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Posts posted by InLoveHusband88

  1. Thank you! I had forgotten how supportive everyone here is.


    7 minutes ago, mcdull said:

    And assuming your wife is a US citizen, and if she were to lodge petition to bring her sister here, that application itself will take over a decade. 

    Whoa! For real?! I had no idea!


    3 minutes ago, p-ana said:

    Don't get yourself in a bad situation. If need be, have your wife explain your financial situation and how it won't be feasible to bring them. You can only do so much. It's understandable feeling bad and guilty maybe, but when you can't, there's no point in suffering.

    as bad as the situation is right now, Brazil still offers a lot. The mother should be getting a pension, her medical expenses are mostly taken care of, etc. I really miss how I'd get a 30 day long paid vacation every year, how much cheaper and scary fees free my health insurance was there, etc

    Yeah, things are getting pretty bad there but you're right, there are things in place that make certain aspects of life easier over there.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I am basically a very occasional poster on here, I lost my login info from 10 years ago when I was very active and my wife and I (then fiance) were going through the process. I am happy to say that we have been together for almos 10 years and all is well.

    I am here because to be honest I am at a loss and don't know where to turn to for information or what information to get first.

    My wife is being pressured from her family for them to come to the U.S. Things aren't great in their country and my wife feels a sense of obligation, which I completely understand. The issue for both of us is that it is just not financially feasible for us to do so. We don't make much, we make enough to get by but by no means are we financially well off. 

    Her mother has high blood pressure & diabetes and her sister has a bunch of health related issues. All well taken care of in Brazil which has both public and private healthcare so they do not spend much at all on healthcare costs. All of this complicates things in the states because, honestly how do we pay for their medical expenses? Her mother is no longer working, her sister could work but what would she do until she finds work to get insurance, and even that's a big if. 

    The only way other than medicaid would be insurance through the ACA but I believe that would still be expensive. And I don't even believe Medicaid would be an option would it? Don't we have to sign some sort of affidavit that we will support then and they won't become a burden to the government? I'm sorry I just don't know how all this works. 

    My wife understands that there's not much we can do but she still feels bad, I'm hoping if I can show her that there really is nothing we can do that she would feel at least a little less responsible. If there is something we can do that'd be great because we obviously want to help I would just love to know what our options are and if we really don't have any at the moment then I want to be able to show her that we at least have done all we could.

    Sorry for the long post and thank you very much for your time.

  3. This forum was such great help when we were going through the process years ago and I can't help but ask for ANY advice whatsoever. I know there is nothing anyone can do. My wife has been here in the US for 5 years now and her father has come to visit, her sister has come to visit, but her mother never has. We bought a home last year, our lives are looking good here and we want her mother to see that. But her parents are divorced, she does not make much money, rents the home she is in, and is retired. All of this looks very bad when applying for a tourist visa but I was wondering if there is anything, anything at all that could help her come visit us. She was denied once already, very coldly I might add, and my wife is devastated. We just don't know how to prove that she will return. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, any at all, thank you.

  4. Thanks for replying, I don't know what to do, neither of us like the city we live in but my job is here and until I can get a better job somewhere else we're stuck here. She's over there in Rio now, she's staying for 2 months, I keep waiting for her to get sick of it and just want to come back as everyone I know keeps telling me she will but so far it hasn't happened but then again she's only been there a little over a week. She seems really happy there but I'm just afraid she'll get sad again when she returns... I've been racking my brain trying to think up cool and interesting things to do but we live far from everything so it doesn't really have that "spontaneous" feeling you know... This is so tough because I just want her to be happy.

  5. Oi, eu achei esse forum e tomara que tem alguem aqui que possa me ajudar, minha esposa veio morar comigo aqui nos EUA, eu nasci aqui e cresci aqui e ja passamos pelo processo todo e ela ja ta aqui a 3 anos. No comeco era tudo novidade e ela adorava, mas agora nao, ela ta vendo um monte de coisa que irrita ela aqui e ela ta se perguntando se valeu a pena. Eu tava querendo umas coisas para pder falar para ela pra mostrar pra ela como aqui eh bom mas como eu nasci aqui eu nao sei muito como eh a vida no Brasil entao eu fico meio sem saber as diferenceas e como mostrar pra ela. Entao eu tava querendo uma ajuda porfavor. Ela reclama que a saude aqui eh um absurdo, que ela pagava muito barato la no brasil e o plano cobria tudo, nao tinha nada de copay. Farmacia irrita ela pelo mesmo motivo, basicamente tudo sobre o sistema de saude. Mas eu gostaria de saber como eu posso ajudar ela e mostrar pra ela que aqui eh bom. Como eh o sistema de saude no brasil comparando com aqui? Eu nao tenho muito ideia, so sei que tem sistema publico, entao eu imagino q o income tax deve ser bem alto neh? Nao sei, porfavor me ajuda a ajudar ela ser feliz aqui. Qualquer coisa, nao so saude, que vem em mente de como aqui eh bom e melhor que o Brasil porfavor me fala pra eu pder falar pra ela.

    Hi, I found this forum and hopefully someone can help me. My wife came to live here in the USA with me. I was born and raised here and we have already gone through the immigration process. She's been here 3 years and in the beginning everything was new and exciting and she loved it but now she's wondering if it was all worth it. I was hoping to find things to tell her to make her feel like it was worhth it and how it's good here. But since I was born and raised here I don't know much about life over there and can't really compare and contrast very well. She says health here is too expensive, there she didn't payed much for health insurance and all her doctors were free with the insurance, no copays. Basically this whole insurance system annoys the hell out of her, and it makes her question other things here in the US if it's really as amazing as the rest of the world thinks it is. I was just looking for ways to reassure her, and from the Brazilians that came and live here what do you think? How is the health system over there compared to here and how is life here compared to there? Hopefully someone can help me, us.

    Thank you and sorry for not posting in english first.

  6. Oi, eu achei esse forum e tomara que tem alguem aqui que possa me ajudar, minha esposa veio morar comigo aqui nos EUA, eu nasci aqui e cresci aqui e ja passamos pelo processo todo e ela ja ta aqui a 3 anos. No comeco era tudo novidade e ela adorava, mas agora nao, ela ta vendo um monte de coisa que irrita ela aqui e ela ta se perguntando se valeu a pena. Eu tava querendo umas coisas para pder falar para ela pra mostrar pra ela como aqui eh bom mas como eu nasci aqui eu nao sei muito como eh a vida no Brasil entao eu fico meio sem saber as diferenceas e como mostrar pra ela. Entao eu tava querendo uma ajuda porfavor. Ela reclama que a saude aqui eh um absurdo, que ela pagava muito barato la no brasil e o plano cobria tudo, nao tinha nada de copay. Farmacia irrita ela pelo mesmo motivo, basicamente tudo sobre o sistema de saude. Mas eu gostaria de saber como eu posso ajudar ela e mostrar pra ela que aqui eh bom. Como eh o sistema de saude no brasil comparando com aqui? Eu nao tenho muito ideia, so sei que tem sistema publico, entao eu imagino q o income tax deve ser bem alto neh? Nao sei, porfavor me ajuda a ajudar ela ser feliz aqui. Qualquer coisa, nao so saude, que vem em mente de como aqui eh bom e melhor que o Brasil porfavor me fala pra eu pder falar pra ela.

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