finish the package the instructions say to send the package to the Texas lockbox address is that where i send the package even if my service center is in Nebraska.

  13. hi me and my fiance are just begining the process for her to be able to come to the united states i have been reading the forms and am starting the I-129F Package i have found all of the information to help but i have no clue how much it costs. on the instructions posted it just says to send a check but for how much i am not sure if i on the uscis website it says that it cost 340 dollars in fees I-129F package process i am just wondering if there are any more fees that i need to send in this or if it is just the 340 dollars. i had a friend that went through this process and he said his was like 500 so i want to make sure.

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