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Adrian's Wife

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Status Replies posted by Adrian's Wife

  1. ok so i've been religiosly watching my vj timeline noa2 date estimate,over time the earliest date (cos i usually ignore the latest date for reasons pertaining to my sanity,lol) has moved from early october to steady september dates then in recent times to steady late august dates.all week it was august 22 which is next week monday now this morning its saying AUGUST 18th!! that's today! made my moning correct or not :))

    1. Adrian's Wife

      Adrian's Wife

      It soon come. Im working on my patience as well. All thigs work together for those who love the Lord.

  2. I need some help to ease my mind.....

    1. Adrian's Wife

      Adrian's Wife

      Yes Jamaica is correct. I guess that Armenia thing was an accident. I changed it though. Thanx for telling me that. And thnx for your input. It makes my heart feel so much better

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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