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Posts posted by Vegas-Dreamer

  1. hey!!!

    thanks for your answers guys!!!

    well, i called the USCIS this mornin' but unfortunately the ladys could not really help me further....i called 3 times and like i expected got different answers each and every time... :thumbs: only the last lady seemed very knowledgeble and transferred me to some kind of supervisor....and since even she can't look into the indivudual cases she could not do anything other than telling me what i already knew from the RFE letter....and giving me some standard answers on how and where to get help from a lawyer and so on...

    so we probably won't find out what exactly the reason for the RFE was. anyway, we gotta reply to the RFE now.

    since we DO have enough assets to make up the difference to the poverty limit ( and we really want to avoid getting a co-sponsor into the boat, especially cause it's really not necessary because of our assets ) we think the best way to solve the problem is if i just transfer the money from germany to my account here and submit the new bank statements....that should do it then, or what do you think?

    i read somewhere earlier in the process that there are people who had problems when a huge deposit was made shortly prior to the petition ( i guess USCIS suspected a temporary 'loan' or somethin' the like )...but this should not be a problem in our case since the money comes from my own account, and not from someone else...

    if you have any other ideas or aspects we should possibly consider we'd be very very thankful for that!!!

    thanks a lot!!!.... :)

  2. Hey everybody and happy holidays!!!

    well, let me just go ahead and tell you about the situation:

    my wife sponsored me for the AOS from my tourist visa to permanent residency. unfortunately, she makes a little under the poverty line this year. so we included a document stating our assets and also bank statements from our joint account here ( about $3ooo ) in the US and also from my account in germany (about 20.000euro). so these assets should be well enough to make up the difference...at least we thought they would... i set up a document stating the most recent balance on the german account, the exchange rate to US-$ on that day and the according $ amount. i also included all bank statements over the last 1.5 years from this account.

    i did some research before we mailed everything in and i read that some offices apparently don't accept foreign bank accounts as assets. but since we didn't want to look for a co-sponsor, we wanted to give it a shot that way...

    well, we received a RF Initial E today....stating that the net value of the assets does not make up the difference between the sponsor's income and the povery line.....

    so we thought that they obviously did not accept the money on the german account as assets....what we already knew could happen....so we'd be fine with that and go forward to figure out how to solve that problem....

    the only thing that makes me think is this:

    there are some general instructions on the RFE letter about what to submit and how to do so....and the person who handled our case underlined with a red pen, that "all submitted documents need to be translated into enbglish and that both the original and the translation need to be submitted"...

    ...so here is my thought: i only submitted the bank statements in german language and the document i mentioned earlier about the exchange rate....so as a matter of fact i did not submit these bank statments translated into english ( i did not think that this would be necessary )...so is it possible, that this caused the RFE?.....and the person who handled our case wanted to give us a hint?....i could imagine that the USCIS has some prepared documents for all kinds of cases and maybe not for our specific case....so this person sent out the standard document about 'not meeting the requirements' and underlined these parts to give us a hint...what do u think? is that imaginable? or am i day-dreamin' a little?...;)...if so: please wake me up!!!...:0

    and what would you do in our situation? i was gonna call there tomorrow and try to get some information, but i can imagine that it'll be tough to get a satisfying answer....

    ...it would also be interesting to know if our response to the RFE will be handled by the same person who did the initial review, or by someone else...cause if it's the same person, maybe i could get a hold of this person and talk about the situation...

    ok...that's all i can think of right now.....

    thanks a lot in advance for your time and answers!!! we really appreciate all of your input!!!

  3. hey!!!!

    thanks again for all ur answers!!!!

    yeah sure we have friends who would attend the wedding....and as of now that's what we're gonna do...

    i talked to my parents again this mornin' via skype and we worked out new plans....so we're gonna have a small wedding-celebration with our friends here in vegas ( probably around 20 guests ) and then if everything goes well we'll have a big celebration on my mom's birthday on may 5th....my mom is on fire already and wants to start planning out the whole celebration...i'm sure she already knows what kind of flowers are supposed to be on the table-decoration:DD....maybe i could even include a sample of the celebration-invitation and restaurant-confirmation to the petition...

    my wife-to-be and thes guy here in front of the laptop feel much better already and we want to thank u all for ur comments!!! THANK YOU!!!...:)

  4. damn...that's not the answer i was hoping for....:(

    ..if everything goes well and we pass the interview of course we'd fly home and have the big celebration then...but going to the interview considering the fact that we won't have a big wedding-celebration here prior to the interview ( i already mentioned her messed-up family situation, and i can't just fly in all my relatives although i'd love that of course ) makes me feel pretty uncomfortable right now....so if anybody has made a good expierince or a good advice how to solve that problem your input would be highly appreciated!! we'll have enought paperwork to proof that we are actually happily married..i'm not worried about that...but i totally understand that a not excisting wedding celebration rises at least some suspicion on their side....hmmmm...a lot to think about tonight....

