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Adrian's Wife

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Posts posted by Adrian's Wife

  1. can i get some "hang in theres" plllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee??! trying real hard to keep my smile but its wavering.and somehow i know it will come soon and love and trust in God so much but being patient is a ######! :(

    ooops a said # sign word sorry guys :(...

    Hang in there. Each day that pass is one day closer!! We are in this thing together..

  2. Plenty of people have married before and divorced - One of the questions on your petition will ask if you have previously petitioned someone. Check yes, and then write see attached. Write an explanation of what happened previously - One of the main concerns with people filing multiple petitions is that they are fraudulently marrying just to get people GC - that did not happen in your case, your ex did not get a GC - marriages end all the time for various reasons - There are others who have petitioned successfully for more than one person -

    Just be prepared for the questions that might arise.

    Thank You very Much. We are just praying and depending on God for everything. No more worries. What must be will be

  3. Dear, please do not allow others to words to move your emotions. Most of them have their own problems and are suffering themselves. Just turn the other cheek and take the words from those that help. Don't even use energy to respond to that foolishness! Do what you can, for what you want, for faith without works, is dead! Gather what you can, and start your journey. You know there will be hoops and hurdles. I pray someone that has been down this road will surface and share. You are not the first and will not be the last! People in the states marry, separate, date, divorce, and remarry all the time. All of a sudden because your relationships include foreigners.....you're the crazy one! HAAA! All of us on here have a foreigner! And we all hope that this will be the only one! But the truth is....Life is real! So no matter how bad it looks, do what it takes to enjoy yours! GOOD LUCK!!

    Thank You for your kind words. I appreciate the way you put it and you are absolutely right in all you said. Respect and blessings to you

  4. Ok so you don't have too many other red flags. Be over prepared on all the red flag counts and make sure the new husband knows every detail of the old relationship because it WILL come up at the interview.

    I dont have ANY other red flags. Im sure they are gonna question him on that rel;ationship, but the truth will prevail. Its nothing to hide or lie about so I am letting God Stand up mighty on that. And Yes he knows everything

  5. Besides the fact you have a failed Nigerian petition and remained married while in a relationship with another and you filed immediately after divorcing what other red flags do you have to deal with ? Are you older, a different race , a different religion ?

    I filed a year 1/2 after my divorce was final. Adrian is 6 years older than me. Evrything else is the same. Same Religion and Im black American and He the Jamaican. I was also legally separated over a year before I could even file for divorce per my state laws. When So maybe im giving ppl the wrong idea like I jsut filed for 1 dumped him and now filing for another. It was nothing like that.This is just how life came to me. Our relationship just didnt work out after that. All the arguing,stress and worrying just made things difficult And if anybody ever been to Nigeria, it is atleast 2000 ticket + hotel and food. I just couldnt do it. Anyway thanx to everyone that has offered any kind of advice or offered a kind word. Its not easy being in my shoes.

  6. It is very likely that there will be some scrutiny in your case. But as you know, nothing is impossible to overcome. You need to do extra effort to convince the USCIS and other visa agencies that both marriages were entered with good faith. You need to focus on gathering a lot of evidences such as ticket receipts, passport visit stamps, pictures (A LOT) with families and his kids, communication logs - anything you can lay your hands on. Expect a lot of question about the first marriage. Remember, it is still your right to petition the government to be with your husband but you have to do some effort to clear the hurdles. Change the previous experience into an asset and do a lot more than you did last time. Read and read this website and educate yourself and your husband of potential questions, red flags and other unfavorable things that may be related to your case.

    I wish you a smooth journey and happy life...

    Thank You so Much for all the kind words and advice. i am taking it all in and making the best of my situation. I will continue to research and do my part to make this transition as smooth as possible. Again Many thanks and many blessings

  7. You're basically confirming that the USCIS made the right choice in denying your first petition...my guess is that at this point they will be extremely suspicious.

    Maybe them denying the 1st one worked out for my good... who knows. I was in it for the right reasons if he wasnt then To God Be the Glory for the USCIS making the right decision. For this very reason is why I didnt want to do the immigration thing again. Nonetheless I did so I guess we will see how it goes

  8. So I met and married a Nigerian guy in 2006, filed for him in 2007, in 2008 the petition was returned to USCIS because they questioned the bonfides of the relationship, short courtship (10 Months), limited visits(2), and not enough pictures of different visits. After that, we stayed in contact for about 3 more months after that. At the end of 2008 I went to Jamaica on Vacay and met Adrian. The whole 2 weeks I was there we chated everyday but he was the perfect gentlemen. On the last day of being in JA he asked for my number. I gave it to him. He called about 3 weeks later, we stayed in contact for the next 4 months. I went back to JA and we became the bestest friends ever. I was falling for this guy and didnt want to. For the next 2 years I have traveled to see him, met his family, his children, and shared in his life. Mind you I am still married to the Nigerian guy. In 2010 he asked me to marry him in front of everybody on my birthday. I accepted. At this point I was no longer in contact with Nigeria so I had no idea where he was. I emailed him asked for an address I could send him a gift(divorce) and he gladly gave me an address. 30 days later I was divorced. In May I had a big wedding in Jamaica with family and friends present. I am afraid that immigration will give me problems because I have filed for someone before. Is there any advice, tips, suggestions,comments, or concerns that I should be aare of. Have anyone oe know anyone that has had this kind of experience, if so tell me how it was. Please I am looking forward to hearing from you all. Blessings be with you all.


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