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Status Replies posted by eromano6981

  1. buesnooooo al nino no le gusto el frio de nueva yol!!! lol i told him to wait until we get snow....thats when the cold really kicks in. his 1st thanksgiving was great. he really liked it and i loved the fact that this time i was able to enjoy with him. hope everyone had a great time with their loved ones

    1. eromano6981


      Ay munequita...i remember the day the man was approved. Lol..omg you were so happy!!! Im glad he making u feel the way u deserve mija. May God bless you much for being so noble and nice to me in my difficult time.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. mi carmenciiiita! man how much i enjoyed talking through here! but thank god for whatsapp too lol ;)

    1. eromano6981


      Me van a tener ke tirar....yo tengo whatsapp tambien!!!!! : )

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hey VJ friends!! It's been a while since I've been on so I'm sorry to my friends who have reached out to me. My husband and I are separated, things didn't work out unfortunately. However we just had a beautiful babygirl on 10/29/2013. So for the sake of our daughters we have decided to remain friends. Hope all is well with you guys!

    1. eromano6981


      Felizidades y ke Dios bendiga siempre esa nueva criatura y a ti tambien

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. I want to thank EVERYONE. . I couldn't have done it without my VA Family. My husband has been in the US since Nov 7th. He surprised me for my birthday. Had our first Thanksgiving together with my family :)

  5. little update....its been almost 3 mnths since hubby has been here. he has all his documents in hand, he is working and passed the written driving test yesterday!!!! it hasnt been peaches n cream since the adjustment from DR to the US has been a bit difficult for my hubby but we hanging in there. Hope everyone is doing ok...God bless u all : )

    1. eromano6981


      Frances.......ya tu sabe....lol tanto esperar para despues ajustarse. But im so happy he is here at the en

      Fernandez....como te va mija? Cuentame lo bueno!!!

      Btw.... .hubby got his license too!!!! : )

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. OMG!!! Gracias Dios Mio!! Sabia ke no te olvidarias de mi.. GREAT NEWS GUYS... my husband received a letter from the embassy on the 17th reuqesting him to redone his medical exams since they had been expired and once he had the results to drop them off with passport at the Embassy so that they can issue the visa.. Well it was all dropped off on Aug 1st, they said it would take 2 to 4 weeks but that it would probably be ready in less time.. I CANNOT wait to have him here in...

    1. eromano6981


      Bendito sea Dios!!!!! I am so happy for u mi chula..im so proud of u as well. Although it was hard u kept the faith and now look at the results!!! My hubby got his passport in about a week so hopefully it will be sooner for u. Now start cleaning up n making space!!!!!! : )

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. Good n terrible news today. the good is hubby got his Permanant Resident card today in the mail. the terrible is...my heart is in dear pain because i lost my only grandmother i had alive. I know it was Gods will but i cant help but feel torn as i know i wont ever see her again. RIP guela :'(

  8. Leave a message...

    1. eromano6981


      Hey.. How is it going??? Any updates???

  9. my dear dear friends, ustedes no saben lo que significa para mi sus oraciones!! GODSGIFT225,DEE AND JAY, NATALIE AND ELIAS, DLY119....u guys have made me cry tears of joy because of all the support and shoulders i have from u guys!!! thank you dearly!! Y VISA APROVADA! we were out of there by 9:40am!! GOD IS GOOD!! LO AMO!!

    1. eromano6981


      Aaaaaayyyyyyyyy mmmmiiiiiiiiiii mmmmmmaaaaaaadddddddrrreeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Omg!!!!!!!!! Felicidades kerida!!!!!!!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. hubby has been here for a week...i still cant beleive he right next to me. He really likes it here and my kids luv him. i finally have my family united....I am so happy. Praise God almighty for this blessing. A bit upset that i had to pay the 165 fee when it wasnt my fault that my case took so dam long to move forward...but at least he is here :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  11. Review is up!!

    1. eromano6981


      Omg.. ..pobre hombre!!!!! En ese consulado ke es un puro infierno de caliente!!! I cud just imagine how uncomfortable it was for him...but thank God...Visa Aprovada!!!! Btw...can u describe the person u got in window 13?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. hubby has been here for a week...i still cant beleive he right next to me. He really likes it here and my kids luv him. i finally have my family united....I am so happy. Praise God almighty for this blessing. A bit upset that i had to pay the 165 fee when it wasnt my fault that my case took so dam long to move forward...but at least he is here :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    1. eromano6981


      Its on the visa stamp in the passport. Look for the title that says registration. It should be 9 numbers. If it has less than 9 numbers (like my hubby did) put the number 0 in front until u get 9 numbers. So if u got 12345678......when you put the alien number for the fee payment u wud put A012345678

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. hubby has been here for a week...i still cant beleive he right next to me. He really likes it here and my kids luv him. i finally have my family united....I am so happy. Praise God almighty for this blessing. A bit upset that i had to pay the 165 fee when it wasnt my fault that my case took so dam long to move forward...but at least he is here :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    1. eromano6981


      Its in the uscis website....look for uscis/elis.