    anyway....thanks again for taking the time to read my post and the effort to help us here...:)

  5. hey guys!!!

    thanks so much for ur answers so far!!! that is pretty much what i expected....our history and the not tooooo long relationship might not make the best impression.....we do have lots of paperwork which we can send in with the petition though....and we started taking pics like paparazzis in the meantime...:)

    i just talked to my daddy back home this mornin' and we came up with another idea....we thought it'd be great to have a big wedding celebration and going through the whole church process in germany with all my familiy and friends....( my wife's family relations here are not in best condition unfortunately, so probably none of them would be joining us at our reception...pretty sad )

    but of course as always...there's a hook...:)

    i did some reasearch about the 'advance parole and overstay' issue.....but i'm not sure what the border protection would decide in my case.....here's our timeline:

    we want to get married on august 25th and mail out the petions shortly after....if we say we receive the NOA two weeks later, that would be the around september 12....my I-94 expired on march 29 2011...so my overstay-day #180 would be september 25th....so in case we receive the NOA prior to that september 25th and i have not overstayed more than 180 days, could i travel with the advance parole without fear?? In other words: is the border control strictly bound to this 180 days-rule??? or could they decide either way???

    i hope u'll have some good news for me...:)...i really tried to find an answer on my own research, but i could't find a truely satisfying post....

    ...this would be soo phantastic if we had the chance to realize that back home in germany...especially since my grandma got very sick and we all would be soo happy if she could be part of her oldest grandson's-wedding...:)

    Thanks a lot for ur time and effort!!!!

  6. Hey everybody!!!

    i just signed up here and i already introduced myself in the appropriate part of the forum.....i hope and i'm very confident to get some very heplful advice for us so that we won't have any problems on our journey to my greencard...:)

    i came to the US in 2010 on a b2 visa and applied for an extension which was approved....but the longer i was here, the more i started to love it...so i decided to overstay my i-94....it expired at the end of march 2011.....i met a girl at work in dezember 2010 but we were just friends until a few weeks ago somethin' magical happened, sparks were flying and we fell in love....she already moved in with me and we decided to get married....:) i already did some research and i have some experience with the application-forms from my b2-application...so the paperwork won't be a big problem for us i think....

    the only thing that worries me a little is this: will our case look suspicious to a certain degree, since there won't be much time from the day we started our relationship and the day we'll get married ( we plan to get married in 3 weeks....so there would only be about 6 weeks total in between )....or is this something we shouldn't be too worried about??

    i'll do my best to combine our insurances and for sure our bank-accounts so that i can sent them in together with the application....we'd have our wedding reception in about 3 months, since my parents would like to come over and be with us at the wedding ( so we won't have any pics of a wedding which we can submit with the application. but for sure we'll have them ready once we get to the interview..so i gues that shouldn't be a problem either...)

    anyway...so i hope u guys have some advice for us and can provide so peace of mind...( especially for my girlfriend...;)

    thanks so much in advance and have a great day!!!

    greetings from sunny vegas..:)

  7. Hey there!!!

    well. a freind of mine told me about this forum a few days ago...and i'm very happy that she did...:) it seems as if most members here are very nice and helpful....of course there are some black sheeps in the herd, but that's pretty normal i guess....( i'm a member in 2 car-forums and it's the same there ) anyway, i wanna thank everybody in advance for their help and advice and i'd be more than happy to help any of u guys if i can.....:)

    ok....here's my story....i came to the US from germany in 2010 on a b2 visa with no intention to stay longer than allowed....at first....but since i really liked being here i applied for an extension for another 6 months which was approved...and the longer i was here, the more i enjoyed it so i decided not to go home after my i-94 had expired.....that was about 5 months ago...

    i've met a girl in december last year at work but we were just friends until a few weeks ago when we really started to hit it off...:) so we decided to get married soon and apply for a greencard....i already did lots of resaerch and i already have some expirience with application-forms from my b2-application....so i think the paperwork won't be a big problem for us....i just wanted to ask if u guys have any advice about things we should pay good attention to or any other helpful advice ( especially about the timing-issue, since there won't be much time from when she moved in with me and our wedding )but hopefully u can share ur expiriences with us and calm us down a little ( especially my girlfriend..:)

    but i'm gonna post my question in "Adjustment of Status from Work, Student, & Tourist Visas" and hope to hear from u guys soon!!!!

    thanks so much!!!!

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