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Posts posted by ibbidude1

  1. Please consider this one


    I need help. Can someone please help me out with few things.

    For petioner (USC) G325

    Applicant's last address outside the US for more than 1 year

    what should i write if my family is living in pakistan from last 25 years in same house and has never changed. should i write my Pakistan address there? if yes then should i mention 1 year if yes then from when to when ? or should i enter whole 25 years?

    For Foreign Fiance

    Applicant's last address outside the US for more than 1 year

    Should he write his last address which is more than 2 years if yes then from when to when. if he is living in same house from 1st SEP 2010 till present then what he should write in it. 1st Sep 2010 to 1st Sep 2011 or 1st SEP to 1st Jan 2012 ?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Please consider this one


    I need help. Can someone please help me out with few things.

    For petioner (USC) G325

    Applicant's last address outside the US for more than 1 year

    what should i write if my family is living in pakistan from last 25 years in same house and has never changed. should i write my Pakistan address there? if yes then should i mention 1 year if yes then from when to when ? or should i enter whole 25 years?

    For Foreign Fiance

    Applicant's last address outside the US for more than 1 year

    Should he write his last address which is more than 2 years if yes then from when to when. if he is living in same house from 1st SEP 2010 till present then what he should write in it. 1st Sep 2010 to 1st Sep 2011 or 1st SEP to 1st Jan 2012 ?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi,

    I need help. Can someone please help me out with few things.

    For petioner (USC) G325

    Applicant's last address outside the US for more than 1 year

    what should i write if my family is living in pakistan from last 25 years in same house and has never changed. should i write my Pakistan address there? if yes then should i mention 1 year if yes then from when to when ? or should i enter whole 25 years?

    For Alien Finace

    Applicant's last address outside the US for more than 1 year

    Should he write his last address which is more than 2 years if yes then from when to when. if he is living in same house from 1st SEP 2010 till present then what he should write in it. 1st Sep 2010 to 1st Sep 2011 or 1st SEP to 1st Jan 2012 ?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi,

    I was filling up the 129f last nighti got confused where is my NUMBER OF NEUTRALIZATION CERTIFICATE i got 2 on my certificate like

    No 111111111111


    which 1 should i write in application. Please help

    My second question is what documents do i need with 129f application to be filed. Pease advice

    Thanks in advance

  5. hi im from pakistan. My fiance is doing business from last year but last year her revenue was $130,000 but her profit was zero (loss)she is not doing job she is 23 now. She is going to petition for k1 visa will she be accepted as far as income is concerned or she will need a co-sponsor ?

    My second question is we engaged on 1st may 2011 as per our culture we didnt meet on engagement ceremony but yes later on we met each other with her and my mom.

    we took pictures at that time. Will that be accepted as a engagement proof as our family pictures are taken on engagement ceremony.

    In fact my fiance regsitered a business with her name but we are giving services for her business from pakistan to her clients. Will that be supporting for us because someone told me that she might get problem in visa approval as they might be in doubt that this is business relation not fiance.

    Please give me appropriate answer. Thanks

    Please help.

    hi im from pakistan. My fiance is doing business from last year but last year her revenue was $130,000 but her profit was zero (loss)she is not doing job she is 23 now. She is going to petition for k1 visa will she be accepted as far as income is concerned or she will need a co-sponsor ?

    My second question is we engaged on 1st may 2011 as per our culture we didnt meet on engagement ceremony but yes later on we met each other with her and my mom.

    we took pictures at that time. Will that be accepted as a engagement proof as our family pictures are taken on engagement ceremony.

    In fact my fiance regsitered a business with her name but we are giving services for her business from pakistan to her clients. Will that be supporting for us because someone told me that she might get problem in visa approval as they might be in doubt that this is business relation not fiance.

    Please give me appropriate answer. Thanks

    Please help.

  6. Hello Everyone,

    Someone told me about this forum helpful for all the individuals who are giong to file petition for spouse to bring him/her to US. Im very happy after joining this greatful forum.

    My fiance is US citizen she is about to start filing petition in TX. She is not doing any job as she is of 22 now but yes she is doing business from last year but her income was not as much as required by the Authorities to file a petition. Co-sponsor is the option but i heard that with case with co-sponsor gets weak is this right ?

    My second question is that my fiance visited pakistan couple of months ago. we got engaged but we didnt get pictures together on enagagement ceremony as this is not in our culture. but we have the video and pics of the ceremony with the families. Afterwards, she and me got pictures with our families in room together. My question is when this proof of photos are needed ?

    Any suggestion and recommendations as we are going to start this process .



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