      You must pay this online.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. hubby has been here for a week...i still cant beleive he right next to me. He really likes it here and my kids luv him. i finally have my family united....I am so happy. Praise God almighty for this blessing. A bit upset that i had to pay the 165 fee when it wasnt my fault that my case took so dam long to move forward...but at least he is here :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

    1. eromano6981


      A&E....tirame cuando necesites ayuda...i will gladly help in whatever i can : ) animo y fuerzas pero sobre todo muchisima paciensia mija. El camino es largo y dificil pero se llega con fe en Dios

      Fernandez.....thanks mija!!!!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. it's been awhile..hope all your journeys have been as wonderful as mine..I'm happy to announce that I have a beautiful baby boy and we are now getting ready to fill out the last of the saga which is the removal of condition

    1. eromano6981


      Im finally done with this hot mess!!! Thank God i dont have to deal with immigration again. He is getting the 10 yr perm resident card!!! Woooo-hooo!!!

      Congratz with the new little man !!!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. POE was smooth.....he came out first than when i got to the airport...lol...tremendous traffic going to JFK!!! This was an amazing weekend for me....i cant thank God enuf for so much happiness my heart feels. Omg he really really is here!!!!!!

    1. eromano6981


      Mujer!!!!! Mira tuvimos cita el mismo dia la primera vez y ahora fue ke pude traerme al hombre!!! comoesta la familia? Y tu esposo? Mucho saludo de mi parte y de mi esposo.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. POE was smooth.....he came out first than when i got to the airport...lol...tremendous traffic going to JFK!!! This was an amazing weekend for me....i cant thank God enuf for so much happiness my heart feels. Omg he really really is here!!!!!!

    1. eromano6981


      I will fernandez : )......dejame saber como va lo de la muchacha.

      Dumb/dumber......thank u so much for supporting me thruought my crazy journey. GOD bless you and dont worry....you are coming up next!!! :-)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. visa has been issued!!!! omg!!!!! Praise God almighty!! he is almost coming!!!!!

    1. eromano6981


      Yoly.....fuerte si soy....lol

      Im glad I can inspire.....I wanted to tell my story cuz I know it would probably help others going thru the same. Good luck in ur journey and if u need help and its in my reach ...I will gladly help. :-)

      God bless all u guys!!!! Thanks for supporting me all the way...u guys rock!!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. hey ya! ,,just got back and our visa was approved!!!! They didnt have my husbands clinic results there due to a last minute request if a urine test and they " forgot " to do so we just have to go oick up the results and drop them off! but were allllll goodd!! thank you guys for all your prayers and good lucks! time to celebrate!! review will be up in a few

  20. visa has been issued!!!! omg!!!!! Praise God almighty!! he is almost coming!!!!!

    1. eromano6981


      Thanks girls!!! I just cant beleive last yr i was a total hot mess emotionally and niw i can hild my cumpossure with so much happiness!!!!! I feel like running all over the place and screaming to the world how happy i am!!! Omg im like going nuts!!!! Lol

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  21. i just got back from DR....without hubby but happy to know that he will be coming soon. u guys are amazing...thank u soooo much for ur support n checking in on me. I will be posting my review shortly.....so stay tuned...lol

    1. eromano6981


      Now as far as scheduling. ..they go by ur priority date...so u have priority over anyone that was after you.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. i just got back from DR....without hubby but happy to know that he will be coming soon. u guys are amazing...thank u soooo much for ur support n checking in on me. I will be posting my review shortly.....so stay tuned...lol

    1. eromano6981


      Dumb/dumber.....i called DOS every single day. They were the one that told me when my case left NVC to DR. In DR you are required to be at interview. So yea i had to be there. They asked some questions asked in first interview and new ones. It was not as difficult as first cuz this time we were not treated bad.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. i just got back from DR....without hubby but happy to know that he will be coming soon. u guys are amazing...thank u soooo much for ur support n checking in on me. I will be posting my review shortly.....so stay tuned...lol

    1. eromano6981


      Amor preciosa.....espero en Dios y pido ke lo tuyo este a la vuelta de la esquina. QUE DIOS te siga dando fortaleza para ke este tormento lo puedas llevar mas lijero. Se como se sufre y cuanto stress se envuelve en este proceso y no se lo deseo ni a mi peor enemigo si lo tuviera. Sigue fuerte mi chula porke algun dia sera : )

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. Review is up....sorry it's extra long but I wanted to be as detailed as I could be....Enjoy : )

  25. Visa APROVADA glory to God!!!! We were the last ones there but the final result was amazing!!!! I will post my experience later on.....time for me to celebrate my approval!!!!!!

    1. eromano6981


      Thanks!!!!! We had an angel as the investigator.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

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